Human papillomavirus and pregnancy

Now, the human papillomavirus is found in almost everyone. Today, about a hundred of its types are known. The virus manifests itself in the form of neoplasms in various parts of the body.

Scientists have established the role of some of its types in the occurrence of malignant processes. However, it is not necessary at all that a patient who has found the human papillomavirus will develop cancer. However, he will be at risk and should be regularly examined by an oncologist.

In addition, localization and the appearance of its external manifestations depend on the type of virus. About 30 of them contribute to the appearance of papillomas in the anogenital region. The formation of genital warts is most often caused by the human papilloma virus of types 11 and 6. They can also be found in the urethra and bladder.

These types of virus together with 73, 44, 43, 42 belong to low oncogenic species. According to statistics, a third of women with a routine examination show genital warts.

Diagnosis of the virus is carried out using visual inspection and DNA diagnostics. It allows not only to detect its presence in the body, but also to determine the types. The most insidious are 68, 66, 59, 58, 56, 52, 51, 45, 39, 35, 33, 31, they are highly oncogenous species.

The role of 18 and 16 types in the appearance of malignant processes on the cervix is ​​proved. Their owners must regularly do colposcopy and analysis for cytology, and if necessary, targeted biopsy. This will help to identify pathological changes at an early stage, when a complete cure is still possible.

Virus infection occurs more often through sexual contact, but other options are possible. When ingested, it may not manifest itself for a very long time. As a rule, papillomas appear with a decrease in general and local immunity, as well as hormonal malfunctions. They occur with stress, strong emotional experiences, chronic and severe illnesses.

Often, papillomas during pregnancy appear in women for the first and last time in their lives. A decrease in immunity and a change in hormonal levels lead to the activation of a long-dormant virus. It does not affect the bearing of the baby.

But the human papillomavirus and pregnancy can still have some unpleasant consequences. Infection of the child is possible during childbirth and the occurrence of laryngeal papillomatosis in him. Nevertheless, the presence of the virus in active form in the genitals of the mother is not an indication for caesarean section. Moreover, infection can occur even before childbirth.

It is done only with large warts, which will interfere with childbirth. Basically, they try to remove them during pregnancy surgically immediately after the appearance and prevent their rapid growth. It is impossible to conduct antiviral therapy during this period, since the drugs used are harmful to the fetus.

Therefore, the appearance of cervical cancer, which can provoke the human papillomavirus, is especially dangerous. Since adequate treatment cannot be carried out, the question may be raised about termination of pregnancy with poor smears for cytology, which are regularly given up during gestation. In each case, the decision is made by the doctor, guided by the results of colposcopy, biopsy and the period for which the woman is.

Thus, this virus is a common and mostly harmless disease. However, some of its types contribute to the occurrence of a malignant process, especially on the cervix and in the anogenital region. If they are found in a person, then he should be examined regularly. During pregnancy, the virus is often activated due to decreased immunity and increased levels of sex hormones.

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