Budgerigar Diseases

These funny birds, known to us as budgies, are highly resistant to various diseases. The owner must know how the budgies and treatment are contained. However, cases of budgerigars are not uncommon. After all, caring and timely feeding are not a guarantee that your parrot will not get sick.

If your pet is healthy, then he has a good appetite, he chirps and sings. The temperature of a healthy budgie is 41-42 degrees.

Diseases of budgerigars at their initial stage of development are difficult to recognize, so the owners of these birds should be attentive to their pets, immediately notice the changes that occur to them: only in this way can it be correctly determined.

Many people try to independently cure diseases of budgerigars, more often than not they do it with their own home remedies, and only when they realize that their “medications” have no effect — they turn to a specialist.

Symptoms of the disease of budgies become noticeable immediately, during the day. The bird becomes inactive, lethargic, often sleeps or sits motionless on its perch. At the very beginning of the disease, budgerigars lose their voice, and those who spoke stop doing this.

Symptoms of the disease of budgerigars are also clearly visible by their plumage: their feathers become dull and brittle, the breathing of the birds is very difficult, they begin to sniff mournfully.

For budgerigars, replacing feed is very harmful, so from the very beginning you need to ask what kind of feed corresponds in quality to the healthy life of a parrot.

Budgerigars suffer from diseases that can be classified as infectious, non-infectious and parasitic. Infectious types of budgerigar disease are difficult to cure. And if the analysis confirms that the parrot has some kind of infection, then you should definitely seek help from a specialist.

A non-communicable disease causes a parrot to suffer from malnutrition, as a result of which a deficiency of mineral salts, vitamins and minerals begins in his body.

If the bird begins diarrhea, then this is usually the result of poor-quality feed or cold water. Feces in this case are frequent and watery. In this case, immediately stop feeding it with fruits and herbs and begin to drink broth or tea from a decoction of chamomile.

If the parrot begins to block the intestines, then the cause may be fatty and poor-quality food. The treatment consists of feeding the parrot with a liquid gruel and pipetting it with 4-5 drops of liquid paraffin.

If a parrot is fed with grain or other foods for a long time, which contain a small amount of vitamins, then the parrot can get vitamin deficiency. Symptoms of vitamin deficiency - inflammation or swelling of the eyelids, purulent discharge from the eye, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. You need to add carrots, herbs, yolk of chicken eggs and sprouted grain to the diet of the bird .

If the claws or beak grow in the parrots, then carefully cut them with sharp scissors so that the case does not damage the blood vessels with careless movement. And if this happens, then the vessel must be lubricated with iodine solution and bandaged. It is advisable that there are always fresh branches of trees in the cage, then the parrot will be able to grind off its beak and claws in a natural way.

Sometimes the owners notice yellow growths around their pets' beaks, which are actually small ticks that appear on the bird due to poor nutrition or infrequent cleaning in the cage. In this case, you need to disinfect it, and spread the growths with ointment (aversectin), and this should be done once every few days.

Sometimes a parrot begins to expose its body and head. This is a consequence of a lack of vitamins, so you need to drink it with a course of liquid vitamins.

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