Physiological changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy. The development of the fetus and sensations of women

As soon as the woman’s body receives a signal about the onset of pregnancy, it is completely reconstructed and adjusted only for the sole important purpose - to provide the fetus with ideal conditions for development and growth. What changes will happen in the near future and when are signs of pregnancy appearing? Read what you should expect from your body in the article below.

Physiological changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy

With the first second of implanting an egg into the uterine cavity, the needs of the embryo will only grow. Naturally, the requests of the fetus cannot but entail drastic changes in the body of a woman. And this will affect all systems and even tissues.

Physiological changes during pregnancy are evident from the first days of conception. But sometimes women, due to excessive employment, are not able to immediately grasp the beginning of the process. Such women learn about their interesting situation only when they need to register for pregnancy. Others, on the contrary, are aware of the birth of a new life from the very first days.

In any case, from now on, the load on the body of a pregnant woman will only increase. In order for the next 9 months to pass without complications, nature took care of the woman and the fetus to the smallest detail. In general, medical correction of the course of pregnancy is needed only in 10 percent of cases, in the remaining cases, the adaptation of the body does not need external intervention.

how the stomach grows during pregnancy

Hormones run the orchestra

The main producers of female hormones - the ovaries - during pregnancy work in full force. In fact, they begin their work long before conception. In one of the ovaries, a corpus luteum forms, which serves as the source of everything necessary for the embryo at the initial stage.

The shell of the chorion begins to be produced by hCG. Its presence in the blood is noticeable already for a period of 3 weeks. It is these hormones during pregnancy that are a marker and are determined by test strips.

The corpus luteum, in turn, is capable of producing hormones such as progesterone, a small dose of estrogen and relaxin. Progesterone is the basis for all vital physiological changes in a woman's body during pregnancy. In the fourth month, the placenta takes the place of the corpus luteum. From now on, right up to the birth, she will synthesize the necessary hormones and reliably protect the fetus.

The placenta also produces melanocytostimulating hormone and oxytocin. The first is the culprit of age spots on the body and staining of the nipples in a dark color. Oxytocin will be used to stimulate labor and start labor.

The size of the thyroid gland slightly increases. With the onset of pregnancy, the metabolism in the gland occurs 20% faster. Amplified protein, carbohydrate, lipid metabolism. The accumulation of iron, phosphorus, calcium.

changes in a woman's body during pregnancy

The cardiovascular system

During pregnancy, the most dramatic changes concern the cardiovascular system. The volume of circulated blood increases. If a person normally has about 5 liters of blood, then with the onset of pregnancy, this indicator gradually increases. So, by the period of 32 weeks, the blood volume increases by 45%.

As a result of a sharp increase in plasma in the blood, there is a lag in the growth of red blood cells and, as a result, physiological anemia. In addition, other changes in the composition occur, for example, the concentration of hemoglobin, the level of folic acid and the hematocrit are reduced.

An increase in blood volume is a direct need for the fetus. In addition to the fact that much more oxygen, nutrients and other things come to the fetus in this way, an increase in blood volume provides protection against hypotension syndrome, which is very likely in the “on the back” position.

If we talk about changes in the woman’s body during pregnancy regarding the cardiovascular system, one cannot but mention the differences in blood pressure. Starting from the third month of pregnancy, blood pressure, as a rule, is slightly reduced. However, according to observations of obstetricians, from the third trimester, blood pressure rises more often.

What happens to a woman during pregnancy with increased venous pressure:

  • phlebeurysm;

  • hemorrhoids;

  • physiological edema of the face, hands.

If the latter are reversible, then the first two must be cured in time.

What to do if varicose veins appear:

  1. Active physical exercises are very useful, but you should abandon prolonged standing and sitting.

  2. Keep your feet above the level of your heart as far as possible. This can be achieved by lifting them or placing pillows under the feet.

  3. Try to sleep on your right side.

  4. Do not cross legs.

  5. Wear compression stockings.

If there are complaints of hemorrhoids or related problems, you should review your diet and add more fiber. In especially difficult cases, you will have to turn to a gynecologist with a request to select medicines.

when signs of pregnancy appear

Digestive system

Changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy cannot but affect the gastrointestinal tract. Although each pregnancy is individual and proceeds differently, nonetheless, pregnant women most often present the following complaints:

  1. Nausea, increased salivation, vomiting. Most women suffer from early toxicosis. This is due to the fact that the levels of hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin are reduced. About 90% of women say that unpleasant symptoms go away on their own for a period of 16-20 weeks, which occurs just at the time when the baby begins to move during pregnancy.

  2. Dramatically change preferences. What was liked before is now disgusted, and the unloved, on the contrary, suddenly began to like.

  3. Frequent constipation and, as a result, hemorrhoids. Hard stools can be the cause of both unhealthy foods and hormonal changes during pregnancy.

  4. Heartburn, belching. This is usually observed in late pregnancy. Because the stomach grows during pregnancy and strongly presses on the stomach. Then there is reflux, that is, the release of gastric juice into the esophagus.

