Can a dog watermelon: the opinion of veterinarians

Many dog ​​owners sometimes notice strange taste preferences of their pets. Their four-legged friends suddenly begin to show remarkable interest in all kinds of fruits, vegetables, berries. And here a question arises for a person about whether a dog can have watermelon, raw carrots, cucumbers or melons.

But is it not a "photo-toad"?

Looking at the dog’s happy face in the photographs, many do not believe that these are real photos. It seems to some that the author of the picture worked well on it, creating an absurd composition.

Can a dog watermelon

The other part is absolutely confident in the reality of photography. And as proof of its veracity, they cite as an example a list of their pets' favorite fruits and vegetables.

But more often the owners of tetrapods care about whether the dogs eat watermelon. This is not to say that all predators love to gourd melons. But those who can’t be pulled from the watermelons by the ears certainly meet.

Vitamins - it is useful!

Veterinarians do not have a clear answer to this question. One of the opinions is that vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins. And dogs need them no less than humans. Not for nothing that many predators, feeling not quite healthy, are looking for their own medicine among the plants. And after all they are cured!

So can a dog watermelon? From the available facts, a completely positive answer follows. Yes, a dog can eat watermelon and even need it.

A predator does not have to be herbivorous!

This is the opposite position of veterinarians. This part of the dog’s health experts answers the question “Can dogs have melon and watermelon?” answer negatively. And they can be understood. If the animal is predatory, it must be carnivorous. And fruits and vegetables can harm him, because his digestive system was created by nature precisely for the digestion of meat, not grass and plant fruits.

Golden mean

And yet, what if the dog loves watermelon, joyfully wags its tail, smelling a tempting aroma, and looks longingly at the process of cutting a huge berry in a dense green peel?

Probably worth trusting the desire of the pet. If the animal shows its desire to chew a little plant foods, then there is a reason to give in to it. And to the question "Can a dog watermelon?" most veterinarians still respond positively. But with the caveat: only without fanaticism.

Can dogs be given watermelon

In addition to watermelon, a predator must always get cereals, boiled vegetables, meat and other products, in which proteins make up the majority.

Delicacy and drink

Having decided on the answer to the question “Is it possible for a dog to watermelon?”, It should be decided what quality it will act in the process of feeding. Definitely it cannot be offered to the predator as the main dish. Rather, watermelon is a treat or even a drink, cool, palatable, sweet. On a hot summer day, the dog is pleased to freshen up, biting with juicy pulp.

But we must not forget that dogs, such sweet tooths, do not want to understand that carbohydrates are contraindicated in their body! Therefore, give the pet a watermelon in moderation. It is best to offer it to the animal after the main meal. But you can give a small portion and half an hour before feeding. Only this is done only when the owner is confident in himself: no matter how the pet begs for the supplement, he will not receive more measured.

It tastes good, and is good for your health!

Experts to the question "Can dogs give a watermelon?" they answer that sometimes it’s even necessary. Being an excellent natural product with a diuretic property, watermelons are able to cleanse the body of toxins and improve the functioning of the intestines. In addition, they restore the level of magnesium in the blood.

So a small amount of your favorite treats will only benefit the pet.


Another question is whether it is possible to feed a dog a watermelon in those cases when she is diagnosed:

  • pancreatitis
  • diabetes;
  • flatulence;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • diarrhea;
  • violation of the outflow of urine.

For all these diseases, the consumption of any raw vegetables is strictly contraindicated.

can dogs melon and watermelon

The caring owner himself understands that any disease of the animal dictates certain rules of care, makes you follow a diet. Therefore, before giving your pet new food, you should first consult a veterinarian.

Surely the doctor will suggest taking a urine test and an ultrasound scan. Based on the results, the specialist will already give an answer whether it is worth treating the dog with watermelons and melons. If sand is found in the kidneys, then melons in the raw form will become assistants in the fight against it. Watermelons and melons will strengthen the work of the kidneys, driving it out.

But in the presence of stones gourds are strictly contraindicated . Watermelons and melons do not cope with them, but they provoke a deterioration in health.

What watermelons should not be eaten?

The first condition that must be observed: any product that is used to feed the animal must be benign. And if the purchased factory feed is thoroughly tested before sale, then this cannot be said about watermelons. A variety of fruits are imported to Russia, during the onset of the season they are sold everywhere. Verification of certificates also does not always give an honest answer, the seller offers a quality product or not - there are more fakes than it seems.

Is it possible to feed a dog a watermelon

In order to personally verify the absence of nitrates in watermelons, you need to dip a piece of pulp into boiled water and stir. If the liquid becomes cloudy, it will prove that the product does not contain harmful impurities. Staining it in a pinkish color should scare away the consumer. This means that the watermelon is stuffed with nitrates, it can not be eaten neither by humans, nor dogs, nor cats.

Gave a watermelon to a dog - get ready for “surprises”!

Well, it goes without saying: since the product is a diuretic, it means that you need to take your pet out to the street more often. Otherwise puddles and piles are provided. After all, watermelons also cleanse the intestines well.

watermelon dog

You can not mix different types of products in one feed. Watermelons and milk - thermonuclear combination! And with other products, they can increase flatulence. So the choice is up to the owner: either abide by this rule, or hold your nose all evening and breathe in the window.

Unripe watermelon, a white layer near the peel and the peel itself are very harmful to animals. Seeds also will not do them any good. Do not let dogs eat them.

It should also be remembered that for three months watermelons are contraindicated for puppies.

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