Anti-cellulite body massager BodyShaper Gezatone AMG120: reviews and description

Massage - a procedure to improve well-being and relax. Also, it will be possible to correct the figure with it. But because of the active rhythm of life, sometimes there’s even no time to visit a professional massage therapist, and many people have chronic fatigue and stress. To perform this procedure, it is not necessary to visit the salon. It is enough to use the BodyShaper Gezatone AMG120 massager. Reviews of it confirm the effectiveness of the device.


The device can be used in several cases. The main purpose is:

  • Elimination of excess volumes.
  • Strengthening muscles and tissues.
  • Improving the condition of the skin.
  • Cellulite treatment.
  • Increased metabolism.
  • Recovery of forces.
  • Removing muscle spasm.

In the kit there is an instruction for BodyShaper Gezatone AMG120, interchangeable nozzles, a handbag for storage. According to users, first you need to familiarize yourself with the operating rules. The price of the BodyShaper Gezatone AMG120 is 3900 rubles. You can purchase the device through the online store.

bodyshaper gezatone amg120 reviews

Having bought this device, massage can be performed at home. Relaxing treatments improve well-being while correcting your figure. You can perform such events regularly if there are no contraindications.


According to reviews, the BodyShaper Gezatone AMG120 provides excellent results when used properly. Effective techniques are included in the device:

  • Deep massage effect with rotating nozzles.
  • Infrared heating.

anti-cellulite body massager

Thanks to massage, microcirculation of blood and lymph in the tissues is restored. This is necessary to improve cellular nutrition, oxygen saturation. As a result, edema disappears, the fat layer, the fight against cellulite has a good result.

The massager acts effectively due to the presence of the infrared heating function, with the help of which the work of blood vessels is restored, blood supply to the tissues improves. The IR heating function enhances the positive effects of the procedures. The skin becomes smooth, beautiful and healthy looking. This device has no analogues, therefore, it is considered the leader in the market of figure correction devices.

According to reviews, BodyShaper Gezatone AMG120 allows you to eliminate cellulite at different stages. When manipulating the device, the fat layer is split, stagnation in the skin and subcutaneous fat is eliminated. The device smoothes the epidermis, eliminates the orange peel.


Anti-cellulite body massager includes 4 nozzles having different massage surfaces, additional tissue nozzles. He also has a lid covering the surface of the nozzles. Each part has its own purpose:

  • A nozzle with massage fingers performs a deep study of the fat fold. With its help, the orange peel is reduced due to the removal of excess fluid. The main purpose of using the device is the elimination of cellulite and body shaping. Procedures are preferably performed using special massage creams or oils.
  • The roller nozzle, which includes 3 elements, is made of hypoallergenic material. This part is created for lifting massage. A tonic effect smoothes the skin, it gains elasticity and firmness.
  • Using a ball nozzle, a general body massage is performed. It is enough to perform the procedure for 10 minutes to restore muscle tone and improve well-being. The nozzle can be used for different parts of the body, problem areas are gently massaged with it.
  • A nozzle having a wave surface is used to treat areas that need a delicate massage, for example, for the neck and inner thighs. The wave nozzle allows you to perform a relaxing massage. The device relieves pain and muscle spasm.
  • A tissue nozzle is worn over the main one and used to perform a comfortable massage. The device is preferably used for people with closely located vessels and hypersensitive skin.

Thanks to deep infrared heating, the anti-cellulite body massager enhances the effect of the procedures. The condition of the vessels also improves, muscle spasm is eliminated and the skin tones.

bodyshaper gezatone amg120 instruction

According to reviews, BodyShaper Gezatone AMG120 not only serves to perform anti-cellulite massage, but also is a lymphatic drainage, a general relaxing procedure. The device corrects the figure, warms up before sports, strengthens. As users advise, you only need to purchase a quality device.


The device cannot be used when:

  • Oncology.
  • Severe ailments of the heart, blood vessels.
  • Inflammation.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin.
  • Hypersensitivity of the dermis.
  • Pregnancy
  • Varicose veins.
  • Exacerbation of a chronic disease.
  • Hypertension, neurological, orthopedic diseases.

bodyshaper amg120 gezatone price

Do not treat the head, spine, bones, joints, front of the neck, genitals, chest. The procedure should be pleasant and soothing. If you feel pain, discomfort, then you need to stop the massage, and also consult a specialist.


Thus, massage has a positive effect on human health. The BodyShaper Gezatone AMG120 device allows you to get rid of cellulite. This is precisely what makes it unique.

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