Over the past 10-15 years, an allergic reaction has become one of the most common phenomena not only among people, but also among animals. We will not discuss why this happens. We leave this to the experts. It seems that owners of tetrapods are more interested in answering the question of what can be given to a dog from allergies. and how to alleviate the suffering of a pet.
People suffering from this ailment know firsthand that taking even one tablet of an antihistamine can significantly improve the patient's condition. But here is it possible to give the dog "Suprastin" for allergies, not all dog owners know. What is a dog allergy in general and how to treat it? We will try to answer these and other questions below.
How the immune system works
Before talking about what to give the dog from allergies, let's find out what happens in the body of an animal (and a person too) with such a disease.
Dogs are warm-blooded animals, quite highly developed. A distinctive feature of such organisms is the presence of immunity, which is responsible for the stability of the composition of cells. Immunity is not a separate organ, but a whole complex that includes lymphoid tissues, spleen, and special blood proteins. The task of the system is to analyze all cells of the body according to the “friend or foe” system. As soon as the immune system detects an "enemy" - a cell that is unusual for the human or animal body, the protective mechanism is immediately activated and the "alien" is destroyed.
Every day an incredible amount of various substances penetrates the canine organism. This happens through food, water, through the air, through the hair and pores of the skin. Normally, the canine organism does not react at all to such a penetration. In the process of life, the dog develops a certain "indifference" due to addiction to external stimuli. The immune response arises only when there is a real threat of the penetration of viruses and pathogens, or in the case of mutation of their own cells. The immune system no longer “recognizes” them and is trying to destroy them.
Symptoms of a dog allergy
What allergy pills can be given to a dog? We will talk about this a little lower. And now let's look at the signs by which an attentive owner can suggest the development of such a disease in his pet.
As a rule, allergic reactions are quite pronounced in dogs, and the disease itself is much more severe than in humans. For example, if in humans contact with the pollen of some plants causes only sneezing, tearing and swelling of the mucous membranes, then in dogs, itching of the paws and skin is also added to all these signs. The animal constantly licks and bites these places, which not only provokes a new attack, but can also lead to the appearance of weeping ulcers.
So, most likely, your dog is allergic if it:
- unnecessarily often nibbles and licks paws;
- constantly scratching ears;
- has redness, rash, or open wounds on the skin;
- smells bad for no apparent reason;
- often sick with ear infections;
- rubs against furniture or rolls on the floor;
- has red spots or cracks between the fingers;
- coughs, sneezes, or suffers from a common cold;
- has constantly sore eyes;
- gums have a bluish tint;
- has an unpleasant smell from the mouth;
- suffers from frequent bouts of vomiting or diarrhea.
A particularly vivid picture shows a combination of several features.
First aid
The first thing that every owner should do, having discovered any of the listed signs, is to take the pet to the veterinarian. It is the doctor who must make the correct diagnosis and determine which pills to give the dog from allergies. But while the legs, or rather, the paws did not reach the clinic, you can try to alleviate the suffering of the animal yourself.
Before thinking about whether it is possible to give the dog "Suprastin" for allergies and whether it should be done without consulting a doctor, try to immediately stop the action of the allergen. To do this, of course, is very difficult. After all, the dog is not a man and cannot tell you that her eyes were combed after she sniffed some bush. So, “immediately” in this case can be extended for a long period.
If you have mild symptoms, you can use the already mentioned "Suprastin". If the course of the disease is difficult, do not do without injections of this drug. They are most often made at the withers or back thigh.
If you are not sure how much to give Suprastin to your dog for allergies, carefully read the instructions for the drug. In this case, you need to focus not on age, but on the weight of the patient. You can weigh the pet and determine the dose of the drug yourself. However, one must remember that it is better to “undersize” than to “convey”. An overdose can not only not alleviate the suffering of the animal, but also worsen its condition.
It is also helpful to water the dog with calcium chloride. Enough 1–5 tablespoons per day. It all depends on the size of the animal. Unfortunately, this medicine is very bitter. Therefore, in order for the dog not to refuse to take the medicine, it can be diluted with milk and add a little sugar. Such a cocktail is most likely to their taste.
