The term "hyperthyroidism" will be especially interesting to owners whose cats have already stepped over the age of eight years. Hyperthyroidism is an increase in thyroid function. In other words, the thyroid gland produces many times more hormones than it should be normal. The article describes the symptoms and treatment of hyperthyroidism in cats, as well as the reasons why it occurs.
Where does hyperthyroidism come from?
In almost 100% of cases, hyperthyroidism refers to benign tumors, but there are those 2% that account for cancerous tumors. What factors can affect changes in the thyroid gland:
- A pet that a pet regularly consumes contains too much iodine.
- The disease is especially common in older cats and cats.
- The pet's habitat can affect health.
It's no secret that the synthesis of hormones in the thyroid gland requires a certain amount of iodine, but if this substance is too much in the body or vice versa it is not enough, this can have a serious effect on the function of the thyroid gland. More often this diagnosis is made to animals over six years old. In addition, veterinarians say that cats get sick much more often than cats.
Alimentary hyperthyroidism
Alimentary hyperthyroidism in cats is more common in babies and then accompanies the animal throughout life, because it is associated with a lack of calcium in the body. Because of this, kittens have poorly formed bones and they often grow with weakened limbs.
This disease occurs due to improper nutrition of the kitten, when in his diet there are a lot of products containing phosphorus, but having a minimal amount of calcium. Due to weak bones, the structure of the whole body is disturbed, bone tissue can be eroded, which will subsequently be replaced by fibrosis.
The danger of hyperthyroidism
The proper growth and development of body cells largely depends on the hormones that are produced in the thyroid gland. And also these hormones are responsible for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And their functions include oxygen consumption and heat transfer.
If there are too many of these hormones in the body, then the metabolism is greatly accelerated. This entails the functioning of all organs at an accelerated pace, but the body is not always able to work in such a rhythm. As a result, we get problems with the heart, liver, kidneys, and blood pressure. Ailments associated with the musculoskeletal system or the gastrointestinal tract may occur. The most serious consequences of hyperthyroidism include the appearance of various cardiovascular diseases.
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
It is not difficult to conclude that if the metabolism in the body is accelerated, then the cat needs more energy to live normally, and from this it turns out that her appetite becomes much better, the cat constantly feels hunger. But if the disease begins to progress, then the cat is not able to take food in the amount in which the animal should dramatically lose weight. So, if your pet has a good appetite, but at the same time its weight is greatly reduced, then it is likely that this is a sign of hyperthyroidism.
Other symptoms of cat hyperthyroidism include vomiting, constant thirst, palpitations and urination are still more frequent, fur may noticeably deteriorate, sometimes it even falls out, and some have diarrhea. The behavior of the pet also changes. The cat becomes more excited and aggressive, hyperactivity is observed.
But there is a small percentage of animals in which hyperthyroidism manifests itself in the form of poor appetite, the cat is losing strength, it becomes lethargic, anorexia is observed.
Diagnosis of the disease
As already mentioned, hyperthyroidism develops in elderly cats and in parallel with it, abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys and heart can be observed, some cats develop diabetes mellitus.
When a specialist examines an animal that has signs of hyperthyroidism, he will first of all pay attention to the depletion of the body, the coat is also of poor quality, noise may appear in the heart and heart palpitations, and the thyroid gland will greatly increase.
If you conduct a general blood test, then no conclusions can be drawn on its basis, but a biochemical analysis can show an increase in liver enzymes, creatinine, urea, phosphates. The doctor can also prescribe a radiography, where an enlarged heart will be visible.
But an accurate diagnosis can be established on the basis of a test that determines the level of the hormone thyroxine in the blood. If it is greatly increased, then this unconditionally indicates hyperthyroidism. Even if the test shows the norm, then it is worth repeating it after two weeks, in the presence of symptoms indicating this disease. Since at the initial stage, the level of thyroxine is still normal.
Is it worth the treat?
