How to transfer the game to a USB flash drive: tips and tricks

There can be many reasons for moving games from one computer to another: a change of equipment, like a friend, is faster than downloading it again from the Internet. For this reason, many users have a question about how to transfer the game to a USB flash drive.

Features of data transfer

There are several nuances of how to transfer the game to a USB flash drive. The first thing you should know about is the aspect ratio of the device and the game files. If we are talking about a packed archive or just a repack, then there is nothing to worry about. The fact is that repackers compress files to the minimum size as possible. Therefore, the game is unpacked already on stationary equipment. Another thing is the transfer of data from an already installed game.

The size of the flash drive will always be less than the declared number. For example, a 32 gigabyte drive will only display 29 gigabytes available.

The game is installed not in one, but in several folders that are located on different disks. That is, most of the data is stored on the drive where the game is, but the save and additional software is located on the drive with the operating system. If you remember the location of the files, then you can place them in the same places on another computer.

In pirated versions, you will still need to find the location of the saved progress. In licensed copies, this can be avoided, since all data is stored in cloud storage.

Copy game

How to transfer a game to a flash drive using archives? First you need to unzip the archive on your computer and check the integrity of the data. If the check did not reveal any nuances, then you can safely drag and drop data to the drive.

Copy game

Only before each copy is it recommended to format the USB flash drive in NTFS format. This format allows you to store files larger than four gigabytes in size. There is also an exFAT format.

Copy games

Now consider the option of how to transfer the game to a USB flash drive using an image. Old-style games are often installed only using a disk image. Programs such as Alcohol, ISO, and Nero are suitable for these purposes. It remains to drag the image onto the USB flash drive. When the game is transferred to another computer, you can use the virtual drive and install it using it. These methods answer the question of whether it is possible to transfer the game to a USB flash drive.

Copy from flash drive

When we figured out how to transfer the game from the computer to the USB flash drive, we will consider the reverse process.

When the drive is connected to the computer, autorun opens, and in it you need to select "Open to view files." After that we transfer the archive to the desktop and unpack it. You can also extract data from it without entering it into the computer.

Copy from flash drive

Then we look for an "executable" and install the game. After installation, you can delete the archive so that it does not take up much space. The same method can be used if the game is packed.

Another thing is licensed copies. Here you will need the exact location of the files. The most important thing is to drop the "manifestos" that are in the folder with the installed game. Without this file, the network client does not recognize the presence of a game on the computer.

When creating a boot image, you will need a slightly different method of uninstalling and installing. When the disk with the required data is displayed in My Computer, you will need to right-click on it and start the virtual drive to install the game.

Possible nuances

Despite the fact that you can record to a USB flash drive several times, while erasing previous data, it is impossible to take into account all the nuances. The first thing you should know is that after installing the game from the archive or repack, it will weigh several times more.

It is important to keep order with the licensed version, because often one file is tied to another. If you drag them in pieces, there is a chance that the game will not start after that.

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