Can a banana be a parrot? What fruits, vegetables and berries are recommended for feathered pets?

According to most people, the diet of parrots is rather meager. That is why they get ready-made food at the pet store, which mainly consists of millet and oats. But the owners of feathered pets forget that in the wild they have to eat not only seeds, but also various fruits and plants. Therefore, it is not surprising that the birds living in the house strive to eat either an apple, then a carrot, or lettuce. In this article we will tell you whether a banana can be a parrot.

Three parrots are sitting

The main diet of birds

Do not rush to put your pet on a strict diet consisting of oats and millet. Any healthy parrot eats a banana, as well as other fresh fruits:

  1. Apples cut into small cubes. It is very important to remove all seeds, because they contain hydrocyanic acid, which can send birds in case of an overdose.
  2. Slices of fresh fruit (such as oranges) with unsweetened yogurt. It is enough to mix the ingredients in one small bowl.
  3. Steamed and mashed potatoes.

How to feed budgies other than food? Diversify the diet of a feathered pet, regularly treating it with carrots, seedless grapes, boiled eggs.

Is it possible to parrot a banana

Not just possible, but necessary. Owners of the birds noticed with what passion they eat bananas. And this is not surprising, because these fruits are an excellent source of essential nutrients.

It is only important to give bananas, like the rest of the goodies, in moderation. It is recommended to cut the fruit into small pieces and treat the birds several times a week.

Excessive use of bananas can disrupt the digestive tract of parrots. It is best if the fruit is not given as the main diet, but as a nutritional supplement to dry grain feed.

A parrot sits on a hand

Feeding rules

If you are one of those who do not know if a banana can be a parrot and is worried about the pet’s health, then try chopping one ripe fruit into small pieces and treat the bird. Look at the feathered reaction - if its appearance has not changed, as well as its behavior, then you can continue to add treats to the diet.

It is recommended that you give a maximum of two medium-sized bananas per week. If you do not have a budgerigar, but, for example, a cockatoo, then the number of fruits can be increased.

If you do not trust supermarkets, you can buy green bananas, and then leave them for several days until they are fully ripe. It is also recommended to use dried fruits and goodies made on the basis of these fruits. Remember that bananas do not grow in Russia due to the cold climate. Most fruits that are brought into the country ripen on store shelves. Some of them are treated with chemicals to speed up the process. All of this can affect the health of your feathered pet.

How to give fruit to a bird

Now you know if a banana can be a parrot. It remains only to find out how to give it to a feathered friend:

  1. Cut ripe fruit into small slices.
  2. Hang the pieces under the dome of the cage so that the droppings or feed do not get on the fruit.
  3. You should not leave a banana for a long time, because it quickly blackens and spoils. Follow the “Less, but more often” rule.
  4. In large cages for parrots, bananas can be placed in special feeders, or on a long rope. It is important to give the feathered access to the treat.
Parrot and Sliced ​​Banana

If you become the owner of a bright bird, then you will probably have a question whether parrots eat bananas. Remember that the natural habitat of these animals is warm tropical forests, and only some live in mountainous areas. In the wild, they often prefer to eat bananas, because this fruit is native to them. Sweet and aromatic fruits are very satisfying and nutritious, so you can see how parrots become more active and playful, eating them.

Such a varied diet

Do you want to please your pet? Treat it with fruits and berries such as nectarine, pineapple, kiwi, peach, strawberries. Parrots will happily enjoy citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit, pomelo, orange). Birds will not give up melons with watermelon, raspberries and currants, blackberries and plums. Remember that lemon should not be given in slices! Squeeze the juice and add a few drops to clean drinking water.

If it is not possible to purchase fresh berries and fruits, then you can replace them with dried fruits (for example, dates or prunes).

Picture of a parrot and fruits

Parrots love to eat goodies, both individually and in the form of salads. Try to diversify his diet by mixing several types of berries and fruits in one bowl.

But be careful

Despite your love for the parrot and the desire to please him with delicious treats, it is important to know which products can cause irreparable harm to the pet.

  • As a rule, cereal feed consists of oats, millet and millet. Some producers add wheat.
  • If you decide to treat feathery corn, then let's give a small amount. In the worst case, your pet will have obesity and decreased activity.
  • Peas can be included in the diet under one condition - it must either be boiled or steamed well. Never feed the bird with raw beans or canned food!
  • As a treat, sunflower, flax and hemp seeds, as well as nuts, are ideal. But you can give several times a week, and in small quantities. Nuts and sunflower seeds are saturated with fats and oils, which can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract of poultry. Hemp seeds are best boiled in advance. Flax acts as a laxative, so it helps with diarrhea.
  • Of vegetables suitable: fresh cabbage, sweet pepper with seeds, raw beets, tomatoes and cucumbers, squash, squash, pumpkin.
Parrot eating corn

It is not forbidden to add chalk, crushed eggshells or shells, activated charcoal, eggs, dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir), honey, but in small quantities to the diet.

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