Breeds of large cats: character, photos and reviews

In almost any person, a cat is associated with a small pet. And to imagine a cat the size of a dog is very difficult. But in the modern world more than one breed of large cats has already been bred. Photos and names of them with a detailed description will be considered below.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon breed

Maine Coon is considered one of the largest breeds of domestic cats in the world. This cat is from America. And the first copies appeared at exhibitions in 1861. The origin of Maine Coon is tied to the American state of Maine, which is located in the northeastern United States. Due to the cold winters in this place, cats have a thick and long coat that grows even between the pads on the legs. Since stripes often predominate in coat color, this breed is compared with raccoons. This is where the name comes from: Maine Coon translates as "Men’s raccoon".

A distinctive feature of this breed is the tassels on the ears, with them the cat looks like a lynx. This gives it a kind of charm. Maine Coon's coat is water repellent, and the body is long, slightly elongated. Maine coon reaches up to 41 cm at the withers, and in length - up to 120 cm, which allows him to belong to the breeds of the largest cats. The weight of males can reach 10-15 kilograms, females are much less: their weight is in the limit of 5 kilograms. Cats reach their maximum size by 3 years.

Judging by the reviews, the character of Maine Coon is very calm and friendly. Cats of this breed appreciate the owner’s care, especially treat children. They can play with them all day. In this case, you can not worry that they will scratch the child.

The cost of this cat varies from 15 to 50 thousand rubles.


savannah breed

It is considered to be the largest breed of domestic cats. The USA is considered her homeland. In the 80s, breeders crossed a serval and a short-haired Egyptian cat. As a result, the savannah appeared. This pussy is particularly graceful and resembles a leopard in appearance.

Long legs, an elongated body, large ears and spotty color - these are the main features of this breed. An adult cat can grow up to 60 centimeters at the withers and weigh 14-20 kilograms.

Savannahs are very active and curious cats, they have a high level of intelligence. Owners talk about the ability of these cats to jump perfectly. They can easily overcome the height of three meters. At the same time, they are quite friendly and very fond of playing with water, not at all afraid of it.

Savannah is not only the largest breed of cats, but also the most expensive. The price for it ranges from four to twenty thousand dollars.

Siberian cat

Siberian cat

This animal not only belongs to the breeds of large cats, but is also one of the most popular in Russia. Mention of her is found in records of the 16th century. The homeland of this pet is considered to be the Urals and Siberia. It has an admixture of wild representatives of feline forests and steppes. The cat has a thick and long coat, as well as a fluffy tail. By the way, a feature of her coat is hypoallergenic.

The weight of cats ranges from six to nine kilograms. Body shapes are slightly rounded, with well-developed muscles. There are small tassels on the ears. A collar is always present around the neck of the Siberian cat, and on the hind legs there are fluffy panties.

Very playful, but at the same time, as the owners note, they are independent and willful. As a rule, they choose one family member as their master and become very attached to him.

The cost ranges from one to fifteen thousand rubles.

Norwegian cat

norwegian cat

You can already guess from the name that this cat is from Norway. Very popular in Northern Europe. In Russia, this breed is not very common. In appearance, it looks like a Siberian cat.

Although the "Norwegian Forest" is not the largest breed of domestic cats, males can reach decent sizes. The usual weight of the cat is 5-7 kilograms, but in some cases it can reach 10 kg. Females are smaller.

Cats of this breed are very fluffy, have small tassels on their ears, and around the neck there is a large collar. Owners note that cats of this breed are playful, friendly and very attached to people.

The cost of a Norwegian cat ranges from 5 to 40 thousand rubles.


Chausie breed

This is one of the largest breeds of domestic cats. It’s also very rare. Chausey is bred in America, and only a few people are doing it. The breed was bred by crossing shorthair and Abyssinian cats.

Such cats are almost twice as many as ordinary pets. After all, the weight of males can reach 14 kg, and the height at the withers is 40 cm. As is customary in nature, females are much smaller in size.

Outwardly, the chauzy resembles a puma. She has a short and shiny coat, athletically built body, long tail. The head of the cat is small, with angular features. There are small tassels on the ears. By the way, the tassels and the tip of the tail are always painted black. This gives her extra charm.

In reviews of this breed, they often indicate the good-natured nature of the Chausie. They easily find a common language with other pets. They can and love to swim, this is what the owners say. The cat is very active and playful.

The price of this breed is from 7 to 35 thousand dollars.

Pixie bob

pixibob breed

Pixie Bob is another name for a large cat breed. The photographs show that the distinctive feature of the pixie-bean is the absence of a tail. He is, but very small: about 5 centimeters. Hence the name: pixie-bob translates as "short-tailed elf"

This is an American cat. And by the way, refers to the national treasure of the United States. You can take it out only if you have an official document.

Males of this breed can reach 10 kilograms. Cats are traditionally smaller - 4-6 kilograms. The hair of a pixie-bean can be either long or short. Sometimes they are born with pathology and have 7 fingers. There are small brushes on the ears.

Owners of cats of this breed say that they are very loyal to their owner and very jealous. The pixie-bean has a balanced character, they are quite playful and very affectionate.

The cost of such a kitten can reach 100 thousand rubles.


Rugdoll breed

Another name for large cat breeds. It means "rag doll" in translation. And it is called so for good reason: a cat can relax all its muscles.

Ragdoll males weigh 7–9 kilograms, and females 5–6. These cats are famous for their long hair, oval eyes and a slightly upturned nose. The ears are small, triangular in shape. The most common color is considered: a light body, and the ears, paws and tail of a darker shade.

According to the owners, the character of the regdolls is calm, rather even indifferent to everything. But they are very friendly and easily converge with other pets.

The cost of a regdoll is from 10 to 35 thousand rubles.


ragamuffin breed

This breed of large cats was obtained by mixing ragdolls with other types of cats. The homeland of ragamuffin are considered the United States.

Males weigh up to 10 kilograms, females weigh an average of 5 kilograms. Animals have long coat of different colors, there is no strict standard. A distinctive feature is a touching look.

Ragamuffin has a flexible character. The owners say that the cat begins to purr, as soon as it is in his hands, very affectionate and good-natured. He misses his master badly if he is separated from him.

The price of such a cat starts at 80 thousand rubles.


chartreuse cat

This is a breed of large cats from France. According to one version, the name comes from the fact that their wool is reminiscent of the Spanish "Chartresian" fabric. These cats are recognized around the world except Britain. They believe that chartreuse is just a variation of the British breed.

Cats weigh 6-7 kilograms and are finally formed only by 5 years. Chartreuse is famous for its bluish tint. The hair of such cats is short, with fluffy undercoat.

Reviews often indicate the balanced nature of chartreuse. They are jealous and cannot tolerate other pets in the house.

The average cost of a chartreuse kitten is 20 thousand rubles.

Turkish van - large breed of cat (with photo)

turkish van

This rare pet is recognized as one of the oldest cats. She comes from Turkey, or rather, bred on the basis of cat breeds that live near Lake Van.

It has a slightly elongated body, not very long red-white coat and fluffy tail. The weight of an adult cat reaches 6-9 kilograms, which allows it to belong to the breeds of large cats.

According to the owners, the character of the Turkish van is wayward, but good-natured, they adore affection. The cat is very active, loves to play and knows how to swim.

The cost of such a breed starts from twenty thousand rubles.

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