Hearthstone system requirements on computer and mobile

Many games are released every year. But only some of them fall into the hearts of players for a long time. Such an application is the Hearthstone card battle. Created based on the World of Warcraft, she immediately captured the hearts of not only fans of the collector's genre, but also WoW fans.

hearthstone system requirements


Hearthstone system requirements for a computer do not differ in special conditions. Developers continue to adhere to their basic principle - the game should be accessible to everyone. So it was with the release of "DotA 2", and with "Starcraft 2". Traditions continued with this card game.

  • The game works even on the oldest operating systems. Of course, Windows 98 will not pull it, but it should start on everyone’s beloved “Khryushka”. The developers themselves recommend a minimum of "seven".
  • . "2 Duo" 2,4 .
  • . , . . 512 .
  • . 4 , , .

, Hearthstone . , .

hearthstone android system requirements

Mac OS

. Hearthstone, . .

  • Hearthstone 10.9.5 .
  • i3 . , . .
  • , "".

Hearthstone .


, . Hearthstone Android . , , .

hearthstone system requirements for android

4.0 . . . , 2 . , 1 .

These are all system requirements of Hearthstone. Android should also have a fairly powerful dual-core processor, like a computer. To summarize, any tablet running an “android” is enough for you to start the game, but problems with the phone may occur.

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