Maine Coon Smooth: breed description, grooming features, photo

Maine Coon is a cat with the character of a dog. The breed is included in the ranking of the most popular, ranking second. Huge, with a fluffy tail and playful "tassels" on the ears, the cat will become a full member of the family. The breed is so smart that it can be trained.


There are several versions about the origin of Maine Coon. According to one of them, the founders of the breed are an ordinary cat and a raccoon. The second option says: the lynx became the mother of the first kittens, the reed cat became the father. Legends are beautiful, but implausible, because we are talking about interspecific crossbreeding. Relatively specifically to these animals, it is impossible.

It was like this: more than a century ago in North America, kittens were born to a simple farm cat. The older the kids, the more striking their differences from standard cats. Starting from tassels on the ears, ending with large sizes. Subsequent litters inherited the exterior of their parents; breeding of the breed for the purpose of its special breeding was not carried out. Over time, some amendments were made to consolidate the best exterior features, but in general Maine Coons can be considered an American native breed.

Muzzle close up


Are there smooth-haired Maine Coons? This question interests many beginners in communicating with representatives of the breed. People want to have an unusual kitten, because of a lack of experience and knowledge, they buy a pet by announcement, without documents proving its belonging to the breed. Acquired Maine Coon - Smooth, with a square muzzle and without tassels on the ears. The deceived owners are beginning to suspect that they are in front of a cross. Over time, they realize that they have been the victim of unscrupulous people selling ordinary curs under the guise of an elite breed.

If you are offered a smooth-haired Maine Coon kitten, this is a hoax. The breed standard allows semi-long-haired representatives of this breed.

Maine Coon's description looks like this:

  • Elongated head with high set ears. Ears are wide at the base, well pubescent inside, and tassels on the tips.

  • The muzzle is wide, eyes of medium size.

  • The neck is medium length, chest wide.

  • The body is long, the limbs are muscular.

  • The tail is the pride of Maine Coon, it is equal to the length of the body, the fur is fluffy and long.

  • There are no smooth-haired Maine Coon cats, the length of the cover on the shoulders and neck is medium, gradually turning into a thick and lush collar. On the back, sides and legs, the coat is dense and short, on the stomach and tail it is long.

  • All colors are allowed: solid, tabby, calico. Color variations are varied.

Serious representative of the breed

Cat features

In the photo - Maine Coon, smooth-haired representatives of this breed does not exist. On the coat of animals written above.

Red breed representative

Cats have physiological features that need to be known to those who want to get such a pet:

  • these are real giants, a cat can weigh up to 11 kg, cats - 9 kg;

  • tail length - from 60 to 70 cm;

  • animals develop slowly, reach maturity by 4-5 years;

  • the first mating of females is carried out at 3 years of age. An earlier one will lead to a disruption in the formation of her body;

  • life expectancy is 14-16 years.

  • representatives of the breed have enviable health.


When they begin to prove that there are smooth-haired Maine Coons, there is a desire to rude such an expert. It is mistaken, confuses and deceives others because of own incompetence.

The standard of the breed is given above, when planning to purchase a kitten, you should carefully read the description of its exterior. Having an idea of ​​character is also not out of place.

Maine Coons are affectionate and gentle creatures, despite their impressive dimensions. This breed can be called judicious, because its representatives will first think, and then act. Spoil furniture or household clothes? No, this is below the dignity of huge cats, they prefer other activities.

Animals are smart, easily trained and trained in various tricks. During classes, they must be encouraged with a treat, verbal praise is welcome. Maine Coons are loyal to the owner, which is not typical for feline representatives.

Three kittens

Attitude towards children and pets

Sometimes people with the appearance of breed connoisseurs start arguing: a smooth-haired Maine Coon exists, it costs fabulous money, and has an evil temper. Then it turns out that the information was received from the cousin of her husband’s sister. In general, the people act on the principle of word of mouth: they do not check information, but disseminate it.

The breed standard is described above, as well as the character. As for relationships with children, cats are patient and gentle with them. They are happy to take affection, humbly treat children's pranks, but they do not tolerate familiarity. Did the child play out, painfully pull the pet's tail, or step on its paw? The cat will take a deep breath and leave the room; he will not enter into conflict with the baby.

To cats and dogs, representatives of the breed are reserved. They can coexist with them, observe neutrality. Maine Coon friendship is not needed, hostility is not necessary either. Rodents are considered an object of hunting, they can launch a paw into an aquarium with fish. They are not interested in reptiles, little is known about living together with exotic animals.

Advantages of the breed

What if there is a desire to buy a black smooth-haired Maine Coon? We strongly recommend visiting the sites of well-known breeding nurseries. And read her description on our website, in this article, in order to find out: there are no such Maine Coons. On the Internet you can come across deceptive information about the breed.

The main advantages of giant cats:

  • devotion to the owner and members of his family;

  • delicacy and unobtrusiveness;

  • Patience towards children and pets;

  • reasonableness and learning;

  • ability to make decisions.

Cream maine coon

Maine Coon Disadvantages

Representatives of the breed have few disadvantages, they relate to the features of the content:

  • Animals need feed designed to meet the breed's requirements.

  • They need a lot of food.

  • The consumption of filler is many times greater than with ordinary cats.

  • Maine Coon hair needs regular care. Representatives of the breed are combed out two to three times a week.

Maine Coon Size

Maintenance, care and nutrition

Giant cats are fastidious in nutrition. They need a balanced diet, which is difficult to ensure when feeding with natural food. It is worth giving preference to super-premium feeds made specifically for this breed.

Above is written about the care of the coat of cats. Maine Coons are considered to be great lovers of swimming, swim with pleasure. They do not need frequent washing, just a few times a year. Wash animals with special shampoo for cats, rinsing thick hair several times.

What is necessary for the maintenance of Maine Coon is a house and a claw-claw. There are different types of houses, it is worth paying attention to the tall one, with a wide entrance and a claw point. Such shelters are more expensive than usual, they are of high quality and will last a long time.

Maine Coons favor outdoor walks. The season does not affect their preferences, cats are comfortable outdoors in winter and summer. Once free, they will enthusiastically embark on the excavation of land or snow. Representatives of the breed love to dig, and if they succeed in catching the mouse, they will be happy. Excellent hunters, they can easily cope with a mouse, rat or mole, do not disdain catching birds. In the city, taking into account these features, pets walk on a leash. At the cottage or in a private house with a fenced area, the cat is allowed independent walks on its territory. The owner should monitor her movements, so that the darling does not occur to make a dig and get out of the site.

On a walk


The representatives of the Maine Coon breed have a beautiful exterior and character. Noble, delicate and gentle pets will become a friend for an elderly person, a married couple with children, a lonely boy or girl. Lovers of the breed claim that its representatives are amazing that it is impossible to be disappointed in them. If the reader has doubts about whether or not to have Maine Coon, they can be safely discarded. Start, you will never regret your decision.

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