Epidural anesthesia is the most common pain relief method used in maternity hospitals. Anesthesia is injected into the lumbar, its effect extends to the organs of the small one: the vagina and anus, and the sensitivity of the lower part of the human body decreases. Epidural anesthesia is used during childbirth, this drug does not have a negative effect on the baby, it helps to lower blood pressure, thereby reducing blood flow to the placenta.
In what cases can this type of anesthesia be used.
Epidural anesthesia is a type of analgesic effect on the nerve endings of the spinal cord. In the event that during the labor pains the mother is not able to endure pain, they can apply this type of anesthesia, give an injection or put in a catheter and during the labor pains she gradually introduces an anesthetic. But at this time, the constant presence of the anesthesiologist is necessary, he monitors the pressure of the patient.
In some cases, this anesthesia is used in surgical operations to reduce pain in the postoperative period. Some women decide to use epidural anesthesia for cesarean section surgery . A woman is conscious and can see her child right away and does not experience any pain at the time of the operation.
There are contraindications in using this method of anesthesia: it is forbidden to use it if a person suffers from multiple sclerosis, a disease of the nervous system or there are acute infectious diseases.
Epidural anesthesia is performed by an experienced anesthetist using a special kit.
Does epidural anesthesia hurt?
The whole procedure takes about 20 minutes, the woman should be completely still, while she takes the pose of a “fetus or cat” lying on her side or sitting leaning forward. Before the catheter is inserted, the area between the vertebrae in the lower back is anesthetized, chipping this place (according to pain, the procedure can be compared to an injection in a vein). Then the doctor, using the epidural anesthesia kit, inserts a needle between the vertebrae. In order to make sure that the needle has got to the right place, the anesthesiologist conducts the test by pulling the syringe, if blood or cerebrospinal fluid does not enter it , then the needle is in the right place.
Then, a catheter is inserted into the needle by the anesthetist, to the level of the roots responsible for the sensitivity of the lower half of the body. After that, the needle is removed, the catheter is fixed on the back and a test injection of the drug is performed to check if the woman has allergic reactions to anesthesia. After this, the necessary dose is administered, approximately in time it acts for about half an hour, then, if necessary, the drug is repeated.
After a while, the woman ceases to feel pain during contractions, labor activity improves. A woman should be constantly monitored by obstetricians. If the woman in labor had high blood pressure, then after the drug is administered, it becomes normal, and if it was lowered before the anesthesia was administered, you will be given a dropper to increase the blood volume. All these drugs do not have a negative effect on the child.
In some cases, complications may occur after epidural anesthesia.
- Headache may occur due to damage to the walls of the meninges, it can last for 1-2 weeks.
- If sterility was impaired during anesthesia, then inflammation may occur at the injection site.
- Also, during the administration, blood pressure may drop sharply and a disturbance in the functioning of the heart may occur.
With proper manipulation, side effects or complications rarely occur.