"Smecta" for infants: instructions, reviews

Smecta is often prescribed to correct gastrointestinal upsets. For infants, the doctor must decide the validity of the reception, but the drug can be given without fear, because it is completely natural. The tool is an absorbent that consists of refined clay.

What does it consist of

Adults often take activated charcoal to treat dysbiosis, relieve symptoms of diarrhea, and poisoning. Smecta also acts, but its effect is more mild. Therefore, pediatricians recommend this drug for newborns.

The main active ingredient is dioctahedral smectite. In addition, excipients are included: cellulose monohydrate and sodium saccharin. A natural flavor has been added to improve the taste. The drug is made in the form of a powder and packaged in individual bags.

Smecta bags

Recommended Age of Use

Pediatricians agree that it is possible to give Smect to infants. After all, the drug is not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and does not penetrate the bloodstream. The absorbent is excreted unchanged, taking with it the harmful substances that have accumulated in the intestines of the child.

Doctors say that Smecta for babies is completely safe and performs a number of functions:

  • protects the walls of the stomach and intestines from the effects of irritating factors;
  • protects against intoxication;
  • relieves spasms;
  • eliminates diarrheal syndrome;
  • removes pain.

In infants, disorders and malfunctions of the intestinal tract are often observed. If harmful substances enter, the body cannot cope on its own. "Smecta" for infants is indicated for use in order to quickly relieve the baby of discomfort, bloating, diarrhea. Moreover, having strong absorbent properties, the drug does not affect the beneficial microflora, so the stomach and intestines continue normal activity.

Smecta for babies reviews

When Smecta May Be Appointed

For babies, a doctor should prescribe the appointment. But the mother can independently offer the baby a remedy for the following symptoms:

  • the baby often began to spit up, but the tests were all normal;
  • diarrhea due to nutritional errors;
  • if allergy symptoms appear;
  • when flatulence, bloating or intestinal colic is observed;
  • in case of poisoning with low-quality products;
  • with dysbiosis as part of complex therapy.

However, if the symptoms do not subside while taking the drug, then consulting a doctor is mandatory. Often, parents note a quick effect if the baby has temporary digestive disorders, and no side effects have been identified.

Recommended Dosage

To solve many problems, Smecta is indicated for infants. The instruction states that children under one year old are recommended one sachet per day. The dosage recommended by the doctor must be strictly observed. How to breed "Smecta" for babies:

  • babies up to three months old can be diluted with powder in breast milk or milk formula.
  • It is better for older children to offer a drug diluted in warm water. It is recommended to take about 100 ml per bag.

The portion is better to divide into several receptions. It turns out a day the child should drink 25 ml in four doses.

In case of severe poisoning, diarrhea or vomiting, the doctor may recommend increasing the dose to two sachets per day during the first day. Next, you need to go to one sachet until the symptoms stop completely. The minimum course is three days, the maximum is a week. A longer intake is contraindicated in connection with the leaching of nutrients.

How to breed "Smecta" for babies

Reception methods

The instructions for the drug clearly indicate how to give Smecta infants. When treating with other agents, it is important to share their intake. The absorbent is offered two hours before taking the main drugs, or two hours after. Otherwise, the effect of the drug will significantly reduce the effect of therapeutic pills.

In order not to provoke other disorders and constipation in the baby, it is impossible to exceed the recommended dose. "Smecta" can be poured into a bottle, but if the baby refuses to drink an unusual drink, you will have to use a syringe without a needle. Older children can be drunk with a spoon. The drink is almost tasteless, so children usually do not refuse to drink it.

Parents in their reviews often give tips on competent dilution of the powder. In order not to form lumps, the product should be poured with a thin stream into warm water, stirring constantly.

Doctors advise in the treatment with absorbents to often offer the baby warm water or breast milk.

How to give Smect

It should be known

Despite the fact that Smecta is an absolutely natural preparation, it has a number of contraindications. The composition includes purified clay, which has a powerful absorbent effect. With its help, the baby's body is cleansed of harmful substances and toxins. Therefore, you can not take the drug simultaneously with other therapeutic agents.

Also included is glucose. Therefore, infants who are diagnosed with fructose intolerance are not allowed. For them, the doctor should prescribe another absorbent. Contraindication is the presence of signs of diabetes. The validity of the reception should be decided by a specialist.

All doctors claim that in other cases, the reception does not harm the baby, does not affect the nervous system and is considered completely safe.

Remedy for diarrhea

Reviews about the drug

Smecta for infants is very effective. Reviews show that the drug is quite popular and is often prescribed by doctors to solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract. All responses are mostly recommendatory. It is especially often taken with diarrheal syndrome.

Smecta for infants with diarrhea has a quick therapeutic effect. Symptoms go away, and the action continues for a long time after stopping the intake. According to doctors, the tool is just perfect for digestive disorders, poisoning, bloating, flatulence or errors in the nutrition and consumption of low-quality foods.

Parents trust the product because it is completely natural and does not affect other organs and systems of the baby.

Smecta for diarrhea

Opinions of experts

The drug is completely safe for use by the smallest patients, subject to the dosage. The active substance is not absorbed through the intestines and does not enter the bloodstream. The drug passes through the gastrointestinal tract and is completely excreted through the intestines of the child. In this case, a protective effect on the mucous membranes occurs, pain syndrome, cramps are eliminated. Symptoms of diarrhea pass.

The absorbent, passing through the digestive tract and intestines, absorbs all harmful substances, toxins and pathogenic bacteria that cause harm. After that, they are completely excreted from the body naturally. Experts note the strong absorbing effect of Smecta. Thanks to this, all pathogens die, but the beneficial microflora remains unaffected.

Smecta for diarrhea

Judging by the instructions, children under the age of one year are recommended to distribute one bag for the whole day. But how to give Smect a baby with diarrhea will depend on the severity of the problem. If diarrhea is pronounced, or vomiting is added, then on the first day the amount can be increased to two packets. Parents note that the manifestations of loose stool are significantly reduced the next day after the start of treatment.

Smecta for babies

Advantages and features of "Smecta"

The drug has selective absorption. That is why it is recommended for the smallest patients. Among its advantages, the following can be distinguished:

  • After administration, the beneficial intestinal microflora remains unchanged. Enzymes and vitamins are not excreted and remain in place, so Smecta is often prescribed for dysbiosis.
  • The drug is indicated for poisoning, viral diseases and digestive problems. This effect is explained by the binding and elimination of pathogenic bacteria, toxins and viruses.
  • Proven effective against staphylococci, Escherichia coli and fungi.
  • It is indicated for increased acidity, because it normalizes the microflora of the digestive tract.

What will the instruction tell you

The instructions contain all the information that the consumer needs. Contraindications are indicated here: intestinal obstruction, fructose deficiency, sugar-isomaltase deficiency, individual reactions.

There is also information about the methods of administration and the recommended dosage. If children under one year old are recommended one sachet, then children over two years old can be given up to three sachets per day.

The instructions also indicate possible side effects. Among them may be constipation, as well as urticaria, rash and Quincke's edema. However, judging by the reviews, such reactions are very rare and are associated with individual intolerance to the drug.

There are special instructions. So, the reception of the drug should be evenly distributed over time. The next dose should be drunk two hours after the previous one. There are indications when taking patients with diarrhea. "Smecta" must be combined with drugs that promote rehydration.


"Smecta" refers to absorbent preparations that begin their work in the intestinal lumen. The drug is safe and effective, so it can be prescribed to newborn children. However, with diarrhea and vomiting in infants, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

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