Palm oil-free infant formulas: list

The mixtures intended for baby food, in their composition, approximately resemble mother's milk. All components and minerals included in them are selected taking into account the need for their consumption by the child's body. This also applies to the fat component, which is presented in the form of palm oil.

The benefits or harms of palm oil

Opinions are shared on the benefits of palm oil . Due to the large amount of cholesterol contained in it, there was a negative opinion about the presence of palm oil in infant formula.

Mixtures without palm oil

Frequent use of products with such a component can lead to a sharp increase in weight, and as a result - to cardiovascular diseases. In addition, infant formulas in palm oil interfere with the absorption of calcium in the children's body, which can result in a minimum bone density.

Currently, mixtures without palm oil or mixtures with beta palmitate can be purchased . Beta palmitate differs from the first in a modified structure, which is achieved artificially.

To find out which mixture is without palm oil, it is enough to carefully read the contents on the product label. As a rule, information on the components of the goods is indicated quite plausibly.

Palm oil and its use

Palm oil is obtained in tropical countries from fruits growing on oil palm. The color of palm oil is red. It is saturated with carotenoids. Natural oil has a high degree of saturation, which differs from sunflower, corn and olive. When processing, most of the nutrients are lost.

Palm oil is used in the manufacture of many food products, since its cost is one and a half times less than the cost of sunflower "fellow", not to mention olive.

Cold pressed palm oil is used to season salads. It has a specific smell and taste. In the non-food industry, the product is used as a component in the manufacture of soaps, candles, cosmetics and biofuels.

The reason for using palm oil in infant formulas

Breast milk includes fats, which in baby food are replaced with a mixture of vegetable oils: soybean, coconut, rapeseed, sunflower and palm.

What a mixture without palm oil

Among all the variety of oils, palm is the only natural plant ingredient that can provide baby formula with palmitic acid. And for similarity with breast milk, the mixture should contain about 20-24% of this acid.

The patent for the first blend with the addition of whole palm oil was filed in 1953 in the United States.

Young mothers also note the presence of this product in many baby purees. Therefore, with the development of technology, breast milk, endowed with the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and macrocells, remains the best nutrition for a newborn baby. Find him an analog replacement is almost impossible.

What are palm-free blends

Mixtures that do not include palm oil are premium. They include probiotics and prebiotics. The absence of palm oil provides normal baby stool, and the presence of prebiotics and probiotics allows you to form a healthy intestinal microflora and maintain it at this level.

Adapted blends without palm oil

Palm-free milk formulas have an IQ complex, which is responsible for the development of the brain and vision. The complex includes lutein. It is found in breast milk, and it is possible to supply the baby with it only through nutrition. During the first year of a baby's life, lutein is not produced by the body on its own.

Using dry mixtures without palm oil to feed your baby, you can save your baby from frequent spitting up, colic and constipation. The presence of starch or gum in the composition of the infant formula provides the necessary viscosity of the mixture in the stomach.

What adapted palm-free blends exist

The variety of dry mixes greatly complicates the choice. Mixtures without palm oil are not much different from each other. Among them, the most famous are Similak and Nutrilon. "Similak" was developed in the USA.

Mixtures without palm oil Similak

The most popular palm-free blends, listed below, include prebiotics and probiotics. These components contribute to the formation and support the already formed intestinal microflora.

The IQ complex, which promotes the development of the brain and vision, has lutein in its composition. In addition to the IQ complex, we find this substance in breast milk. Lutein enters the body only with the baby’s food.

Consider mixtures without palm oil. The list of them is as follows:

- "Similak";

- "Nanny";

- "Nutrilon";

- Heinz

- "Cabrite."

Differences of one mixture from another

Consider several types of the most popular products in more detail. Mixtures without palm oil "Similak" and "Nanny" belong to the casein group. The disadvantage of these products is a lower protein content than that found in breast milk.

Palm-free milk formula

Similak contains a mixture of oils such as coconut, soybean and sunflower. A balanced composition allows the baby's body to absorb calcium well.

Mix "Nanny" includes coconut, canal and sunflower oil. Canal oil has a second name - rapeseed. As you know, it is often used for technical needs.

"Nanny" is made in New Zealand. The basis of this mixture is goat milk. It is thanks to him that the hypoallergenic function of the product is ensured.

Mixtures of Nutrilon, Heinz and Cabrite mixes include beta palmitate.

Parent reviews

Do moms and dads like baby formulas without palm oil? Parents reviews about them are shared. There are no complaints about the quality of these products. Many complaints are that it is difficult to find adapted palm-free mixtures for sale. If there are any on store shelves, the price of mixtures is not available for most families.

They do not save on health, as they say. Therefore, the choice before those wishing to purchase the product in question is diverse, and the final word always remains with the baby's parents.

Many mothers praise mixtures that contain palm oil. According to them, they did not notice any adverse reactions during the feeding of such mixtures. Each child is individual and requires special attention. There is no need to buy expensive mixtures when it is possible to start with mixtures at an affordable price and carefully monitor the result of the child's behavior.

In the absence of adverse reactions, there is no need to transfer the baby to another mixture, since this one completely suited him.

With the beginning of feeding, the number of products that contain palm oil will also increase. And in "adult" products, it is even more common. The presence of such a component is not fatal, and if it is impossible to purchase milk formula without palm oil, you can opt for any other product from the proposed range. And in case of difficulties with a chair, resort to other ways to solve them, rather than changing a dairy product.

Problems with stools occur in most children, but this does not mean that palm oil is to blame.

Sour-milk mixture as one of the varieties

As a rule, sour-milk mixtures are designed to normalize the baby's stool. Sour milk without palm oil is present in any store. This variety is recommended for use in cases of frequent spitting up. The fermented milk product is easier and faster to digest, since the protein molecules in this mixture are subject to partial cleavage.

Sour milk without palm oil

Mixtures for allergic dermatitis

If a child develops dermatitis on artificial feeding, then when you visit a doctor, in addition to canceling complementary foods, you will definitely be recommended to use a hypoallergenic mixture for feeding.

Hypoallergenic mixtures without palm oil have partially hydrolyzed whey protein, which is perfect for feeding babies from birth to 6 months. It is during this period that children are most susceptible to allergic reactions.

Hypoallergenic blends without palm oil

The use of hypoallergenic mixtures in food can significantly reduce the risk of dermatitis. If it is possible for a child to develop a hereditary allergy, doctors usually prescribe hypoallergenic mixtures to prevent allergic diseases in the baby.

What is the meaning of the tag on the product "Does not contain GMOs"

Mixtures without palm oil on the packaging are labeled “GMO free”. GMOs are genetically modified products obtained by introducing an artificially derived gene into the DNA of plants. This gene gives the plant new properties that allow the product to persist for a long time and make it inedible for insects.

Palm-free infant formula, reviews

The direct harm from the use of GMOs in food has not been proven, and so far this issue remains controversial. In the Russian Federation, such products are prohibited for sale. But the absence of the mentioned inscription does not mean the presence of GMOs in the product. You should only carefully study the composition of the purchased goods.

In the end, when choosing a mixture for their child, parents are guided by many factors. These include intuition, financial situation, experience, illustrative examples from the life of their friends, advertising, etc. The choice always remains with the parents, as well as responsibility for the life and health of their children.

Manufacturers, in turn, are trying to provide food to all segments of the population, regardless of status and financial situation. On the shelves of children's stores should not be poor quality products. Let us proceed from this.

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