Why does the baby often spit up after feeding?

Many mothers are faced with this phenomenon, when the baby often spits up after feeding. Why does the child do this? This is a normal phenomenon in newborns, which does not bother him at all, and which disappears on its own as the child develops. But in some cases, this phenomenon is a sign of a serious pathology, which only a specialist can diagnose. It is for this reason that parents are concerned about a symptom such as regurgitation.


Why does an infant often spit up? The main causes of this phenomenon are:

  • Binge eating. Milk, which turned out to be superfluous, is removed from the baby’s stomach in a natural way.
  • Incorrect breastfeeding, that is, the baby's abnormal grip of the nipple, which leads to swallowing during feeding, which drops below the milk, and pushes it back.
  • Underdevelopment of the sphincter. This valve prevents food that has entered the stomach from returning to the esophagus. In infants, it is not developed enough, its final formation occurs only in the first year of the baby's life.
  • Allergic reactions of a small organism to any product that my mother ate.
  • Improper behavior of adults who immediately after feeding begin to wash, change clothes, swaddle the baby, squeeze and turn him over.
  • The cause may be diseases of the digestive or central nervous system of the child.
Why do children often burp?

"Fountain" burping

Why does a child often sprinkle a “fountain” in a month? There may be several reasons:

  • Prematurity of the child, in such babies the digestive system works more slowly.
  • Transition from breastfeeding to artificial.
  • Excessive gas formation and colic, this prevents food from moving through the intestines.
  • Intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus.
  • Deformation or pathology of internal organs.

But not always this form of regurgitation indicates the presence of some kind of disease or pathology. This can be for completely removable reasons, for example, when overwork. But if the baby spits up a lot and often, you should contact a pediatrician.

Spitting up during breastfeeding

Why does the baby often spit up after feeding?

Why does a baby often spit breast milk? In such a situation, the stain should be carefully examined. If he burped clotted milk or in the form of cottage cheese, this is a completely natural phenomenon, in addition, you should calm down if he spits up a small amount. If the child often vomits in large quantities, it should be shown to his pediatrician. And also adhere to certain rules:

  • Do not overfeed the baby. With proper breastfeeding, the child will eat as much as he needs. It is best to feed on demand, and do not stuff him with food when he does not ask. In addition, you should monitor the correct grip of the nipple, if the baby does it wrong, he will swallow air and, as a result, spit up.
  • Watch the little man’s tummy. It should be soft, not swollen. With this observation, colic and constipation in the baby can be easily excluded.

Artificial type burping

Why does a baby often spit up after feeding milk formula? The reasons may be the same as in children with breastfeeding.

  • The most important of these is overeating. Of course, with artificial feeding, the amount of the mixture eaten is much easier to control, but the bottle and nipple must strictly correspond to the age of the baby.
  • Before each feeding, check the hole in the nipple. It should not be large, otherwise the child along with the mixture will swallow air.
  • Another reason why children often regurgitate the mixture is that they cannot tolerate it. It is necessary, together with the pediatrician, to choose the type of mixture more suitable for him.
  • Colic and constipation are quite common causes of frequent regurgitation in artificers, so you should constantly check the tummy.
Why does an infant often spit up?

First aid

When regurgitating, if the child is lying on his back, there is a high probability of getting vomit in the respiratory tract, so the baby urgently needs to be picked up or turned on his stomach. So he can naturally get rid of food debris.

For normal bowel function and for the prevention of gas formation, dill vodka helps the kids well. But, before giving it to the baby, you should consult a pediatrician who has been watching him from birth.


Why do children often burp? What are the preventive measures? If the baby spits up all the time after eating, the following methods must be performed to help minimize this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • Before each feeding, lay the baby on the tummy.
  • During feeding, the baby should be kept in a reclining state with a raised head. Correct chest grip should be monitored.
  • After feeding, you need to hold the baby for some time vertically, this will help him to burp and get rid of excess air.
  • After eating, there should be no activity, do not turn over, do not squeeze the child, only calm games.
Why does a child often spew in a month?

When to see a doctor

Belching is not a dangerous phenomenon, every mother can cope with it independently. But there are situations in which medical care is simply necessary.

If the child often spits milk, and why this is not known, while the vomit is large, has an unpleasant pungent odor, you need to consult a specialist. First of all, you should consult with a pediatrician, who then, if necessary, will refer to a neurologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist.

There is no need to delay the visit to the pediatrician if the child, after burping, bends strongly and screams. This behavior usually indicates irritation of the walls of the esophagus.

Why does a baby often spit up after feeding?

You should also be careful if the baby spits up after each feeding with a “fountain”.

If the baby often spits up, and his temperature rises, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Usually this is not observed after reaching one year of age. If the process has not stopped, this is an occasion to consult your doctor, since this indicates a pathology in the baby’s body.

Why do children often burp? Normal regurgitation

How to determine this is a natural process or symptom of the disease?

If the child is gaining weight well, then do not worry that he spits up after eating, even if the "fountain".

The normal volume, doctors say, is about 3-4 tablespoons. The volume of vomit can be determined by the size of the spot.

Why does a child often spit milk?

If the baby has normal stools and good urination, then spitting up should not disturb parents.

If this causes anxiety in a child, this indicates postpartum consequences, with fetal hypoxia this happens, and this will gradually pass.

If the child spits up and does not gain weight

Why do children often spit up and do not gain weight? If the baby often spits up, does not gain weight, and sometimes even completely loses it, it is considered an alarming symptom. And to answer which one, the attending physician should.

  • The most common cause of this phenomenon is an abnormality in the digestive system. The gastrointestinal tract is a complex system, and not every baby has digestive organs of the necessary size, shape and are located in their places.
  • The second common cause is lactose intolerance. In breast milk contains protein - lactose, which is broken down in the stomach by lactase (a special enzyme). If this enzyme is insufficient, or it is completely absent, milk intolerance occurs. The kid can not digest it, so he burps it in large volumes and often. In this case, you need to contact a pediatrician who will pick up the lactose-free mixture.
  • The third reason is an infectious disease. In any infection, the gastrointestinal system reacts first. The color of the burped food becomes yellow, and sometimes a green tint. If such a symptom appears, you must immediately go to the hospital.
Why does a baby often spit breast milk?

Instead of a conclusion

If the regurgitation in a child is not accompanied by weight loss, then this is a normal phenomenon that will pass on its own. But if the baby often and often spits up and does not gain weight - you should run to the doctor. Parents need to know that there is no cure for this. But there are certain preventive measures that will help minimize this phenomenon. For example, put the baby on the tummy before eating, after eating keep it upright, monitor its stool and tummy, and prevent gas formation. When the baby grows up, this symptom will not remain a trace.

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