Trees are majestic and mysterious. So similar to each other and at the same time different. They are easy to recognize by common signs for all: the trunk, branches, roots and leaves. This is probably why children love tree puzzles.
Things are a little more complicated with those questions that are answered by specific trees. Now you need to know their distinguishing features. Therefore, the guys first need to get acquainted with them in the forest or park.
Poems about trees and forest
You can start with such quatrains, because children see different types of such plants from a very young age. The following are two puzzles about trees and one about the forest.
1. This slender well done
Every year is getting higher.
His age consists of rings,
Which is not visible until you cut it.
2. Spring pleases the eye with young leaves,
In summer, it gives coolness under the canopy of foliage.
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