Not only teenagers, but also respectable adults have been conducting Internet correspondence for a long time. For example, teachers, doctors, businessmen, politicians and many others. Moreover, it is far from always necessary to adhere to a business style of communication. Most often, the subject of conversation is everyday life, everyday life, which allows a certain amount of frivolity.
Most people on the planet use symbols in their correspondence, in other words, emoticons. And in order not to get into trouble, it is important to understand the meaning of this or that written symbol. Indeed, in recent years, many people not only use them to give colorfulness, vivacity to a text message, but also completely replace them with words. This results in confusion. The recipient may misunderstand or not understand the meaning of the interlocutor’s message. In addition, the sender himself does not always correctly imagine the significance of the picture he chooses. That is why, before sending a message, it is important to study the decoding of emoticons.
VKontakte is a virtual space (social network), which today is considered the most popular in Russia. Therefore, we propose to consider the interpretation of the mysterious signs used precisely by its users.
What are emoticons?
Most people are very familiar with the images that we suggest exploring in detail in the article. After all, smiles are a stylized, maximally simplified human face. Moreover, the very first instance was a circle with two points - eyes, and an arch - a smiling mouth. Hence the name came from. Indeed, in translation from English smile means - "smile".
Do you think that emoticons owe their appearance to the popularization of cell phones, the Internet, social networks, various instant messengers and other similar means that allow you to communicate using short messages? Perhaps you think that they were invented by Pavel Durov, the founder of VKontakte?
Scientists have been interested in decoding emoticons for a long time. And in 2017, they found an earthenware jug into which they poured a previously popular drink - sorbet. As you may have guessed, an emoticon image was applied to its surface. After certain tests, it was possible to establish that the vessel was made in the 1700s. And before our era!
The emoticon acquired the form most familiar to us in 1963. The yellow circle with two black ovals and an arc limited by dashes was invented by an American artist. Well, the current name was given to him in 1972 by an English journalist.
Currently, there are so many varieties of icons with which we supplement the text information in the message, which is easy to get confused. That is why it is important to know the decoding of VKontakte emoticons. After all, improper use of popular characters can make a sender stupid or offend a recipient.
In this section, we suggest starting with the simplest group that has appeared a very long time ago. The emoticons presented in it are familiar to many from the time of push-button phones. After all, then it was fashionable to know and send each other faces, composed of punctuation marks or letters. They were called emoticons. Although many did not bother remembering the word, they used a simpler one - emoticons.
The most popular and well-known symbol of this category is a circle with inverted checkmarks-eyes and an arc-smile. It is he who opens our tour of the VKontakte emoticons. Of course, he does not need a decryption. After all, his "happy face" speaks for itself. The antipode is similar to him, but differs in a back arc and, accordingly, a sad smile.
The remaining "members" of this group are also, in most cases, interpreted correctly. But there are a few that still raise questions. Therefore, we further suggest that you familiarize yourself with the image of smiles and their meaning.
Cats, hand movements, numbers and more
Decoding of a smiling emoticon is very simple and obvious. However, signs like this are used more often than others, and therefore many are tired. And then for a change cat faces were invented that express the most important emotions. There are only 9. Cat:
- smiles;
- incredibly happy;
- crying with joy;
- madly in love;
- wants to kiss;
- smiles smugly or sarcastically;
- terribly scared;
- upset and crying;
- angry and does not want to continue the dialogue.
Following it are images of human organs - the ear, nose, eyes, tongue, and mouth. Then come the various gestures. What do emoticons mean?
Decoding them is required in rare cases, because most of the icons are easy to solve independently. However, some are alarmed by such images:
- “Class” with protruding little finger - “on call” or call each other;
- palms with four blue triangles between them - give up;
- folded arms - I pray or please;
- hand with fingers connected - "hello to aliens."
International flags
If in previous versions of the icons of the graph it does not always reflect the essence, therefore, everyone can interpret the same symbols in different ways, then the next group has a specific generally accepted meaning. But it is used infrequently, and therefore it is clear only to lovers of geography.
For those who want to find out what emoticons mean, a decryption is suggested below.
Hearts, pointers, special and prohibition signs
This group has a huge variety of characters. However, people rarely use them in correspondence. And not because they don’t know the meaning. It’s just that most of the emoticons presented are rather difficult to attach to the context of the conversation.