Some owners believe that there is no point in treating hyperthyroidism, because their pet is already aged. Undoubtedly, this is the business of the owner himself. But here are the consequences this disease can have.
If hyperthyroidism is left unattended, it can lead to heart failure, and also because of the high pressure that keeps constant, there is a risk that the retina will begin to exfoliate, various kidney diseases may develop, and the cat will lose weight. All this will cause much torment to the animal until it dies.
Hyperthyroidism treatment
To cure hyperthyroidism means lowering the level of hormones that circulate through the blood. Now there are three options for solving this problem:
- You can take medications that are prescribed on an ongoing basis and if you stop taking them, then the amount of hormones will again begin to increase.
- You can simply remove the thyroid gland surgically.
- There is a special radioactive iodine that destroys pathological tissues of the gland.
It is important to note that the second and third options will permanently save the animal from this disease, but drugs can only keep hormone levels under control until the animal receives them.
Regardless of which treatment method is chosen, the cat is being treated with drugs that can lower hormone levels to normal levels. Only after this, the doctor can prescribe an operation or choose drugs that are suitable for this particular animal.
Radioactive iodine
The specialist introduces radioactive iodine in the form of a normal injection. Radiation of iodine isotopes occurs in the body, which completely destroys the tumor on the thyroid gland, while healthy tissues do not fall under its action. This method has long earned the trust of veterinarians. It is practically devoid of any side effects. True, there is one “but”, in Russia they do not use this method, because for this you need to have special equipment and master all the radiation safety rules.
Surgical method
The thyroid gland can be removed only if there are no contraindications to this. The tumor is simply cut out, and after two weeks the stitches are removed. A fairly effective method that also relieves the cat of the disease for the rest of his life. But for such an operation, you need to choose an experienced specialist who has repeatedly carried out such operations. If the doctor makes a mistake, then this can lead to paralysis of the larynx or hypocalcemia.
Drug therapy
Drug therapy is one of the safest and most common methods in our country. Cat is prescribed drugs that are made on the basis of thiourea, it does not allow the thyroid gland to produce hormones in too large quantities. If necessary, the cat may be prescribed drugs that will protect internal organs from violations. The disadvantage of this treatment method is that the drugs only block the symptoms, but do not completely cure, and their intake adversely affects the condition of the kidneys.
Predictions of veterinarians
If a surgical or medical treatment of hyperthyroidism in a cat is carried out in a timely manner, then the disease will be completely under the control of specialists. Forecasts will be very favorable if there are no complications and serious pathologies that accompany hyperthyroidism.
When conducting drug therapy, you can not self-medicate. It is always necessary to fulfill all the requirements and recommendations of a specialist. And also you need to clearly ensure that the animal in a timely manner and in the required dose receives the medications prescribed to it.
But there are special cases when, for example, hyperthyroidism occurred in a cat 16 years old, there can only be one prognosis here - a fatal outcome. After all, the animal is already in old age and the operation may not be tolerated, and drugs that will adversely affect the already worn kidneys will quickly “bring” the animal. In this case, it’s better not to take up treatment, perhaps the cat will live even longer than with the use of drugs.
Until now, the exact causes of hyperthyroidism in old cats have not been established. Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is possible to advise the owners not to give cats food that contains a lot of iodine. This applies not only to dry feed, but also to natural food. With special care you need to give fish products, canned food.
And, of course, do not forget to visit a specialist at least once a year to make sure that your pet is healthy. This is the best prevention of any disease, not only hyperthyroidism. With the help of a general, biochemical and blood test for hormones, the doctor will be able to accurately tell you everything about the condition of the pet.
The article describes the mechanisms of development of hyperthyroidism in cats and methods of combating this disease. Owners of young individuals need not worry, as this disease in most cases catches up with older cats, but you need to take care of the pet’s health in advance, select the right nutrition for it, and regularly take it to the vet for an examination. Such basic precautions will help to maintain health not only at a young age, but also to ensure the animal a healthy old age, which is important.