How to improve children's memory? Games for the development of memory. Vitamins for improving memory for children

Memory is a very good helper for every person. He does not need to write down important information in a notebook, and then try to find it for a long time. All of it is stored right in his head. This function is formed from birth. It is recommended that you think about how to improve the memory of children as early as possible.

how to improve children's memory

What is it for?

Before analyzing the important question of how to develop a child’s memory, it is necessary to say a few words about why this is necessary:

  1. As mentioned earlier, memory is a loyal assistant in life. It allows the child to remember all the skills and useful information. Every society has been developing 2 types of this function from birth: visual memory (allows you to recognize your loved ones, objects and navigate in space) and intellectual memory (allows you to remember important information, poems, songs, etc.).
  2. Good memory is necessary for full study. Knowledge will be given to the student better. He will quickly reproduce in his head the material that he studied earlier, thanks to this he better assimilates new information.

This function is formed arbitrarily, and the older the child, the better developed it is. Strengthen it will help special games for the memory of children and a range of drugs.

When to start

When should children prepare classes to improve memory and attention? There is no specific figure here and never will be! Each child can develop at a different speed. The mother should see how the classes are going to improve this ability, and independently determine whether her beloved baby can master them. Before two years of life, you need to try to hold some simple games for the memory of children.

memory games for children

  1. You need to turn on his cartoon and look at his reaction. The plot should interest him, otherwise the work will be in vain. Frequency - up to 1.5 hours per day. After a week, you need to ask your child a few questions. For example, what is the name of this hero? What is this series about? What will happen to this character? If the baby copes with this task without difficulty, it means that this ability develops well.
  2. By the first year of life, his visual memory should function. It’s easy to evaluate it. Children at this age recognize their loved ones. They will always pull pens to those who are well known to them (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, etc.). At home, they remember where their favorite toys and sweets are.

Psychologists recommend that children read a lot. And you need to do this from birth. Yes, yes, newborns hear well and are able to process information.

“What happened to you?”

There is a great game for working memory and brain work for children. It is called "What happened to you?" She will not need any cards, pens, or other stationery. It can be played right on the road from the kindergarten to the house.

how to develop memory in a child

You should ask your child simple questions: “What did you eat in the garden?”, “What were the activities?”, “What was the name of the teacher?”, “What was the girl Masha dressed in?”, “What toy did Grisha bring with him?”

Such classes should be carried out daily. They simultaneously improve the baby's memory and speech. At first, most likely, the stories will be confusing, gradually they will become voluminous and interesting.

Simple games at home

Many mothers wonder how to improve the memory of children. The answer to it is not worth it from professional educators and psychologists. You just need to love your baby and devote several hours a week to classes with him. At home, you can spend five simple games:

  • Little poems for children should be learned. First it will be one line, then two, three. With age, there will no longer be any problems with studying songs and texts for theatrical productions in kindergarten.

drug for children

  • If the child is already fully speaking, then you can play with objects. In a row should be placed no more than five toys. The participant closes his eyes - mom hides one of them. Purpose of the game: find out which one is missing.
  • You need to take a few pictures and arrange them in a row. Then mix everything. The kid must restore the broken chain.
  • You need to get photos: family or group shot from kindergarten. The child needs to be given the names of everyone he knows.
  • Books for children do well in thinking, memory, and logic. You can read a story to your son or daughter in fragments, and he or she must fill the gap. Mom asks: "Grandfather planted what?" The child should quickly answer - "Turnip".

Any ability needs to be developed comprehensively. It is required to engage in modeling, drawing, collecting puzzles with a preschooler. Hand motility also has a good effect on his abilities.

Is my child healthy?

At the age of 3 years, you can do a small test to check the baby's memory. Buy a piece of decor, such as a picture, new curtains, a chandelier and hang in the room. The kid, going home, will definitely notice the changes.

children to improve memory and attention

At the age of 6–7 years, it is required to name clearly ten words of one category. It can be fruits, vegetables or toys. If a child repeats at least five of them, then his memory is well developed. If 7-8, then very good. If 10, then he has excellent intellectual abilities. In the same way, you can determine the type of this ability. It can be short-term (quickly remembers, but immediately forgets) and long-term (easily remember words a few hours after the game).

At school age, this can be determined by paying attention to how the student is given disciplines at school.

If after the test the parent suspected that his crumbs may have problems, then he needs to consult a specialist. You may need to additionally drink the drug for memory to children.

Medication and nutrition

for memory and brain function for children

Pediatricians insist that children need to be given vitamins to improve memory during their visits to primary school and at an earlier age, if there are significant indications. There are several drugs that normalize brain activity:

  • "Pikovit";
  • "VitaMishki";
  • "Junior";
  • "Alphabet";
  • MultiTabs.

vitamins to improve memory for children

It is also recommended to create a competent diet. On the table in the house in which the child lives, there should be nuts, meat, seafood, sweet peppers and egg yolk.

Additional measures

How to improve children's memory? This question depends not only on classes and proper nutrition. There are several additional measures:

• It is recommended to send the baby to the sports section. Physical activity stimulates the flow of blood to the head, and, accordingly, brain activity.

vitamins to improve memory for children

• Development will form better if the child is in the open air for 2-3 hours every day. Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the bedroom.

• Talk more with your baby.

Common Parent Mistakes

  1. It is strictly forbidden to force something to do the baby. Otherwise, there will be no positive effect from classes, and in the future the baby will be completely negative towards them. The main task of the parents is to interest him, so that he himself is drawn to joint games.
  2. The baby should be engaged in the development, starting from the first month of his life. Then in the future there will be no question of how to develop a child’s memory.
  3. It is worth postponing the lesson for another time if the child is sick, tired or he just does not have the mood.
  4. Do not compare your child with others. All children develop individually.


vitamins to improve memory for children

Many parents are interested in: "How to improve the memory of children?". They know that this ability will be necessary in future life, because the resulting stream of knowledge and experience will be better absorbed. They are trying to get an answer to this question from a teacher with a long experience, a psychologist, speech therapist and therapist. In fact, one thing needs to be done - to learn to love, appreciate and respect your child. Many mothers give their entire career to household chores and modern gadgets, leaving a child with babysitters or baby monitors, distracting them with games on the phone or watching cartoons. To obtain full development, he does not need modern technologies and highly qualified specialists. A little man needs a sensitive, kind and caring mother.

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