At the same time, the group under consideration still contains several popular images. Most likely, the reader has already guessed what kind of talk. If not, we will tell you: they are bright, quite large and mean different degrees of such feelings as love. Many people look only at the form, not trying to figure out the secret meaning of hearts. But in vain, in some cases, you can not understand the hint and miss your chance or, conversely, give someone false hope. Want to know what heart emoticons mean?
Character decoding is offered further:
- black - unhappy love, unrequited feeling;
- yellow - love bordering on hatred;
- blue - love;
- violet - platonic love;
- green - sympathy, a proposal to start a relationship;
- red is passion, a great and strong feeling.
Surely you paid attention to a small red heart on a white rectangle. Do you know what it means? It is believed that the person who sent such a symbol wants to confess his love for the recipient.
Signs, climate symbols, moon phases
Decoding and meaning of emoticons of the next group are of interest only to a small number of people. Because part of them is in demand only by a narrow category of VKontakte users, and the second is quite obvious and clear. After all, it contains icons reflecting weather conditions. For example, an umbrella with drops is rain, a gray funnel is a tornado, a cloud with several crosses is snow.
Also in the second part are other emoticons that show the phases of the moon. Solving them, as well as matching them to the context of correspondence, is not at all difficult.
If everything is clear with these icons, then others cause a lot of questions. Although many people say that they are quite specific, and therefore completely not interesting. This group includes symbols that can be seen at airports, train stations, seaports or parking lots. Consider them, as well as find out the decoding - what emoticons mean, you can, having studied the picture below.
As we previously noted, VKontakte contains many original, unusual, beautiful and bright icons. However, the group that we will study at this point includes almost everything that can be eaten in real life. That is why many users of a social network call it "goodies" or "snacks."
Decryption, meaning of emoticons in Russian, presented in this category, few people care about. The reason lies in the fact that the characters are well drawn, and therefore perfectly understandable. Although even in this group there are exceptions. Explore them:
- a brown nut resembling an inverted acorn without a hat - chestnut;
- a transparent glass with brown liquid - whiskey;
- beige-brown "candy" - meat on the bone;
- brown circle with a square below - rice cracker;
- a white triangle with rounded edges and a square at the bottom - a rice ball;
- a white circle, framed by blue dots, with a spiral inside - a fish cake;
- a gray triangle, a brown circle and a white rectangle on a stick - dressed or, more simply, a seafood kebab;
- a striped box with a red dot on the middle white area - a bento box or a box of sushi and rice;
- gray-beige colored cup and vessel - cup and sake;
- a circle with green, red and brown spots - vegetable salad;
- a yellowish circle with a gray edging and handles - a frying pan with food, as planned by her paella.
Animals and marine life
Decoding of the designation of emoticons of this group is not required at all. Because problems with the interpretation of a symbol never arise. Four images of a monkey require a single refinement. A huge number of users of various social networks literally stuff them into each message, while not thinking too much about the meaning of the emoticon and the need for their actions.
At the same time, competent people are well aware that you can add only one simple animal to the message, but the other three (with closed eyes, ears and mouth) should be used all together. Their images are borrowed from the history of China and India. The inhabitants of these countries have an ancient totem or figure, which depicts all three monkeys. They convey certain actions that the sages associate with the need to eradicate evil. That is, monkeys denote a person who is completely protected from evil. After all, he does not see and does not hear him, which means that he does not speak about him.
Users, in particular, male representatives, speaking about the decoding of the emoticon, with a grin note that in our days three monkeys represent the ideal spouse. Which does not eavesdrop, does not spy on her husband and does not chat without a pause. Well, you can ...
Plants, flowers, leaves
According to numerous polls, most people have a list of their favorite and, accordingly, the most commonly used characters. They are even highlighted in a special section, which opens first after pressing the desired button and hitting the “world” of emoticons.
However, sometimes for a special occasion or just depending on the mood, you want some kind of variety. And then users start flipping pages, choosing the appropriate option. At the same time, few focus on the meaning, decoding of emoticons. A person writes in Russian, English, Chinese, or some other, the main thing is the outside of the coin, that is, the attractiveness of the badge.