If there are manifestations on the skin, it is worthwhile to bathe the pet in the decoction of the string or to wipe the itchy places with a swab dipped in infusion.
The usual hydrocortisone spray relieves itching. You can do it yourself with ease. To do this, mix the following components:
- hydrocortisone - 4 ampoules;
- cold boiled water - 350 ml;
- medical alcohol - 80 ml;
- glycerin - 50 ml.
Some owners are interested in the question of whether it is possible to give the dog "Loratadin" from allergies if there are no other drugs at hand. In principle, your pet will not get worse from it. But whether relief comes, depends on what the animal suffers from. “Loratadine” works well when a dog reacts to plant pollen or particles of house dust. But with food manifestations, it is practically useless.
Food intolerance
What do dogs get from food allergies? Most often, treatment includes 3 directions:
- antihistamines;
- antifungal agents and antibiotics in the presence of complications;
- special hypoallergenic diet.
What can be given to a dog from allergies, in each case, only the doctor must decide. And your pet will have a long treatment process. To determine the allergen, the animal is "planted" on a strict diet, which lasts until the symptoms are completely eliminated. After this, they begin to slowly add one product from the usual diet. As soon as the symptoms reappear, the product falls into the banned list and it all starts again. Each new product is added every 3-5 days, so the process can take a long time.
Medications taken without diet can only temporarily alleviate the symptoms of the disease.
Skin allergy
Now let's talk about what dogs are given from allergies that are not caused by food. Of the most "popular" can be called a disease such as allergic dermatitis. This is an abnormal reaction of a canine organism to external stimuli. They may be:
- organic components of dust (small dust mites, pieces of human skin, dandruff);
- particles of wool of other animals;
- synthetics (carpet, dog’s wardrobe, curtains);
- household chemicals;
- dog cosmetics, perfumes;
- other irritants.
Most often, allergic dermatitis affects younger individuals. The sudden appearance of a similar disease in an adult dog may be a sign of developing oncology or an autoimmune disease.
Despite the fact that allergic dermatitis is a very "eloquent" disease (all the main symptoms are mainly presented on the skin of the animal), it is worthwhile to conduct additional studies to exclude more serious ailments. Similar manifestations may have:
- infection of the animal with worms;
- renal failure;
- scabies;
- mycotic lesions of the skin of the animal;
- diabetes;
- numerous insect bites.
To exclude these diseases, you need to take blood, feces and urine tests, as well as scraping from the skin of the pet. Only after that it is possible to speak with confidence about what medicine to give the dog for allergies (if this is it).
The treatment of allergic dermatitis is not a quick process. First of all, you need:
- limit the contact of the dog with the source of trouble as much as possible;
- provide the animal with a plentiful drink;
- start the use of glucocorticosteroid and antihistamines;
- carry out local treatment using wound healing and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Although the first signs of relief may appear within a few days, treatment should not be discontinued until the symptoms disappear completely. Combined therapy can last up to six months.
Vaccine and drug response
Each dog at least once in its life needs medical treatment. Sometimes, after treatment for the underlying disease, the animal has side effects in the form of the so-called drug allergy. This term refers to intolerance to one or more components of a drug. In such cases, there is no choice but to give Suprastin. Other allergies may be prescribed for a dog with allergies, but this one remains the most popular.
To protect the animal as much as possible, during treatment, you should be careful with such groups of drugs as:
- live vaccines;
- quinine;
- chloral hydrate;
- morphine;
- B vitamins;
- serum;
- novocaine;
- sulfonamides;
- barbiturates;
- antibiotics
- digitalis, as well as its derivatives;
- amidopyrine.
Sometimes a negative reaction in an animal does not occur immediately, but as the drug accumulates in the body. The obvious signs are:
- skin reactions;
- signs of suffocation;
- swelling of the mucous membranes;
- indigestion.
It all depends on which drug to give the dog. In this case, only the immediate cancellation of an inappropriate drug will completely relieve allergies. All other measures will give only a temporary effect.
