Habitual early miscarriage: causes and treatment

The loss of a child is a tragedy in the life of a woman. You can talk about the usual miscarriage if the miscarriage occurred at least 2-3 times in a row. Moreover, a woman can lose a baby both in the early stages and in the 2-3 trimester. The usual miscarriage according to ICD-10, the international classification of diseases, has an individual code of 96. Can doctors help in this difficult situation?


A habitual miscarriage is a situation in which a woman has several spontaneous abortions in a row. These losses are caused by physiological causes. They occur without surgical or medical intervention. After a miscarriage, women should immediately consult a doctor. When planning subsequent pregnancies, you do not need to hide information about miscarriages from the gynecologist.

Most often, the loss of the baby occurs in the first two months of pregnancy, but this can happen later. Often the reason is the thinning and opening of the cervix.

Woman at the doctor

What does a habitual miscarriage mean? This is a spontaneous abortion that occurs repeatedly. According to statistics, approximately 5% of all pregnancies that occur have ended in miscarriages. Of these 5%, approximately 20% are habitual spontaneous abortions. Based on these statistics, it follows that at least 1% of all onset pregnancies end in miscarriages.

Who is at risk?

The ICD code for a common miscarriage is 96, and if a woman is diagnosed with this, she can only plan a pregnancy under the supervision of a doctor. Some patients are more likely to experience spontaneous abortion. Women at risk:

  • employees of enterprises with harmful working conditions;
  • lovers of excessive drinking;
  • patients with hormonal disorders;
  • mothers with many children who had complications from previous pregnancies and childbirth;
  • girls who are constantly experiencing stress.

Often, spontaneous abortions occur in women who take drugs. At risk are patients with underdeveloped female genital organs, for example, with a baby uterus. Before planning pregnancy, girls working with radiation or with chemicals are advised to change jobs.

Frustrated woman

Most often, spontaneous abortions occur in women older than 35 years or younger than 20. Moreover, in the second case, miscarriages, as a rule, are single, and then the girl calmly carries the subsequent pregnancy.


Doctors are not always able to say for sure what caused the loss of pregnancy in a particular case. The cause of a common miscarriage in the early stages may be the age of the mother. It has been established that the risk of pregnancy loss in women older than 25 years is 20%, and in women after 45 - already 50%. In 75% of cases, miscarriage occurs in the early stages. Often the cause of this is the genetic mutation of the unborn baby.

The most common causes of miscarriage:

  • large excess weight of the mother;
  • drinking a lot of coffee;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • addiction;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the development of genital organs.

A miscarriage may occur due to a fetal chromosomal abnormality. If a failure occurred during conception, then the fetus may not have formed correctly. In this case, the mother’s body will strive to get rid of the embryo by any means. About 60% of all miscarriages are due to an incorrect set of chromosomes in the baby.

Pregnant woman

Early child loss

Habitual miscarriage - what is it? This is a condition in which a woman has several spontaneous abortions in a row. A miscarriage is considered early in the event that it occurred before the 12th week of pregnancy. The usual spontaneous abortions are said to be if the patient has had more than 3 incidents in a row for up to 22 weeks.

Miscarriages often occur in young women who have not yet formed a hormonal background. Severe toxicosis in the mother can lead to interruption of gestation.

In some cases, a woman loses her baby due to the abnormal development of her genitals. In this case, fertilization occurs normally, but the embryo fails to attach to the uterus. An abnormal organ structure can interfere with the implantation of a healthy fetus. Often, women lose their baby in the early stages due to sexually transmitted diseases.


Can a woman understand that something threatens the unborn child? In most cases, yes, if she knows the main symptoms of a miscarriage. What does a habitual miscarriage mean? This is repeated spontaneous abortion in women, the inability to maintain pregnancy. The main symptoms of a miscarriage:

  • spotting from the vagina;
  • drawing pains in the lower abdomen and in the sacral region;
  • a sharp disappearance of all indirect signs of pregnancy, for example, nausea or engorgement of the mammary glands.

Spontaneous abortions most often occur on a period of 4-8 weeks, less often - up to 3 months. Symptoms of a miscarriage at first may not bother a woman. But over time, they begin to increase, that is, minor vaginal discharge goes into bleeding.

If you begin to treat a miscarriage at the initial stage, then perhaps the baby will be able to save. If a woman did not pay attention to frightening symptoms, the fetus usually dies. It is important that at the time of a miscarriage the process is controlled by a gynecologist.

Abdominal pain


A common early miscarriage requires consultation with doctors. First, a woman should make an appointment with a gynecologist. The doctor will definitely prescribe additional tests for the patient:

  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • blood for hormones (TSH, LH, FSH, progesterone, prolactin);
  • vaginal smears;
  • analysis of anti-sperm bodies.

