How to tame lovebirds in hands and find feathered hand friends

Lovebirds are one of the most beautiful representatives of domestic birds, magnificent and very interesting, unusual cute pets, which have considerable popularity. They have a lively, fervent character, watching them is very entertaining.

The genus of lovebird parrots is nine species. The main natural habitat in Africa is Africa. If you decide to make such a fun friend, it is important to know how to tame a lovebird in your arms. For a long time, these parrots have been called lovebirds, because it was believed that they are able to live only in pairs, and alone the bird dies from longing.

Indeed, living in a pair, these parrots are almost constantly engaged in each other and almost no contact with humans. But a lonely lovebird can be tamed. The best results in this matter are achieved during the training of the chick, while he has not yet become an adult parrot with established habits and a mature character.

Lovebirds in nature

Key Features of Lovebird Parrots

Lovebirds are small-sized parrots with a relatively large head. The color of the plumage is predominantly green, but there is another color, especially certain parts of the body. Lovebirds have a strong beak with which they can cause serious wounds. These birds are quick and agile, move well on the ground and trees, creating nests in hollows, for which they use various branches, grass, and bark elements. They are good builders. They live in packs, mainly in the forests of the tropics. Fly agile and fast. Overnight in the trees.

Lovebird houses

Pet choice

When buying a parrot, you should pay attention to the conditions of detention, whether it is a store or another place. The plumage of a lovebird should be clean and smooth, without tousling. There should be no growths on the beak and paws. You need to ask about the age of the parrot and choose a younger bird.

The cage should be spacious, but not too large. Taming a lovebird to your hands is much more difficult if the cage is too large. The optimal location of the cage with the parrot in the house is at eye level so that the bird feels comfortable. You should not put the cage high or low, as in this case the parrot will either feel a dominant position, or feel fear.

Lovebird couple

Adaptation of a parrot in a new environment

Take care of fresh water and food for a feathered pet should be in advance. It is better if the room in which the parrot cage is located is bright and quiet. At first, the lovebird will be scared and settle in the corner of the cage. It is not worth disturbing the bird at this time, it is necessary to enable the parrot to get comfortable in a new place. It should be understood that the cage is the personal space of the bird; you do not need to look into it unnecessarily.

You can begin to tame the lovebird to your hands, as soon as he begins to calmly clean the feathers and eat food in the presence of you, without fear. Only when the parrot is mastered, completely gets used to the person, being in a state of trust and calm, does he have a desire to communicate.

In the early days of a bird in the house, one should not even attempt to establish contact with it. A change of scenery is a serious stress for a parrot, any intrusion on its territory, a desire to stroke a lovebird is perceived as a threat. A frightened bird is very difficult to get out of a state of fear and instill a sense of security.

The best thing for the time of adaptation and getting used to the lovebird is to enter the room with the cage only if necessary: ​​carefully clean the cage, change water and food. Thus, he will gradually get used to the new environment. Ideally, for the first time, create conditions for the parrot to be quiet so that extraneous noise from other rooms, animals and other things do not terrify him. If the lovebird is frightened and does not fit the feeder, you can pour a small amount of feed into the bottom of the cage.

Lovebird parrot

Secrets of Taming Lovebirds

If a parrot behaves calmly when approaching him, this is a sign that he began to trust. Feeding a parrot is best done a little at intervals of about three hours.

There is no better way to tame a lovebird parrot in your hands, how to make it clear that you are a benevolent provider, from which no harm can come. From time to time, you should talk with your pet in a gentle and quiet tone. Then start to visit the cell more often. An important condition for safely taming a lovebird to your hands is as few unexpected loud sounds and sudden movements as possible, ideally, of course, their complete absence.

Lovebirds need communication. With a suitable approach, it is likely to find a good friend. Some owners are wondering how to quickly tame a lovebird to their hands, expecting soon results. But you need to be aware that in this case you should be patient, because parrots are extremely cowardly creatures, despite their briskness and curiosity.

Feeding is an excellent way to establish contact with the birds. When the parrot begins to calmly relate to the presence of a person, you can begin to put various goodies into his cage, having a nice conversation with a lovebird. Treats for a parrot can be: apples, carrots, sweet varieties of pepper, dandelion and lettuce leaves, grapes. Later, you can begin to quietly open the door of the cage, offering the bird your favorite food outside its personal territory. This will provoke the lovebird to sit on his hand. It is important not to make careless movements in such moments.

How to tame lovebirds to their hands, the photo posted in the article illustrates clearly. This process is quite entertaining and interesting for all participants, but it should take place without frightening harshness.

Taming the Lovebirds

Errors in Taming Lovebird

The return of the parrot to the cage is a very important point. The main thing is not to make a common mistake - not to try to catch a bird if he does not want to fly into the cage. You need to wait until he is hungry and goes into his house on his own. Otherwise, all painstakingly created trusts will collapse in an instant, because the bird will be scared. Moreover, through negligence, you can accidentally injure a parrot in the process of fishing. Yes, and catch the lovebird may be impossible, because they react instantly.

It should not be forgotten that parrots are fragile and glorious creatures who like human society. Communication with the bird should proceed in a positive way, bringing only positive emotions to both humans and birds. So, you will have a faithful hand friend.

Establishing close contact with a parrot

When the parrot ceases to pay attention to cleaning the cage, doing its own thing, you can proceed to establish closer contact with him.

Besides food, another great way to tame a lovebird in your arms is to use toys. For parrots, various bells, mirrors, balls and more are sold. All kinds of bright, rustling, voiced objects can help in taming a pet. First you need to arouse the interest of the bird: turn the toy near the cage, stick a tasty treat between the rods. If the parrot is indignant, the hand should be removed and repeat the action later.

You should talk to the bird as often as possible in a calm, friendly tone. If the lovebird attracts something interesting, he will not react with fear to the hand. Gradually, the parrot will sit on it, even if there is no enticing object or treat in the hand. When this happens, you can congratulate yourself - the lovebird has become tame. From this time you can safely let him out of the cage for a walk around the room.

Manual lovebirds

In conclusion, the answer to a common question: to tame lovebirds in your hands, how long do you have to wait? Exactly until completely trusting relationships are established that do not pose any threat to the parrot.

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