Bite allergy
Now let's talk about the fact that dogs are given allergies to bites of skin parasites. Since flea dermatitis is manifested primarily by unbearable itching, you are unlikely to be able to do without antihistamines. In addition to the "Suprastin", which we have already talked about, most often the following drugs are prescribed for dogs:
- "Diazolin."
- Allevert.
- "Loratadine."
- Zirtek.
- Fenistil.
- Other drugs.
In addition, it should be mandatory to process the skin. This will help relieve itching and heal wounds.
All these measures will be practically useless if you do not eliminate the main cause of the disease - fleas and ticks.
Chemical allergy
Is it possible for dogs to give allergy pills if it is caused by household chemicals or dog cosmetics? It is possible, and even necessary. Only the selection of the right drug is best left to the doctor. In this case, it is extremely important. After all, the combination of different chemicals (a source of allergies and pills) in the dog's body can cause an uncontrolled reaction. The consequences can be sad.
What do dogs most often get from allergies? The treatment complex may look something like this:
- Antihistamines (most often “Suprastin”).
- Homeopathic medicines, such as Nux, Engistol, Traumeel, Gommakord and others.
- Preparations containing sufficient doses of iron, enzymes, and coenzyme Q10.
- Fish oil, vitamins E and C.
- A complex of bifidobacteria, for example, Lactobifid.
- Veterinary sulfur drug.
- A medicine for removing toxins from the body. For example, Enterosgel.
- Sugar "Exekan". The composition of this drug includes a complex that relieves inflammation and supports liver function.
- Other drugs.
Of course, this list is absolutely not a recipe or guide to action. It’s accurate to say that only a qualified veterinarian can give a dog allergies in any given situation.
Environmental allergy
This term refers to an atypical reaction to certain environmental factors. In this case, various plants or their pollen, mold, dust, other substances can be allergens. Its manifestation as atopy is especially unpleasant. With atopic allergies, the stimulus enters the dog through the air. That is, she just inhales it. If in other cases, to recover, it is enough to simply eliminate the source of the trouble, then in the case of atopy it is almost impossible to do. Why? Let's think it over.
If you are allergic to chocolate, then the easiest way is not to eat it. After some time, the allergy will disappear. Now imagine that the irritant is household dust floating in the air. Can you completely stop breathing to prevent allergen from entering the body? I think no. In this case, only the timely use of drugs can alleviate the patient's condition. For example, “Cetrin” helps people well.
Is it possible to give a dog “Cetrin” for allergies? In principle, this drug is not intended for animals. The fact is that dogs have much more sensitive receptors located on the bronchi. The use of this drug can cause bronchial spasm in the animal, often leading to suffocation. But if the manifestations of the disease are too strong, but there is nothing else at hand, you can use this drug. In any case, even for very large dogs, the dose should not exceed half a tablet per day.
Attention! If the animal has a respiratory tract disease or impaired renal function, the drug is strictly prohibited!
As you know, any disease is much easier to prevent than to cure. This is especially true for allergies. The health of any four-legged most often depends solely on the care of the owner.
To minimize the risk of allergic reactions, from the first days of a dog’s life, you should follow simple recommendations:
- avoid the use of potentially allergenic foods ;
- regardless of the presence of worms, regularly carry out preventive measures related to their destruction;
- use only hypoallergenic dog cosmetics, do not use “human” means in care;
- do not feed the animal from its table, especially “snacks”, for example, smoked meats;
- inspect the dog’s ears as often as possible and clean them as necessary;
- use as little household chemicals as possible for cleaning;
- if your pet likes to fashion in his own clothes, they should be exclusively from natural materials;
- avoid walking in places of active flowering plants that can cause allergic reactions.
Since allergies are one of the manifestations of impaired activity of the immune system, vitamin complexes as well as immunostimulants can be used as a warning. According to recent studies, dogs that received a probiotic complex as a dietary supplement from a young age were much less likely to suffer from allergic reactions. They should be prescribed, of course, by the doctor. Proper and balanced nutrition of the animal will also become an assistant in the prevention of allergies. And physical activity in the fresh air will help to strengthen health.