What is a healthy lifestyle? Start from scratch

What is a healthy lifestyle? Definitely this question is difficult to answer. This is proper nutrition, and active sport. A healthy lifestyle is, first of all, love and taking care of oneself personally. That is, you need to carefully monitor yourself. But this does not mean that you need to pay attention only to clothing "according to the weather." Just everything needs to be evaluated in a complex - from vestments to food.

So what is a healthy lifestyle?

To begin, let's evaluate ourselves from the outside. How does your morning usually start? If with a cool shower, a fifteen-minute charge and a full breakfast, then there are no complaints. But! If it starts in a hurry, and you barely have time to put yourself in order, then you need to do something about it.

So that the body feels good, and in the morning a smile shines in the mirror, then the night's sleep should not be less than 8 hours in a row. A cool shower in the morning will give vigor and freshness to the body. Charging will perfectly stretch all joints that also rested at night. Bending to the sides, swinging arms and squats is what you need. Breakfast should be light, but nutritious - milk porridge, yogurt, fruits, cottage cheese and green tea. This is the morning of a person who knows what a healthy lifestyle is.

Now let's talk about food. You always want to pamper yourself with both this and that. And do not deny yourself something, just know the measure. For example, you are very fond of rolls. Then, satisfy this hunger 2-3 times a week, but no more. Sweets are best replaced with fruits, dark chocolate, and dried fruits. Introduce more vegetables, veal meat, herbs and natural juices into the diet. Remove excess fats and calories. But do not resort to extremes. Everything should be gradual and logical, that is, remove unnecessary products gradually. Since the body is hard to switch immediately, for him it is a lot of stress.

Clothing should be made of natural fabrics, comfortable and beautiful. Pay particular attention to the laundry, as it is closest to the body. Do not spare money, do not buy linen from your grandmothers in the market. It will not lead to anything good.

Shoes should always be comfortable, as many points are placed on the feet that are responsible for the body as a whole. Do not wear too high heels, as well as shoes without arch support. A heel of 7 centimeters for women and 2 for men is an ideal option for people who know what a healthy lifestyle is.

It is necessary to play sports. Though not every day, but still. Hiking to work and back, walking up the stairs. Such procedures make the heart muscle strengthen, which is very good in our time. Once a week you can visit the pool. It is known that swimming perfectly strengthens the vestibular apparatus, while all muscle groups are involved. In addition, in this way you can improve a healthy lifestyle for children. In water, they develop well, socially adapt, and just relax in the company of their parents.

When the baby is with you, it is easier to monitor his nutrition, exercise, and other procedures. But what if the child went to the garden, and when he arrives home in the evening, he already looks tired and sad? Then you need to find out whether a healthy lifestyle is being conducted in kindergarten - are the kids enough in the fresh air, do they sleep well, do they have good nutrition. Such answers can be given to you by any nanny of the group.

Now in children's institutions they practice hardening of children, trips by the whole group to theaters, to performances and to the pool. Do not be opposed to this, but support it, even if it is far from summer outside the window.

If the baby has some problems, then it is best to send him to a specialized kindergarten. Here they will take care of the young body correctly and find an approach to its problems.

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