Boy conception: calculation methods, diets, gender planning table

For a true mother, absolutely any child will be the reward. And it doesn’t matter at all what gender he belongs to, what color his eyes and hair are, what character traits. But if a woman wants to bring up a real defender, if she wants to create a prototype of an ideal man, if she wants to give birth to an heir for her chosen one, then it will be necessary to carefully study all the ways of conceiving a boy. Is there such a "pill" that can deceive nature? And maybe our ancestors knew the right way, how to plan the birth of a real warrior? This will be discussed in this article.

Bit of theory

It has long been proved by scientists that two types of chromosomes are laid in a man. In medicine, they acquired the name - group X and group Y. In the female body, only "ladies' material" is formed - chromosome Y. Accordingly, the conception of a boy is possible only if the sperm merges with the female egg and the male chromosome.

chromosome x and y

It is easy to guess that the sex of the unborn child depends only on what “material” will be in the egg at the time of fertilization. Sperms with Y chromosome are nimble and low-living. Sperms with chromosome X get to their target several times slower, but they live much longer than Y.

From the point of view of science, the conception of a future heir is a fairly easy and logical process. To do this, you need to calculate the day on which the desired sperm will be in the egg and fertilize it.

Finding the right moment

If a young family is dreaming about the birth of a son, then first of all it must determine the right moment to create a new life, that is, plan the conception of a boy by ovulation. The day on which fertilization should occur can be calculated independently or electronically:

  1. Self calculation. Within a few months, record the start and end dates of menstruation. Based on the data obtained, determine the duration of the cycle. Now divide this number in half. It is on this day after menstruation that fertilization should occur. Normally, the cycle time is 28 days. Accordingly, ovulation should occur on the 14th day from the onset of menstruation.
  2. Electronic calculation. Download the monthly calendar mobile app. Mark the days of the beginning and end of menstruation in it. The electronic assistant will determine when fertilization will occur.
what days can a boy be conceived

If it is required for the conception of a boy to occur, then sexual intercourse should occur no earlier than 12 hours before ovulation. It is recommended a few days before this time to refrain from love joys. Firstly, it will prevent the penetration of sperm with a female chromosome into the egg. Secondly, it will allow the accumulation of male "material".

Modern approach

Conception of a boy by ovulation is a scientifically sound method. But if you believe the reviews of moms, then it does not always work. There are several reasons for this:

  • The first reason. Not all women have a cycle lasting 28 days. In someone, it always has a different duration.
  • The second reason. Not all women ovulate strictly in the middle of the cycle. Due to the individual characteristics of the body, the egg can be fertilized at the beginning and end of the cycle.

The most reliable way to determine the right moment - ovulation tests. They will allow with a probability of 99 percent to determine whether fertilization is currently possible. The principle of their work is similar to pregnancy tests. Also, experienced gynecologists claim that at the time of ovulation, the temperature can increase to 37.5 degrees, but this does not happen in every woman.

Whose blood is younger?

There is another way to plan a child’s gender - to update the blood. How to conceive a boy in this way? Just wait for the blood of the potential father to be updated.

In a woman, a change occurs once every three years. Accordingly, at 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, etc. years.

In men, renewal occurs once every 4 years. Accordingly, at 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, etc. years.

Whose blood will be younger at the time of conception, that sex will acquire a child.

ultrasound picture

For example: the spouse is 26 years old, and the spouse is 30. Consequently, her blood was renewed 2 years ago, and in the man she changed recently. This means that there is a chance that the couple will conceive a boy.

If the couple was born in the same year, it should be based on who has the birthday closer to the expected date of conception.

Magic formula

Many young women and men are wondering how to calculate the conception of a boy. Fortunately, such a formula does exist! A number of arithmetic operations should be performed in order to find out the gender of the unborn baby:

  1. Add up two values: the age of the alleged father and the age of the alleged mother.
  2. Multiply the sum by 4.
  3. Divide the resulting number by 3.

As a result of the calculations, a digital value will be obtained. If it is without residue or has residue 2, then there is a high probability of conception of a boy. Residue 1 indicates the possibility of the birth of a little princess.

what to do to conceive a boy

For example: spouse's age is 24 years old, spouse's age is 21 years old. As a result of the addition, a value of 45 is obtained. We multiply the total age by 4, it turns out 180. When dividing, the final number is formed - 60. There is no residue. This suggests that there is a high probability of the birth of a boy.

Important. People who are considering how to conceive a boy for a blood renewal should consider things like blood loss or transfusion. During this period, it is updated.

Planning for the heir by blood type and Rh factor

Often on the Internet you can find various tables of the conception of a baby. For example, it is enough to know the blood type of the partners in order to find out which gender the baby will acquire.

conception table

  1. Find the numbering of your blood type in the "Mothers" column.
  2. Find in the column "Father" the numbering of the blood type of your partner.
  3. Find the cell at the intersection of the two values. It shows the gender of your unborn baby.

An important role is played by the Rhesus factor of potential parents. There is a high probability of conception of a boy with:

  • Positive Rh factor of father and mother.
  • Negative Rh factor of father and mother.

If the Rh factor is different, then the chances of the birth of a girl increase.

A similar table of conception was refuted by young parents and experienced specialists. Surprisingly, you can increasingly meet partners raising heterosexual children. Accordingly, the probability of accuracy of this method is 50 percent.

The fastest way to calculate

Calculating the baby's sex is a long and responsible process, which not every potential parent can cope with. There is an electronic method that will allow you to quickly find out the gender of the future baby. This requires a few basic steps.

  1. Type “boy conception calculator” in the search bar
  2. Enter your data in the empty field - date of birth, blood type, date of conception.
  3. Click Calculate

After a few seconds, the result appears. It is worth noting that this program analyzes several calculation methods at once and automatically detects the likelihood of a child of a certain gender.

