Sooner or later, any administrator faces a problem when the capacity of his servers is not enough to carry out the tasks, and the acquisition of new equipment is almost impossible due to financial difficulties, or just such a purchase raises doubts about its payback in the future.
, . , . . , - , .
– MySQL. MySQL 3.23.15- . «master-slave», (master) (slave).
MySQL . , , , . , , master, slave, .
- , MySQL.
- , MySQL ( FILE slave-).
- MySQL , . Unix- tar, . Windows WinZip.
- mysqld : server-id=unique number, log-bin. My.conf master , .
- slave- :
master-host=< master >
master-user=< >
master-password=< >
master-port=<, >
server-id=< id slave >
* , .
After such actions, replication can be considered installed and configured, which means that now your main server will not suffer from high load and if any table on it fails, it can easily be restored from another computer. As a result, you can forget for several years about buying new hardware for highly loaded systems and be content with the established work of existing equipment.