  5. Change in taste. This phenomenon is associated with a decrease in the sensitivity of receptors in the tongue.

By slightly adjusting your lifestyle and daily diet, you can significantly alleviate the discomfort and sensations of a woman during pregnancy and fetal development. Here's what the experts recommend:

  1. Switch to fractional nutrition. Divide the meal 4-6 times a day, and 3 hours before bed, generally refrain from dinner.

  2. Of course, it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to limit herself to eating, in which case at least exclude too fatty foods, coffee, chocolate from the diet. These products can relax the sphincter of the stomach and contribute to heartburn.

  3. After eating, it is forbidden to immediately lie down or bend down. Try a walk in the fresh air.

  4. During sleep, you can slightly raise the level of the head, for example, with two pillows. Therefore, gastric contents will not be discharged into the esophagus.

  5. With frequent vomiting, it is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water (little by little) in order to replenish the fluid reserves.

If you are very concerned about the above problems, and the recommendations of specialists do not help, you can try to solve the problem with medications. Only any, even the most harmless at first glance, drug should be agreed with the attending physician. In the most severe cases, hospital treatment is possible.

when the baby begins to move during pregnancy

Uterus and genitourinary system

Perhaps, as the main organ during pregnancy, the uterus undergoes tremendous changes. The initial mass of this organ is about 70 g, and for a period of 40 weeks - 1 kg. From the moment when signs of pregnancy appear, and until the very birth, the uterus increases 1000 times.

The condition of the cervix also changes. If at the very beginning it is more dense, elongated and has a bluish color, then by the time of delivery the neck is shortened and becomes more loose. The walls of the vagina increase in size, become elastic and loose. The nature of the discharge changes.

The volume of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration increases by 50%, as a result of which the volume of excreted urine increases. It is not surprising that pregnant women complain of frequent urination.

The pelvis and ureter clearance increase. This is due to the action of progesterone and an enlarged uterus.

central nervous system

Everyone knows about the vulnerability and psychology of a pregnant woman. The first 4 months are especially difficult. During this period, inhibition of the central nervous system is noted, this is necessary to relax the muscle tone of the uterus.

There is an increased excitability of peripheral nerves, which contributes to pain. For example, if before pregnancy there were discomfort in the lumbar region or sacrum, now the sensation is perceived as severe pain.

What do pregnant women usually complain of from the nervous system:

  1. Excessive drowsiness. Sometimes it is difficult for pregnant women to concentrate, due to the fact that they constantly want to sleep.

  2. Mood swings. Bitter tears can turn into a flood of laughter in a few minutes.

  3. Imbalance. Due to the constantly changing mood of the pregnant woman, the close environment is especially affected.

  4. Dizziness. Fainting conditions are frequent.

It is worth remembering that all of the above symptoms are physiological in nature and do not pose any threat to the fetus. All the ailments associated with the central nervous system, in most cases pass after childbirth.

a change in the immune system during pregnancy

Respiratory system

During pregnancy, the respiratory system does not change as dramatically as the rest. When a child begins to move during pregnancy, the stomach grows and the uterus shifts the diaphragm upward, many women complain of a lack of air, this is especially noticeable in the later stages. In general, during pregnancy, the volume of the lungs increases by 30-40%, because oxygen is vital for the fetus, and during childbirth this indicator increases by 100%. An increased need for oxygen leads to intense activity of the respiratory muscles, that is, to rapid breathing.

Since oxygen is an important component both for the fetus and for the mother, the pregnant woman should most often be in the fresh air, ideally on the seashore or in the coniferous forest. Try to avoid closed spaces saturated with tobacco smoke.

Shortly before birth, the uterus lowers, the diaphragm returns to normal and it becomes possible to breathe fully. In this case, the heart rate on average remains unchanged.

physiological changes during pregnancy

Pregnant's immune system

The embryo, located in the womb, carries 50% of the information of others, therefore, so that the mother’s body does not reject and does not get rid of the fetus, changes in the immune system during pregnancy are inevitable.

From the first day the fertilized egg is attached to the uterine cavity, the body receives a signal about a decrease in immune responses. Hence, frequent inflammatory processes and exacerbations of chronic diseases. Exacerbations can affect the genitourinary system, respiratory tract, allergic reactions develop. Relapses of chlamydia, herpes, toxoplasmosis and other diseases are noted.

The risk of contracting a pregnant woman with diseases such as:

  • flu;

  • polio;

  • herpes;

  • rubella;

  • chickenpox;

  • toxoplasmosis.

Especially dangerous in terms of sensitivity to viruses are considered periods from the 6-8th and from the 20-27th week of pregnancy. Recommendations of specialists for strengthening immunity:

  1. Temper. Only without fanaticism, a contrast shower and walks in the fresh air are enough.

  2. Do not neglect proper nutrition. In the diet should be a large amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fiber.

  3. Dose exercise, try yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women.

  4. Try not to visit crowded places, especially during periods of epidemic. Wear a mask whenever possible.

when the breast begins to grow during pregnancy

How and when does the breast begin to grow during pregnancy?

