Rhodesian Ridgeback: description, breed history and care features

The modern variety of bred dog breeds is very large. How to choose that one friend who will become one with you? First, compare your lifestyle and the breed you choose. Pay attention to universal dogs such as ridgeback dogs. He will be a great friend for the whole family, a guard for the house and, if necessary, a hunter.

Rhodesian Ridgeback: Description

Dogs have a muscular, strong and harmonious body structure. The adult combines the power of fighting breeds with the agility and agility of the hounds. A distinctive feature is the crest on the back, the ridge. It is a strip of wool that grows in the direction opposite to the rest of the coat. It seems that she is reared. The temperament is calm, indifferent to strangers. He does not show open aggression, but holds on to dignity.

Rhodesian Ridgeback.

An adult Rhodesian ridgeback, whose photos demonstrate his attractive appearance, has a symmetrical body, height at the withers of the female is 62-66 cm, for the male is 64-68 cm, and weight is 32 kg and 42 kg, respectively. The breed is characterized by a strong neck without suspension. Chest moderately wide, but voluminous and deep, ribs not too arched. The tail is thick at the base and gradually tapering; it has no bends; when moving it rises slightly, but not with a ringlet.

The coat has a smooth structure and gloss, it is thick and short. Color varies from light wheat to reddish. Small white spots on the legs and chest are allowed. The main sign of the breed is the ridge - a comb made of wool, having a saber shape. It begins immediately after the shoulder blades and has two identical curls against each other.

From the history of the breed

Rhodesian Ridgeback: photos.

As such, the Rhodesian ridgeback appeared relatively recently, but its roots go deep into antiquity. Dogs with a characteristic crest on their back first appeared more than 5000 years ago in ancient Egypt. And even then they were used to protect sheep from predators and lions. Hottentots indigenous South African people brought animals from Ethiopia in the 5th century. For the first time, dogs with a strip on their backs were described in 1505. Later, H. Helm was involved in breeding for hunting large animals. In all likelihood, dogs brought by the Hottentots were crossed with mastiffs, hounds, Great Dane, retriever.

When breeding animals, C. Helm selected only those individuals who had a ridge (lane), were distinguished by endurance, fearlessness and excellent hunting instinct. As a result, the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed appeared. She combined the two best qualities that were required at that time, this is a universal security and hunting dog. At exhibitions to this day, you can see two types of rocks with varying degrees of development in one direction or another.

Rhodesian Ridgeback: reviews.

Dog health

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is an indigenous breed and has good health and strong immunity. Its resistance to external environmental factors is one of the main features. However, all natural data without proper care can be nullified. Firstly, it is important to have a proper and balanced diet, do not overfeed dogs. Secondly, annual preventive vaccinations against various infectious diseases will also not be superfluous. And thirdly, physical activity. Ridgeback is an active dog, very mobile. The usual walk around your house or on the site for 15 minutes will not be enough for him. He needs physical activity all the time, and in cold weather he needs to put on a dog so that it does not freeze.

Ridgeback Care

The Rhodesian Ridgeback, the photo of which is in the article, will not require special procedures and difficulties in leaving. This is one of the most undemanding breeds. His coat is thick and short, and therefore needs to be combed. You should not wash your dog too often. All care consists in dental hygiene, timely cutting of claws and washing of paws after walking on the street. The procedures are quite feasible and necessary for absolutely every dog.

The most important component of care is physical activity. Not just walks, but training. Incidentally, this will benefit not only the dog, but also the owner. At the first opportunity, take the ridgeback into the forest, where he can run into plenty.

Children and Ridgeback

If you are not a dog breeder, but you are determined to make a fourth friend of this breed, then you can not worry about your children. Rhodesian Ridgeback has a peaceful disposition. Leaving children with him, you can always be calm for them. Even if your children are too curious and want to pull his tail or flab his ears, look into his eyes and look at his teeth, he will take it calmly. In extreme cases, the dog will simply get away from excessive attention. However, it is worth explaining to the child the rules for treating the dog, and the ridgeback, in turn, should make it clear that you need to be careful with small children and not jump in any way, no matter how happy he is.

Rhodesian Ridgeback: reviews

The vast majority of happy dog ​​owners say that she is calm and kind, loyal to children and very fond of the owners. However, at the same time it has strength, energy.

Rhodesian ridgeback breed.

Single owners and content polls. As breeders and ordinary owners say, with a ridgeback just lying on the couch will not work. This is not a lazy English bulldog that can sleep and eat all day, and it takes him 20 minutes to walk. With this dog you have to deal with and walk a lot. In addition, the breed is quite large and impressive, you will have to master the basics of training.

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