Is it possible for a dog to yogurt and in what doses to give this product, not many breeders know. Meanwhile, this dairy product is very useful for the delicate body of the pet. Of course, as with any food, there are a number of situations where kefir not only does not bring benefits, but can cause some harm to the dog. However, first things first.
What is kefir
A fermented milk drink with a very pleasant taste is called kefir. As a result of the addition of special kefir microorganisms - fungi, whole milk is fermented. Thus, a very healthy drink is obtained.
Kefir consists of calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. All these elements give the drink vital to both children and adults. It is very useful for pets - dogs and cats.
The benefits of dairy products
Is it possible for a dog to have kefir, cottage cheese and other products of fermented milk origin? The answer is obvious. Many veterinarians are inclined to believe about the positive effect of such food on the animal's body:
- First of all, sour milk is a high-quality source of protein and calcium, which are necessary for the full functioning of the cardiovascular, bone and nervous systems.
- Such products are absorbed by the body much better than milk. In addition, adult dogs do not want whole milk.
- Sour-milk foods contain lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, which beneficially affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of the animal.
- Kefir, yogurt and fermented baked milk normalize the intestinal motor function, which is the prevention of gas formation.
- Due to the presence of vitamins B, E, D, A in fermented milk products, salts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as essential amino acids, the metabolism in the body improves.
What is useful kefir
This product is useful for a four-legged pet in the same way as a person. This should be remembered when asking whether it is possible to give kefir to a dog. From this kind of food, the pet improves digestion, improves immunity, and harmonizes metabolism.
Kefir is extremely beneficial for obese dogs. Only enter the diet should be the product of the lowest fat content.
Also, kefir can be given to pets who eat poorly prepared food. The sour taste stimulates the appetite, and after taking 2-3 tablespoons of the product, the dog is more likely to take on the main food.
Can the product be harmful
The benefits of kefir for dogs and puppies are undeniable. However, the use of such a sour milk should be approached with caution. The abuse of kefir can cause a pet's gastrointestinal upset. It must be remembered that a fresh product can cause loose stools, and standing for several days in the refrigerator contributes to constipation. This should be noted, first of all, for owners of older dogs, who, due to their venerable age, have digestive problems.
Also, the product can cause an allergic reaction, which is expressed in profuse tearing, skin irritation, sneezing, or even coughing. In this case, you should cancel the supply of kefir and replace it with low-fat cottage cheese.
The right portion of sour milk
Is it possible for a dog to have kefir, and most importantly - in what quantities should it be given? It all depends on the size and age of the pet. Dogs of small sizes (lapdogs, Yorkshire terriers, Spitz and others) need 1 teaspoon of the product. Large dogs are recommended to treat with sour milk 5-6 tablespoons.
How often can dogs be given kefir? Babies no more than twice a week, giants - two to three times. Dogs at a venerable age can be added to the diet every day kefir, as aging pets are prone to constipation. It should be remembered that the product must be fresh.
Is kefir possible for puppies
The nutrition of a small puppy in the first days of life consists of mother's milk. After some time, when the baby is a little older, fresh cottage cheese and kefir are usually used as the first food. In many older dogs, enzymes that break down lactose are lost. As a result, ordinary milk is poorly absorbed by animals. Therefore, it is advisable to treat young dogs with kefir.
Can a dog be fed a product at a young age? The answer is obvious. Already after the pet reaches three to four months of age, the product becomes full in the diet of young animals along with meat. It can be given in proportion to meat 50/50%. It was at this age that kefir most beneficially affects the young growing body of the dog. When feeding a puppy with this product, it should be borne in mind that the protein and calcium contained in it are best absorbed in the morning, while meat and vegetables - after dinner.
Kefir is necessary for the dog in puppyhood, when the bone foundation of the animal is laid. in addition, the product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth, coat and sensory organs - vision and hearing.
Introducing kefir in the menu of your pet, you should take a non-fat product - no more than 1-2%. However, zero fat can damage the animal. With aging, the fat content of kefir can be increased, while monitoring the general condition and reaction of the pet's body.
Cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk and other dairy products
Having figured out whether kefir is possible for the dog, the question arises regarding other dairy products. Which ones are recommended to be introduced into the pet's diet and in what quantity? The answer will please, first of all, the owners who prefer to keep the pupil on natural feed. Dogs can be given absolutely all fermented milk products that do not contain sugar. Fermented baked milk, yogurt, Bifidok, Acidofilin drinks, homemade or purchased yogurt without sugar and additives, whey - everything can be included in the four-legged pet's menu.
However, you should be aware of some nuances. For example, fermented baked milk can cause fermentation and flatulence. Therefore, do not get involved in it. Purchased yogurt containing sugar is also highly undesirable, because, in addition to the sweetener, it also contains preservatives and other additives that may not be tolerated by the dog.
Also, with caution, you need to treat your pet with cheese, milk and sour cream. This is especially true for animals that suffer from a weak pancreas. Fatty foods like this can cause a disease like pancreatitis. This is primarily true for small dogs, in which a weak pancreas is a common occurrence.
The combination of kefir with other products
Sour-milk products can be given to dogs of all breeds. Shepherd dogs and St. Bernards, lapdogs and chittsa, poodles Yorkshire terriers with pleasure absorb a sour drink. There are breeds that need to be fed with extreme care. Such a breed is, in particular, a normal dachshund dog. Is it possible to give her kefir? Definitely yes! But in view of the propensity for completeness of this breed, the product must be selected with the lowest fat content.
Kefir goes well with other products. Such a mixture will be eaten by dogs with particular pleasure. For example, a peculiar combination may turn out to be a peculiar salad of shabby vegetables and fruits allowed for the pet, and seasoned with a fermented milk product. Also, if the dog does not have allergies, kefir can be mixed with one teaspoon of honey.
A pair of raw quail eggs, chopped together with the shell will enrich kefir with additional calcium and vitamins. This mixture is especially useful for the younger generation.
Of course, kefir has many useful vitamins and minerals. But veterinarians recommend adding precursors - extra vitamins or probiotics. This will improve the metabolic process.
It is more advisable to give kefir in the morning feeding when the body is still unable to absorb heavy food after a night's rest. In the afternoon, it is recommended to introduce meat products, cereals and vegetables. It is important that meat and dairy products do not mix in one feeding!
Observing these simple rules for caring for a dog, you can ensure that the pet will always be healthy and cheerful.