After the woman, you need to visit a geneticist. In some cases, a woman additionally has an MRI of the pelvic organs. The patient must be examined for herpes and cytomegalovirus.

Also, a woman must necessarily pass an advanced analysis for sexually transmitted diseases. The patient is examined for hemostasis mutations predisposing to thrombophilia. A woman must be checked for phospholipid syndrome. It is found in approximately 10-15% of women with habitual miscarriages in the early stages.

Ultrasound can be performed as an abdominal sensor, that is, through the wall of the abdomen, and vaginal. Both studies are highly informative and cannot harm a woman.

Woman at the clinic

What to do after a miscarriage?

Often, after losing a child, a woman seeks to become pregnant again as soon as possible. This should not be done without consulting a doctor. This can lead to another habitual miscarriage in a short term. About 2 months after the sad event, a woman can make an appointment with a gynecologist and begin an examination.

The patient should definitely pass antibodies to phospholipids and lupus anticoagulant. After all the examinations and treatment, a woman can begin to prepare for a new pregnancy. As soon as the actions of the couple lead to success and the patient finds out about the treasured three-digit hCG, she needs to urgently consult a gynecologist. The doctor should begin monitoring pregnancy as early as possible in order to prevent problems in time.

A woman after a miscarriage is recommended to consult a psychologist. All patients experience their grief in different ways: someone is angry, someone experiences guilt. An experienced doctor can help a woman and set her up for a new happy pregnancy.

Woman and doctor

Drug therapy

If you suspect a termination of pregnancy, the woman is urgently put in a hospital. If it is possible to provide the patient with timely assistance, then perhaps the embryo will be saved. At the beginning of a miscarriage, a pregnant woman is shown complete rest. It will be good if she has the opportunity to talk with a therapist. It will help to cope with anxiety and excessive emotionality, as well as set up the patient for a positive pregnancy.

To preserve pregnancy, medicines are necessarily used. Usually, doctors prescribe Duphaston for miscarriages. It is prescribed in cases where the future mother has lowered her own progesterone level. The drug is prescribed in the scheme with other medicines for 7 days.

“Misoprostol” and vitamin E are also used to treat common miscarriages in the early stages. If necessary, the doctor prescribes antispasmodics and mild sedatives.


With the usual miscarriage, severe bleeding may open, in which case the doctor will recommend surgery. Surgically, the remains of the embryo and fetal tissues are removed from the uterus. The people called this procedure curettage. The tissues obtained after the operation are sent for laboratory analysis. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia. With a large blood loss, a woman is transfused with donated blood.

If during the diagnosis of the causes of infertility, the patient revealed an underdevelopment of the genitals, then she may be prescribed surgical treatment. If the muscle ring of the cervix is ​​weak, then the woman is either sutured or a pessary is placed. This often helps to maintain a pregnancy and avoid premature birth. Together with the surgical doctor, conservative treatment is also used in the complex.

How to keep a pregnancy?

With the threat of a usual miscarriage, a woman should abandon any bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs during pregnancy is unacceptable. Doctors recommend abandoning bad habits at the planning stage of a child.

With the threat of abortion, doctors do not recommend expectant mothers to play sports, especially those associated with weight lifting and sudden movements. You will also have to exclude sex, which in some cases leads to miscarriages.

A woman is advised to observe bed rest and refuse to perform household duties. In severe cases, the expectant mother is hospitalized in the hospital. The more a woman lies, the more likely it is to be able to avoid a miscarriage. Additionally, the patient is prescribed hormone therapy and medications that prevent uterine contractions.

Miscarriage consequences

Which doctor should i contact if I have a miscarriage?

If a woman thinks that her pregnancy can be terminated spontaneously, then she needs to urgently consult a doctor. Gynecologist deals with problems associated with miscarriage. A woman can apply both to the district women's consultation and to a private clinic. In case of severe bleeding, it is recommended to call an ambulance.

Prevention of spontaneous abortion

If a woman is planning a baby, then she can independently try to reduce the likelihood of a miscarriage. Of great importance is the regime of the day: the expectant mother should get enough sleep, and also go to bed and get up at about the same time every day. A woman is recommended to establish nutrition. You need to include vegetables and fruits in the diet daily, as well as eat only healthy foods.

The expectant mother must control her weight. For a child, both obesity and exhaustion are dangerous. Even before pregnancy, you need to bring your weight back to normal. If the body mass index is 30 or more, then this greatly increases the likelihood of a miscarriage. You can talk about losing weight with your gynecologist or with a nutritionist.

In advance, a woman should give up bad habits. They harm her reproductive health, and can also lead to spontaneous abortion.

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