About the benefits of nutrition

French scientists came to the conclusion that the sex of the unborn baby depends on what products the partners consumed several months before the fertilization of the egg. They managed to establish a diet for the conception of a boy. It is believed that if a man and a woman lean on certain products, then the probability of penetration of a sperm with chromosome Y will increase. These include:

  • Absolutely any kind of meat and sausages.
  • Various varieties of fish and some types of seafood (except shellfish).
  • Natural juices, coffee and black tea.
  • Complex carbohydrates: pasta, milk porridge.
  • Bread products.
  • Honey.
  • Jam or jam.
  • All varieties of vegetables.
  • All varieties of fruit.
  • Pancakes, pancakes, pies.

Group Y sperm are well absorbed in an environment where potassium and sodium are present in sufficient quantities. Therefore, it is very important to give preference to salty foods.

I want to conceive a boy

Diet for the conception of a boy must be followed by both partners. It is required to start observing appropriate nutrition no earlier than 3 months before the alleged fertilization.

Custom approach

Sperm are a living substance. Any living matter can exist only in conditions comfortable for it. For example, spermatozoa carrying the Y chromosome die where acidity is elevated. Therefore, this "barrier" must be removed, providing them with a suitable aura. Specialists have developed a procedure for douching with soda. It is carried out as follows.

  1. It is necessary to determine the days of conception of the boy.
  2. Shortly before the onset of this point, it is required to prepare a soda solution: dilute ÂĽ teaspoon of the substance in 200 ml of boiling water.
  3. The solution cooled to 37 degrees should be introduced into the syringe.
  4. Next, you need to carefully pour it into the vagina. In this case, a woman should take a sitting or lying position.
  5. Sexual intercourse should occur 20-30 minutes after the end of the procedure.

The method is not as harmless as it seems. It is strictly forbidden to conduct it to people with any chronic diseases. It is worth considering that there is a high risk of negative consequences. Douching is recommended only in urgently needed cases and after consultation with a gynecologist.

"Grandma's" ways

A few decades ago, people did not know what ovulation tests, IVF and douching are. Nevertheless, they knew perfectly well what to do in order to conceive a boy. To this day, "survived" several of the most popular and proven folk methods.

Visual picture

Our ancestors were convinced that the subconscious mind can affect the sex of the future baby. During conception and after it is required to constantly mentally represent your future son. The more detailed and clear his portrait is presented, the more effective this method will work.

how to calculate the conception of a boy

Right moment

Our ancestors knew exactly what days you can conceive a boy. It is believed that Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are more suitable for this. It is recommended that sexual intercourse occur on the full moon.

Psychological factor

According to statistics, in women prone to stress and tantrums, in most cases, daughters are born. Accordingly, a couple who wants to conceive a boy must constantly maintain harmonious and calm relations.

Male subject

For the wedding night, you need to prepare with maximum responsibility. Take an item that only a man can use. Put it under the bed, under the pillow or on the windowsill. Do not remove it from this place for several days until fertilization occurs.

Magic thread

Prepare the thread. It is desirable that it be a blue tint. A woman needs to wrap her left little finger with it, and a man's left testicle. Such a magical ritual, as it were, hinders the passage of female sperm through the barrier.

Additional factors

Those who are worried about how to calculate the conception of a boy are ready to show the maximum amount of effort to achieve their desired goal. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to pay attention to additional factors:

  • All 12 astrological signs are divided into male and female. Astrologers claim that under the influence of which of them the conception will occur, that sex will be acquired by the child. Check out the horoscope. If the moon is in Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius or in Leo, then this is your day.
  • Smoking reduces the effectiveness and number of male sperm. Most often, girls are born from smoking men.
  • Italian scientists have revealed a pattern: to a greater extent, thin ladies give birth to daughters. Accordingly, you need to get better in order to conceive a son.
  • You should not take a hot bath before intercourse. On the contrary, a man needs to "cool down"
  • Important. A woman must reach the pinnacle of pleasure. Blood flow will increase in the pelvic area, which contributes to better penetration of sperm Y. It is recommended that it occupy a dominant position.
  • From statistical data it follows that the more a couple tries to get pregnant, the more likely it is that she will give birth to a boy. This is especially true for women who have recently recovered from infertility.
  • If the initiator in the family is a man, then the probability of the birth of the heir also increases.

All of the above factors do not guarantee that a couple will have a son. These are just statistics created by scientists from all countries.

Correct posture

Everything is important in child planning. Including the position in which the conception occurred. If partners dream of the birth of a male infant, then they should choose a pose with the deepest penetration in order to shorten the path of sperm to the egg. The second important point - a woman during sexual intercourse should occupy a strictly vertical position.

Guaranteed Method

There are many ways to deceive nature and give birth to a boy. Almost all of them give a 50-60% chance that a male child will be born. Is there a method with a guarantee? Yes, there is one!

Artificial insemination (IVF) is a modern way of “ordering” not only the sex of the unborn baby, but also the number of embryos. It is carried out strictly in the laboratory under the supervision of specialists. The man is handing over the "material." The specialist selects only those spermatozoa that belong to the same chromosome type. Then they are planted in the egg and transferred to the uterine cavity.

I want to conceive a boy! This phrase is often heard in the gynecologist's office. Currently, there are dozens of ways that affect the sex of the unborn baby. But none of them gives an exact guarantee that it will be possible to deceive nature. The exception is artificial insemination. It is recommended that you carefully take care of your health during planning or gestation in order to provide a comfortable environment for the formation and development of the embryo. Does it matter what gender it will be? It is important that he be healthy and desirable!

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