How to install Microsoft Office: tips, tricks, recommendations

From time to time, some users think about how to install Microsoft Office on a computer. This package of office applications is useful for both adults and children. Without it, it is problematic to create presentations, abstracts and other documents. Next, we will try to find out what difficulties the user may encounter when initializing the “Office”. What to do to successfully install applications on a computer?

Using a disk

The first method is the easiest. Thinking about how to install Microsoft Office, many come to the conclusion that this office suite is easier to buy. And there is! Under such circumstances, there will be no problems with initialization.

Start of installation "Office"

It is proposed to act like this.

  1. Purchase an Office license. For example, in a computer drive store.
  2. Unzip the disk and insert it into a pre-turned on computer. To do this, open the drive.
  3. Click on the “Install” button in the welcome window. In some versions of the Office, you will first have to click on the Activation line.
  4. Specify a license key for MS Office. It is written either on the box or on the installation disc itself.
  5. Click on "Next".
  6. Select the location to initialize the utilities.
  7. Indicate the applications that you want to install on your computer. To install Microsoft Office Word without the rest of the “office” utilities, you will have to leave a mark only next to the word “Word”.
  8. Click on "Next" and wait for the operation to complete.
  9. To restart a computer.

The last step is optional, but it is not recommended to neglect it. After the installation is complete, it remains to click on "Finish", and then remove the installation disk from the computer. You can use the "Office"!

Office activation and initialization

For macOS

How to install Microsoft Office on macOS? The algorithm of actions in this case will be similar. The difference is that the "Office" version 11 is working fine on the Mac at the moment. Older Microsoft Office builds with MacOS are not compatible.

Moreover, after initializing the mentioned software from all available applications, the user will be able to work with only 4 utilities. Namely:

  • "Word";
  • PowerPoint
  • Excel;
  • Outluk.

It follows that initializing Microsoft Office on MacOS is not a good idea. In any case, the proposed action algorithms are suitable for use on the Mac.

File replacement

How to install Microsoft Office on Windows 10? If we are talking about using licensed software, you can study the previously proposed instructions. But what if there is no desire to pay for the "Office"?

Many users download unlicensed software. It is often used at home. The detailed process of initializing Microsoft Office is described in a separate file, archived with the “Installation Wizard”. Therefore, we consider the possible operations in general terms.

For example, on the network you can find archives with special replacement files. How to install Microsoft Office in this case?

The user must:

  • download the archive with the “Setup Wizard” of MS Office (for example, from a torrent);
  • unzip the downloaded file;
  • run the “Setup Wizard”;
  • click on the “Install” button (preferably disconnect from the Internet at this moment);
  • put a mark next to the item "Trial version";
  • wait for the initialization to complete;
  • copy the file to the PC clipboard for replacement in the "Office" (usually it is unpacked with the "Installation Wizard");
  • insert the cracked license file in the right place (the exact path will be indicated in the assembly description);
  • to restart a computer.

You can turn on the Internet and work normally with the "Office". Such a technique is more and more common in practice.

Selection of MS Office programs

With a "crack"

How to install Microsoft Office? Another way to initialize hacked software is to use keygen or crack.

In such circumstances, the user needs to do so.

  1. Download the hacked version of the "Office" and unzip it.
  2. Install the trial version following the previously suggested instructions. You can just stop at the stage of entering the license code.
  3. Run the crack. It is in the archive with the "Office".
  4. Click on the “Generate” button.
  5. Copy the proposed license code and paste it into the “Installation Wizard”. At this point, it is recommended to disconnect from the Network.
  6. Click on "Next" and complete the initialization in the usual way.

Important: developers put more detailed instructions for installing hacked programs into archives with their assemblies.

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