How to return a closed tab? Guide for users of the most popular browsers

So there was a nuisance. After a long and persistent search for information on the Web, the desired page was finally found, but the tab disappeared somewhere. What happened? How to return a closed tab?

Many users still have memories of those times when a page accidentally closed had to be searched again for a long time. Browser developers have heeded the complaints of unfortunate users - now you can use special functions that will help the browser restore the session. Where to look for them?

how to return a closed tab

In Chrome browser

Last Session. , Current, . . «», . , .

, , ? : Ctrl + Shift + T. , .

. – « ». , . , .


Opera? , Google, . « », .

, , Opera 4 , : « ».

how to return accidentally closed tab


"" , Google Chrome. , - .


Mozilla , Firefox. . ? . , . Google Chrome.

, . «about:sessionrestore», .

, , . ? .

how to return the last closed tab

, , . , , « ». « » .

So, how to return a closed tab to a standard PC user? Extensions will come to the rescue - special additions for working with web pages. They exhaustively solve problems with sudden closures and accidental loss of sessions. This kind of software includes Session Manager or TabHamster.

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