Any festive event is accompanied by congratulations, wishes and gifts. Without this, there will be no sense of celebration. This article will consider what congratulations in the Bashkir language can be voiced for a birthday or an anniversary.
The harmonious Bashkir language ...
The Bashkir language is the national language of the Bashkirs, the sound is very soft and beautiful. For any Bashkir to hear it at a wedding, birthday or anniversary is a real pleasant surprise. After all, usually many celebrations are held in Russian.
Of course, if there are no other Bashkirs at the festival, then congratulations in the Bashkir language are not a good idea. For those who do not understand this language, a holiday may seem boring.
Guests of the event should carefully prepare for the holiday and think over appropriate words of congratulations. It is desirable that they be special. This is not at all difficult. There are certain source sites where you can find interesting poems and congratulations in the Bashkir language. They can be both comic and lyrical, can be in prose. Further, we will examine in more detail which words of congratulation in the Bashkir language can be voiced at a particular festive event.
Bashkir greetings
Wishes in Bashkir will forever be remembered in the memory of the hero of the day, birthday person or other person to whom they are addressed. And if they are accompanied by an unusual postcard and a good gift, then there will be no limit to joy.
Happy birthday greetings in Bashkir language:
Kotlayim hine tyugan konen menen,
Kuzzerend Nurzar Hongmehen.
Bogengelei gel yylmaep tor
Josen kaigy - hasrat kurmehen.
(Translation: happy birthday, do not let the fire go out in your eyes, always smile, as it is today, let grief not knock on your house).
Tormosh yulin hinen balkyp torkhyn,
Behet, shatlyk bulhyn kunelenda.
Haulyk, ozone, humer telep
Bulayyk berge gumer-gumerge.
(Translation: May your life path be always bright, happiness and joy do not leave your soul. We wish you health, longevity, and we will always be together).
In addition to the birthday, you can prepare the words of wishes for such holidays as: anniversary, birth of a child, wedding and so on. Here are some examples:
Kotlo Bulkhin Anniversary,
Hine bougen etmesh yesh.
Sirlame, gel yylmayyp tor
Josen bulhyn gel ip-yesh.
(Translation: Congratulations on your jubilee, you are seventy today, we wish you not to be ill and always smile, let the soul always remain young).
Kotlay hezze - bepegez tyuzy,
Bulhyn hezge olo kuanys.
Igelege autumn totyp hoyar emesh
Kiyyin sakta bulkhyn yanys.
(Translation: Congratulations on the birth of a child, may he be a great joy for you, kind hearted, may he be a support in life).
Short congratulations in Bashkir language in prose
Kaderlebes! Nur hibuse yakty koyashybyz! Hine matur bayramyn - tyugan konen menen ysyn kunelden kotlibyz! Hine nykly haulyk, bechetle brakes, ozone hummer telebez! Gel shunday matur kunelle bulyp kal! (Happy Birthday).
Bugen zur bayram - ike yorek ber-berchen tabyp kauyshkan kon. Yeshterge mohebattarerene tap tidermeensee, haile usagin sundermeensee ishauzaren teleybez! (Wishes on the wedding day).
All congratulations and wishes in different languages are individual. This means that if someone wants to “stay beautiful”, most likely this is a wish for the female sex. Men, however, are mostly desirous of masculine strength, strong spirit, and so on. When preparing a congratulatory speech, it is necessary to take this into account.