From the group that we consider in this section, you will not choose ambiguous characters. Therefore, even without understanding the essence of the picture, it will not be possible to make a mistake or disgrace.
Nevertheless, experienced users are still advised to understand the interpretation, just to know and be original, without sending thoughtlessly cute icons. Therefore, we further offer the true meaning of incomprehensible emoticons:
- pink flower with a yellow center - flowering cherry;
- a branch with green leaves - greens;
- green bushes with yellow furry flowers (a bit like corn) - spikelets of rice;
- green shoots directed in different directions - a seedling.
- in front of the item is a symbol - the Tanabata tree or the wish tree.
Zodiac signs, sacred symbols, cranks, modes of transport
This group is very curious, even despite the fact that the icons presented in it belong to the category of "amateur". They are also in demand and some need decryption. What does each emoticon in a group mean?
Initially, 12 signs of the zodiac circle are represented. They are clearly drawn and understandable. Following them is the alleged 13th sign - the serpent-bearer. Corresponds to people born between November 30 and December 17.
Following are the sacred symbols. Their appearance and meaning can be studied from the picture.
Further images are understandable. Nevertheless, some emoticons are bewildering. We will now study the decoding in Russian of the most difficult to interpret signs:
- red round face with horns and teeth - Japanese Ogre or demon;
- a red face with black eyebrows and a mustache - Tengu or a Japanese goblin, and for most users - a "nosed monster";
- girls in blue and red dresses - Japanese dolls;
- a gray stone statue resembling a human face is a moai statue from Easter Island.
Also in this group contains a huge number of characters that demonstrate various types of transport and other objects relevant to the subject. The most incomprehensible of them:
- a cross with a circle, half of which is blue, and the second is red - a bus stop;
- the red figure, consisting of rectangles, is a gas station; if more vague, a gas station.
Geometric figures, books, office stationery, clothes, shoes, accessories
This group contains both little-demanded and very popular (especially among the fair half of humanity) emoticons. Decoding of signs is not required. Pictures fully reflect the essence or meaning of the symbol.
The studied icons developed not only abroad. The Russians also had a hand in them. However, they themselves may not remember this. Although with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm they send "smiles" through a phone or computer.
But if you plunge into history, you can find out that the famous Russian writer Vladimir Nabokov (Lolita, Invitation to Execution, King, Queen, Jack and Others, suggested using the bracket to indicate joy, happiness and smile). While living in America and giving an interview to the famous New York Times magazine, he said that it would be nice if a typographic sign appeared, symbolizing a smile.
Thus, we can say that it was he who suggested reflecting his emotions on the letter using punctuation marks. It all started with a backward brace - a smile. And after a while, new signs began to appear. For example, <3 is a heart emoticon. Decryption should be captured based on the context of the text message.
But back to our group and the subjects represented in it. Most of these icons are practically not used by users. Unless to give the message of vivacity and brightness. Do you understand the symbols of this category correctly? Find out by examining the picture.
Mail, clocks and more
In this group you can find various images of charts, barn locks, speakers, clock dials showing different times, currency signs and even a coffin or urn with ashes. Almost all of them are easy to guess, and therefore there are no problems with decoding symbols, emoticons.
However, there are some exceptions. Consider the most obscure icons:
- a pink-beige rectangle with wings - “flying” money (the sign corresponds to the phrase “money flew into the pipe”);
- a white circle with a shadow cast forward - a mantelpiece;
- blue rhombus with a red rectangle - ballot box;
- blue-blue cylinder - a barrel for oil products;
- a black-red ornate line resembling a bead is a rosary.
Various buildings, landscapes, culture and leisure, balls, musical instruments
Understanding the meaning of the characters contained in this group is not at all difficult. Therefore, their use rarely causes problems or funny cases. But just in case, we included in the article a picture with the decoding of emoticons.
Characters Silhouettes
The ability to reflect your feelings, emotions, emotional impulse with the help of a picture pleases a huge number of users of different social networks. Russian people are especially pleased with it. Their speech is figurative, bright, rich and correctly understood, because it is replete with feelings. Moreover, an attentive interlocutor may notice that in the dialogue, emotional coloring is much more important, rather than meaningful content. You can only catch the true meaning of a phrase if you pay attention to intonation. For example, a commonly used phrase: “Oh God!” one can say with joy, sadness, disappointment or relief. And you can succeed in calling a person an “idiot” so that he won’t be offended, because he will catch sympathy or even love in intonation.
