Modeling in the middle group: pedagogical and psychological aspects of conducting classes

If fine motor skills are developed, then the child begins to speak earlier, clearly pronounce the words, understand logical tricky tasks. The best tool for developing fingers is modeling! In the middle group, such classes are more informative and professional than in the younger groups.

Features of the age of preschoolers 5 years

Five-year-olds are characterized by curiosity, an inquisitive mind, attentiveness, activity and patience. Children listen to the conditions set by the teacher, and only then begin to complete the task. It is easier for them to work with the material, tear off and knead the pieces, as their muscles have strengthened.

At this age, classes have 4 stages:

  1. “Do as I do” - the teacher shows how to do, the children repeat.
  2. “Make from memory” - the children mold according to the old pattern, but from memory (for example, in the first lesson they made a hedgehog-mom, in this lesson - a hedgehog-dad).
  3. “Make it the same as in the picture” - the children are given a picture or a sample of the figure that needs to be blinded.
  4. “Do it yourself” - the children are given the usual verbal instruction, which must be performed without visual and demonstration materials.
    modeling in the middle group

Of course, children of five years old still do not have their fingers so well, it is difficult for them to connect parts together without flattening plasticine and sculpt small elements, but their crafts are already outwardly similar to real objects with the appropriate proportions. In addition, with each lesson their skills are improved. Modeling in the middle group is closely related to the study of the world, drawing, application.

In any lesson or walk, the teacher focuses on the shape of the subject, its details. For example, a titmouse is considered: a round head, an oval body, a flattened elongated tail and wings, a pointed beak, eyes, etc. That is, it is necessary to develop thinking in children and to accustom to notice small details that need to be reflected in their crafts.

Modeling technique in the middle group

Modeling includes not only specific activities with clay or clay, but the constant work of the educator with the children. That is, the teacher draws the attention of preschool children to forms, small details, when they walk on the street, when they read books, when they conduct didactic games. For example, on reading, the shape of vegetables, fruits, animals, dishes, etc.

modeling in the dow middle group

Modeling in the middle group implies a sequence of classes:

  1. At the beginning of the school year, the material is repeated. Fruits and vegetables are shaped round. Children learn to work with stacks and fingers to draw elongated "sausages."
  2. In winter, preschoolers learn to create complex figures from different parts of a round, oval and oblong shape. With the help of stacks, they learn to draw small facial features, animal hair, feathers to birds, etc.
  3. By the spring of the five-year period, they are trained to create objects from a whole piece, pulling the mass, and not tearing it into pieces.
  4. In the summer, more often classes are aimed at consolidating the educational material.

Each DOW has its own program, so the number of modeling classes, the material approved by the management and its content will differ. On average, modeling takes place at least 1 time per week on a free basis, but there are also paid classes called “Creative Workshop”.

The invaluable role of modeling in the development of preschoolers

American scientists have already shown that daily sculpting activates the brain, in particular the departments responsible for speech. Children begin to pronounce words expressively, pronounce sounds more clearly, it is easier to master the literal composition of words.

In our country, N.K. Krupskaya also noted that modeling in the middle group promotes the development of creative and artistic imagination, visual-figurative and abstract thinking, memory, broadens the horizons and the emotional sphere, forms observation and personal qualities (patience, independence, ingenuity, initiative, discipline).

Modeling technique in the middle group

The mental development of the child occurs in the modeling classes due to a well-built pedagogical process and different texture of the material. Previously, plasticine, clay, salt dough, sand and snow were used in kindergartens. Nowadays, you can buy a variety of types of plasticine:

  • plasticine for babies of soft consistency changes color when mixed, at room temperature it does not “acidify”;
  • the mass for sculpting a smooth "wet" consistency (similar to a touch of silk) freezes two days after the manufacture of the craft;
  • fine and coarse clay from balls on an adhesive basis.

The child not only feels the different texture of the material, sees its different properties, but also performs various actions with it (sculpts crafts, creates a mosaic picture or plasticine painting). A focused activity of a teacher helps children to focus on small details. Therefore, modeling in a preschool educational institution (middle group) contributes to the mental and creative development of children.

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