Cats quite often suffer from helminth infections. After all, worm eggs are extremely common in the environment, and invasion can be obtained very easily. Therefore, veterinarians recommend systematically deworming with the help of special drugs. One such anthelmintic is Prazicide cat tablets. This is a combination drug that has a prolonged effect. It effectively destroys many types of parasitic worms. How to give an animal a pill? And do cats tolerate this drug well? We will consider these issues in the article.
Composition and mechanism of action
Tablets for cats "Prazitsid" contain two active components:
Both substances are powerful anthelmintics, in combination they complement and enhance the effect of each other.
Praziquantel and pyrantel have a detrimental effect on parasitic worms. These substances disrupt the transmission of impulses to the central nervous system, which leads to paralysis of the body of the helminth. Worms lose their ability to move and are removed from the body through the intestines.
The active components of Prazicide cats tablets affect not only adult worms, but also larvae. For the complete expulsion of parasites in most cases, a single dose of the drug is enough.
Praziquantel acts fairly quickly, but not for long. This substance does not stay in the body and is soon removed through the kidneys. The prolonged action of the drug provides pyrantel, which is excreted much more slowly and paralyzes parasites for a long time.
Prazicide tablets for cats and dogs have the same composition. But they differ in dosage. The content of active ingredients in the drug for dogs is three times higher, so it should not be given to cats.
Consider the main indications for the use of tablets for cats Prazitsid. The instructions for use indicate that the active components of this medication act on round and tapeworms:
- roundworm;
- pinworms;
- whipworms;
- hookworm;
- wide tape;
- all kinds of tapeworms.
Veterinarians prescribe this drug if a cat shows signs of infection with the above parasites.
Often mixed infections are diagnosed in animals when several types of parasites live in the intestines. Pills for cats from worms "Prazidid" are effective in such combined helminthiases, as they can affect different classes of worms.
It is important to remember that this drug very poorly helps with infection with flatworms, for example, cat fluke. Praziquantel is detrimental to such types of helminths. But the content of this substance in combination tablets is not enough to combat flat parasites. In such cases, it is better to use praziquantel-based monopreparations.
Pills are also given to healthy cats to prevent helminth infections. Veterinarians recommend anthelminthic animals for prophylactic purposes at least 2-3 times a year. It is also necessary to carry out deworming before the course of vaccinations.
The instructions for tablets for cats "Prazidid" indicate the following contraindications to the use of the drug:
- intolerance to praziquantel or pyrantel;
- kitten age up to 3 weeks;
- breast-feeding.
Pregnancy in a cat is a relative contraindication. Anthelmintic animal in such a period is extremely undesirable. But if there is an urgent need for deworming, then it is carried out no later than 3 weeks before birth. After this period, anthelmintic tablets should not be given to a cat even with a very strong infection.
Prazicide tablets for cats cannot be combined with other types of anthelmintics. They are also incompatible with drugs from the group of cholinomimetics.
Unwanted effects
Most cats tolerate the drug well. Undesirable effects are extremely rare. On the first day after taking the pill, the cat may feel a slight lethargy and loss of appetite. Such manifestations do not require special treatment and disappear on their own.
In animals with hypersensitivity, allergic reactions were observed, accompanied by itching. In such cases, the pet needs to be given an antihistamine, and then visit the veterinarian.
It is necessary to carefully adhere to the recommended dosage of anthelmintic drugs. Otherwise, the cat may develop severe intoxication. The signs of an overwhelming anthelmintic are as follows:
- vomiting
- lethargy;
- diarrhea;
- weakness.
In such cases, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. The cat needs urgent detoxification.
How to give medicine to a cat
One tablet of anthelmintic is designed for an animal with a body weight of 3 kg. If the cat weighs less or more than 3 kg, then the dosage is accordingly reduced or increased. The optimal amount of the drug can only be calculated by a veterinarian based on the weight of the animal.
Anthelmintic therapy in the morning is recommended. A pill can be given to a cat in two ways:
- Put the drug on the root of the tongue, and then gently massage the neck so that the animal swallows the medicine.
- Grind the tablet to a powder and mix into food.
Usually, a single dose of the drug is sufficient to eliminate parasites. Only with severe invasion, tablets are given again after 10 days.
To deworming was successful and without side effects, you must adhere to the following rules:
- A few days before taking the anthelmintic, you need to treat the fleece with wool.
- If the cat suffers from infectious diseases or is weakened, then deworming should be postponed until complete recovery of health.
The use of tablets does not require prior fasting or a special diet.
Storage and price
A pack of tablets for cats Prazitsid should be kept in a dark and dry place. You can store the drug at any temperature. The medicine remains valid for 3 years. After this period, you can not use tablets.
The drug can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies. Its price is about 200 rubles.
Opinion of veterinarians
Veterinarians leave both positive and negative feedback on pills for cats Prazid. Opinions of experts on anthelmintic were divided.
Some veterinarians believe this drug is an effective tool against internal parasites. It does not require multiple admission and often displays worms the first time. If necessary, re-deworming veterinarians recommend changing the drug.
Experts also emphasize that before conducting anthelmintic treatment, an analysis for parasite eggs should be taken. "Prazicide" has a wide spectrum of action, but it is able to destroy not all parasites.
Another part of veterinarians has a negative opinion about the drug. Doctors believe that this medicine is quite toxic, especially for small kittens. In their practice, specialists have repeatedly encountered dyspeptic phenomena in animals after applying Prazitsida. According to veterinarians, today there are more modern and safer means for deworming.
Owner reviews
Most cat owners respond positively to the drug. After anthelmintic therapy, the condition of the animals improved significantly. In cats, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and other manifestations of helminthiasis disappeared. The absence of parasites was confirmed by laboratory tests.
In a small number of animals, foam was released from the mouth after taking the tablets, the temperature rose, and severe dyspeptic symptoms (severe vomiting, diarrhea) arose. Such side effects have been reported in negative reviews of Prazicide cat tablets. The instructions indicate that the required amount of medication is calculated based on the body weight of the animal. It is possible that acute intoxication is associated with an overdose of anthelmintic.
In most cases, small kittens suffered from poisoning, and the drug was used without the appointment of a veterinarian. Therefore, before treatment, it is necessary to weigh the animal, and with the help of a specialist, select the optimal dosage of the drug.