It is also very convenient to transmit emotions in emoticons without a detailed text message or decoding of emoticons. Because in case of an incorrect reaction, you can backtrack, lie, that you simply did not know the true meaning of the symbol. For example, the phrase “Let's meet?” can be complemented with a green heart. That is, its meaning will change, it will become almost recognition. But if the recipient does not react in any way, the emoticon will remain a simple friendly heart, and there will be no embarrassment or tension in the relationship.
In the group that we are considering at this point, quite obvious emoticons are presented. These are images of people of different professions and statuses. For example, a child, a builder, a princess. There are also silhouettes here that demonstrate certain actions:
- lady in a red dress - dancing carmen;
- a man in a black suit, under which a dash is drawn - a jumping man;
- walking and running person.
You can also find special characters in the group:
- two men together and two women together - close friends / girlfriends or representatives of sexual minorities;
- children and two mothers / children and two fathers - an unconventional family.
Big characters - animals, fruits, cartoon characters and more
So, we studied the decoding of emoticons. Hands, koloboks, buildings, hearts and other popular and not so symbols will no longer cause difficulties in interpretation. The reader will know the meaning of the sent and received message.
However, the above icons are not a complete list of images that are often “thrown” to each other by VKontakte users. No less popular are large emoticons. Their story began with a funny white dog with long ears, which is a symbol of the studied social network. Then came cats, fruits, waiters, heroes of famous and beloved cartoons and films, attributes of the New Year, fluffies and other funny creatures.
It’s easier to solve them. If only because they are much larger than standard emoticons, and therefore more understandable. But users love them not only for this. The fact is that it is impossible to take your eyes off such charms! Nevertheless, despite their beauty and relevance, ordinary icons also do not lose their relevance.
And the reason lies in the fact that large emoticons are intended for a short response, transmitting the current state. Accordingly, they are sent immediately. That is, they cannot be put in the middle of a sentence. And in the end it will not succeed - clicking on the picture, you will immediately send it, and the message will remain in the window for writing text.
However, such icons can be accessed from the keyboard. To do this, just type the appropriate word. The most commonplace is hello. And the system will immediately offer several options for suitable images. There will be a cat, a dog, and a funny apple with a worm among them.
Emoticons made up of punctuation marks
Despite the enormous popularity of large emoticons, the rapidly increasing number of standard icons and the increased interest in emoji, the usual "messages" consisting of printed characters do not lose their relevance.
The most commonly used brackets are to convey joy and sadness. However, also when reading correspondence, you can find icons that can be typed on the keyboard. The decoding of emoticons (the most popular) we suggest to study further:
- = D - smile from ear to ear;
- = P - demonstration of the language;
- : '(- I'm sad and cry;
- : -O - opened his mouth in surprise;
- ;) or ;-) - I wink.
When typing, they can be left in the classic form. Although the system will immediately offer an alternative to a large emoticon. Which one to choose, it's up to you!
What is emoji?
In the previous section, we mentioned a rather original word. Do you know its meaning? If not, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information presented below.
To begin with, emojis are icons very similar to emoticons. However, they are still not. And all because they allow not only to express various feelings, but also to reflect their condition or action in correspondence. It is also worth noting that emoji is a special graphic language that allows you to reduce the time it takes to prepare a message for sending. After all, you can make a phrase, sentence or a whole message from one picture.
Many users who have tested the new product note that first understanding the meaning of the message is not at all simple. However, after a while this happens by itself. Some also say that the language resembles Chinese and Japanese writing - hieroglyphs. Experts confirm this similarity. This is not surprising, because Japanese created emoji.
It is difficult to say, fortunately or unfortunately, but VKontakte does not yet provide the possibility of such correspondence. Social network users simply do not have enough emoticons. However, despite this, some still manage to spend a minimum of time typing, replacing available words with icons.
So, the article has come to its logical conclusion. We have explained the meaning of all the most difficult to interpret emoticons. And we hope that we were able to help the reader to understand the essence of the problem, to understand when to use this or that symbol, so as not to seem stupid, not to offend or offend anyone.