Cats and cats, especially young ones, simply adore climbing tables, cabinets, window sills, and other surfaces towering above the others in an apartment or house. Not only is their appearance there at least undesirable, such a habit can cost a pet health and even life (if the animal jumps, for example, onto a burning gas stove). About how to wean a cat to climb tables and what methods are there for this, read this article.
Why are they doing that?
Many mistresses of furry animals are perplexed: "Why, in spite of all the punishments and words of reproach, does the animal pull up so methodically?" Before weaning a cat to climb tables, you should familiarize yourself with his habits. Then you will find out that all cats love height (both in the wild and in artificial conditions). Domestic cats are no exception. This is one of the reasons. Sometimes in order to wean a cat to climb on a table, it is enough to buy a special cat furniture for the animal. Such platforms, mounted on elevations, allow cats to survey their possessions. Furniture with all kinds of "viewing" platforms and posts can be purchased at the pet store, or can be made with your own hands. Choose which is easier for you. Own elevation may reduce the interest of the mustachio-striped to the rest of the furniture.
Many cats use window sills to watch what is happening on the street, for the same reason. Close your favorite window sill with curtains or curtains to prevent pets from entering it. But, again, after doing this, you need to come up with an alternative for the cat, otherwise it will try to climb on the windowsill again and again, showing enviable stubbornness.
Another reason is attractive food or items suitable for playing. How to wean a cat to climb the table? It is necessary to remove everything that is edible from him, to hide stationery, rustling pieces of paper - nothing to leave interesting. After all, an empty and boring surface in itself will not interest the animal.
Behavior correction
Of course, like all domestic animals, cats can be trained (a vivid example of this is the Kuklachev cats circus). They only do this at times as if reluctantly, displaying their stubbornness and laziness with might and main. Correction of behavior is desirable at a young age. Then the skills of the animal are faster fixed, and weaning a cat to climb the table will be much easier.
Avoid revenge!
Know what to beat, roughly take by the scruff of your neck or — God forbid — the cat is strictly forbidden by the tail! She can become very aggressive, take offense at you and begin to take revenge on a regular basis. Are you ready for this? The vengeful cat is scary: it can spoil slippers or, when you pass by it, for no reason at all claw its paw by the leg, tearing it to blood. It must be remembered that an uneven animal should not be approached from behind, with arms extended from above. This is usually perceived as a manifestation of aggression. How to wean a cat to climb tables? There are several proven methods.
In the presence of people
If the cat decided to jump onto the table in your presence, then usually a shout or a loud clap of your palms is enough to prevent this action. How to wean a cat to climb tables? You can throw a soft ball at him, for example, to frighten away or distract attention (if this is his favorite ball). But all this works wonderfully when the animal is in your sight, within reach. And what happens when you are not around?
Pan with water
How to wean a cat to climb tables? Many animals do not like water. Place a low, wide container with liquid (a baking sheet from the oven is suitable for these purposes) on the table where the animal usually jumps so that it is not visible from below. By jumping into a bowl of water, the cat will receive an unforgettable unpleasant experience that can keep her from jumping to the table another time.
Sharp sounds
How to wean a cat to climb tables yet? You can use sharp, loud sounds as a warning. It is known that cats have very good hearing (much sharper than humans). Inflate a balloon in front of a cat's eyes and burst it with a roar. Perform a similar operation several times. Believe me, soon your cat will hate the very image of a balloon. Now it remains to place the inflated balls on the plane where the pet likes to jump. You can use other objects that make sharp sounds: different types of spray guns and crackers, cans of compressed air, used to purge keyboards, causing idiosyncrasy in a cat. Seeing these objects, placed, for example, on the table, usually the animal will not jump into it under any pretext.
Electric carpet
For absolutely fearless, not afraid of harsh sounds (or maybe deaf) animals, there are novelties and miracles of technology that prevent unwanted actions. The table is covered with a special electric mat connected to the outlet. A cat jumping onto the table receives a light but memorable shock for a long time. Result: your problem is resolved.
How to wean a kitten to climb tables?
On the one hand, things are easier with kittens. After all, accustoming to the toilet, for example, or to not jumping onto the table for any reason and without it, is easiest in childhood. Try to buy a kitten a few toys. Let them become his favorite. Lay them out on the floor, under the table. Let there also be various interesting things: leaves, pencils, boxes, erasers, balls. With all this, your baby can be actively played. And the table, on the contrary, leave it empty, without unnecessary objects, boring for a little prankster. Maybe then the question of how to wean a kitten to climb tables will become irrelevant.
A metal sheet
Put a sheet of metal rattling when touched on the table imperceptibly for the cat. Make the animal topple this item when jumping onto the table, which will produce a lot of thunder. You will be provided with an excellent and lasting effect.
You can use various odors that traditionally scare away cats (in pet stores they even sell ready-made mixtures in aerosols). Citruses, vinegar, bleach will help to overcome cravings for height.
Pieces of foil
Jumping somewhere, the cat with its front paws grabs the edge of the surface, and is not able to immediately get to the middle of the table. We use this feature. We take several strips of foil or tin and lay the perimeter of the table with them. The strips should be held barely, while maintaining balance. Then, in front of the cat's eyes, you need to get something tasty from the refrigerator as a bait and put it in the middle of the table. After that we leave the room and wait. When the animal jumps onto the table, it instantly loses balance. This will be remembered for a long time!
Cats - animals are clean and even squeamish. They certainly do not like to stick to anything. We use this quality in the fight against bad cat habits. We cut a wide adhesive tape into large strips (20-30 centimeters will be enough). Sticky side up, put the stripes on the surface in random order. The cat jumps onto the table, of course, sticks to the tape and retreats. The main thing is that at this moment there are no foreign objects on the table: laptop, notebook, monitor. Their pet may tumble down or drop from the surface. Another similar option is strips for hair removal. The same effect.
Many cats do not digest organically when sprayed with water. We use a simple spray gun for this and water the cat whenever it wants to jump onto a table or other surface. Just do it as discreetly as possible so that the animal does not identify you with the spray. By the way, many experienced breeders also recommend using spray guns to train and eradicate bad habits in cats.
Sincere conversation
Some people think that you need to talk to the animal: encourage him with a word or scold him for something. It is noticed that some cats really like to "talk". For some, the conversation takes place on the principle of “Vaska listens, but eats,” as in the famous Krylov's fable. How effective the conversation is for you to decide.
Summing up, we’ll say with confidence that you can wean a cat to climb tables. This must be done in one of the ways described above. Choose any you like!