It is very difficult to say exactly when the breast begins to grow. Accelerated growth of the mammary glands begins already from the first weeks of pregnancy. Tension of the skin of the chest, darkening of the nipples and a halo are observed. By the end of the first trimester, the breast may increase by 1 size. At the same time, when the breast begins to grow during pregnancy, often women experience discomfort and even pain.

In the second trimester, the growth of the mammary glands is somewhat inhibited. Soreness gives way to sensitivity. Now the slightest touch on this area can contribute to unpleasant sensations. It is recommended to choose a bra made of natural fabrics and in size. It is advisable to abandon the "seeds". The mass of the mammary glands by this time increases by 700-1000 g.

In the third trimester, a woman first finds colostrum. On the nipples are clearly visible ducts through which milk will be excreted. Probably the appearance of itching - this is due to stretching of the skin. Various remedies for stretch marks will be useful.

Changes in the mammary glands during pregnancy are directly related to hormonal changes. In cases where a pregnant woman does not have breast enlargement, the cause may be due to thyroid or adrenal gland problems. In addition, the cause of such an anomaly may well be an individual feature of the body.

Physiological symptoms:

  1. A feeling of pressure inside the mammary glands is often accompanied by pain.

  2. Hypersensitivity of the nipples and halo.

  3. The likelihood of stretch marks.

  4. In some cases, a burning sensation is not excluded.

Breast enlargement can lead to pathological changes:

  1. Bloody discharge from the chest (yellow discharge is colostrum).

  2. Intolerable pain that does not go away for a long time.

  3. Uneven breast enlargement.

Against the background of these symptoms, many women complain about the inability to get enough sleep, which also exacerbates the already shaken nervous system.

Back muscles

Muscle pain accompanies a woman throughout her pregnancy. The longer the period, the more pronounced pain. In contrast to the growing uterus, the spine bends forward, ligaments and muscles are pulled, which causes discomfort and discomfort.

At this time, the ovaries and the placenta produce the hormone relaxin, which, acting on the soft tissues, softens the ligaments, thereby increasing the spinal deflection. A growing uterus changes the center of gravity and contributes to the load on the spine and lower back.

In addition, back pain can be triggered by diseases such as renal failure, pancreatitis, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, radiculitis. Do not underestimate the general increase in the weight of a pregnant woman, which also affects the load.

The presence of back pain cannot be considered normal, and any unpleasant sensations in this area require attention. If the pain intensifies or does not stop even after rest, then it is time to sound the alarm. Especially if the pain is accompanied by spotting - this is a direct sign of a threat of miscarriage. In this case, it is advisable to lie down and call an ambulance at home. Even if there is no threat of miscarriage, you should not self-medicate, since any drugs should be agreed with your doctor.

In order to prevent back and lower back pain, doctors recommend that pregnant women do special gymnastics or yoga and wear a prenatal bandage. In addition, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • prefer low-heeled shoes;

  • try not to lift weights and avoid excessive physical exertion;

  • control your body weight; excessive weight gain is undesirable during pregnancy;

  • change your body position periodically.

a change in the pelvis during pregnancy

Pelvic bone change

A change in the pelvis during pregnancy is inevitable. Under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the pelvic bones begin to diverge, as a result of which drawing pains in this area may appear. Especially often, such ailments occur in women who had problems with the musculoskeletal system or injuries before pregnancy.

At a later date, the so-called duck gait appears . This is due to the fact that starting from 17 weeks the pelvic bones gradually begin to diverge, and the woman is forced to lean back while walking, while the abdomen bulges forward.

Do not forget to add calcium-containing foods to your diet. It is known that the fetus takes trace elements from the mother’s body, including calcium. The lack of which in the bones enhances pain. With excessive calcium deficiency, symphysitis may develop.

The tailbone is also part of the process. Usually this small bone is deflected inward, but during labor such a structure could harm the fetus. Therefore, nature conceived that closer to the end of pregnancy, the coccyx gradually turns backwards due to the relaxation of the sacrococcygeal joint. As the stomach grows during pregnancy, women experience especially tangible pains while sitting on a soft surface. As a rule, pain disappears 3-6 months after birth.

To summarize

Despite the fact that the first weeks after conception pass almost without a trace, grandiose changes are already taking place inside the mother's body. Until 12 weeks, when you need to register for pregnancy, the maternal body and the fetus go a long way. Usually, by this time, morning sickness and nausea are slightly weakened, the woman gets used to her status and the nervous system calms down noticeably. The baby has almost everything formed, it remains only to grow and improve. And there are still 6 months of waiting ahead.

From the first minute of the confluence of the egg with the sperm and until the first cry of the newborn, all the systems and organs of the mother and fetus are closely interconnected. To maintain and develop a new life in the mother's body, almost everything changes: organs, appearance, well-being, preferences.

Fortunately, almost all of these changes are reversible, and after the birth of the baby, the mother’s body slowly but surely returns to normal. Of course, the hormonal background does not immediately stabilize, which will entail a new flow of depression, nervousness and bouts of melancholy. But the baby is able to help her mother return to her previous state. So, the frequent application of the baby to the breast will help to quickly restore pre-pregnant weight, and the sweet agucanie of her child will relieve any blues.

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