Acute gastric dilatation in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Acute stomach expansion in dogs is a dangerous condition. In the absence of treatment, an organ inversion occurs after a few hours. This often causes the death of the animal. To save a pet, it is necessary to give him first aid as soon as possible, and then deliver it to a veterinary clinic. Why does the stomach stretch? And what are the symptoms of pathology? We will consider these issues in the article.

What it is

In a healthy dog, the stomach is enlarged at the entrance, and narrowed in the area of ​​exit. This organ is maintained in the correct position by special ligaments. In large dog breeds, the ligamentous apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract is rather weak. Therefore, they are most prone to inversion of the stomach.

Under the influence of various adverse factors, the stomach may suddenly stretch. In this case, there is a spasm of the locking muscles at the entrance and at the exit from the organ. As a result, the stomach is full of solid food and fluid. During digestion, fermentative gases are released that cause flatulence. This is how an acute stomach expansion occurs in dogs. Due to the spasm of the locking muscles of the digestive tract, the animal cannot get rid of excess food by vomiting.

With a stretched digestive organ, any careless movement can lead to inversion. And as you know, dogs love to lead an active lifestyle. If the animal makes a sharp movement, then the stomach changes its position, moves and twists around the esophagus. Sometimes the body shifts even during a sudden stop when running, or when the dog turns over in a dream.

This condition is life threatening to the pet. With an inversion of the stomach, the portal vein and diaphragm are compressed, as a result, the blood supply to the heart is disturbed. The animal has a sharp drop in blood pressure. If you do not help the dog, then death can occur.


The exact causes of acute gastric expansion in dogs have not been identified. However, veterinary specialists have identified risk factors that contribute to organ stretching. These include:

  1. Feeding a dog stale food and carbohydrate food. Sour food causes fermentation in the stomach, which can lead to flatulence and organ expansion. If the animal often eats bread and liquid cereals, this can also cause fermentation in the digestive tract.
  2. A sharp change in feed. It is especially undesirable to suddenly change soft foods to solid ones. In this case, the stomach may not cope with the load.
  3. Binge eating. Often, owners overfeed their pets, which leads to stretching of the walls of the stomach.
  4. Increased physical activity after a hearty meal. When a large amount of food is taken, the digestive organ stretches, and sudden movements can lead to its displacement.
  5. Cholecystitis and pancreatitis. With these diseases, dogs often have spasms of the sphincters of the stomach.
  6. Stress while eating. In no case should a dog be scolded or scared during a meal. In highly excitable animals, a spasm of the sphincter of the stomach may occur due to stress.
Bakery products are harmful to dogs

The reasons for the acute expansion of the stomach in dogs can also be associated with the individual characteristics of the animal's body. Veterinarians found that the following breeds are most susceptible to this pathology:

  • Caucasian, Central Asian and German Shepherd Dogs;
  • molosses;
  • Labradors
  • Irish Wolfhounds;
  • Newfoundlands
  • Moscow watchdogs;
  • saint bernards.

In such large dog breeds, the weakness of the supporting ligaments of the stomach is often noted. The risk of organ enlargement increases if the pet has loose or excessively full complexion, as well as a wide chest.

Molossians are prone to inversion of the stomach

However, this does not mean that small breeds of dogs do not have an expansion of the stomach. In small animals, this pathology is also noted. Most often, an organ is stretched due to a violation of its innervation.


Typically, symptoms of acute stomach expansion in dogs occur 1-4 hours after a heavy meal. The animal suddenly becomes restless. It constantly lays on its side, then stands up again. The pet experiences excruciating pain and tries to alleviate it by constantly changing the position of the body. In this case, the dog whines mournfully and often falls on his back.

The dog constantly has inconclusive vomiting. The animal cannot get rid of the contents of the stomach due to a spasm of the locking muscles. Viscous saliva and foam stand out from the mouth.

The belly swells in the pet. Pallor and blueness of the skin, as well as frequent and shallow breathing, are noted. As symptoms increase, the dog's condition worsens. Already after 30 - 60 minutes after the onset of an attack of pain, the dog cannot move.

Bloating in a dog

Complications and prognosis

It is necessary to consult a veterinarian at the first sign of acute expansion of the stomach in dogs. If the pet suddenly shows unreasonable anxiety after eating and it has inconclusive vomiting, this means that the animal needs emergency assistance.

Approximately 5-6 hours after the onset of the first manifestations of acute stomach expansion in dogs, an organ inversion may occur. Any careless movement can provoke such a complication. The animal has a sharp weakness due to a drop in blood pressure, heavy breathing and a rare heartbeat.

The prognosis of the disease is considered unfavorable after 6 - 7 hours after the first signs of acute expansion of the stomach. If the dog is left without veterinary care for 10 to 12 hours, then most often death occurs.

First aid

How to give a dog first aid for acute expansion of the stomach? It is necessary to deliver the animal to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible. In this case, procrastination can cost a pet life.

At the pre-medical stage, the dog should not be given human medications. Often the owners try to independently treat the animal with the help of activated carbon tablets or antispasmodics. These drugs reduce gas formation and reduce pain, however, taking medications can distort the clinical picture of the disease. And as a result, it will be difficult for the vet to make the correct diagnosis.

Sometimes the owner does not have the opportunity to quickly deliver the animal to the veterinarian. Experts advise in such cases to decompress the stomach at home. This can be done with a gastric tube. A wooden spacer is inserted into the dog’s mouth. Then the probe is generously lubricated with vaseline and carefully inserted into the esophagus and then into the stomach. If all the manipulations are carried out correctly, then the gases exit through the tube.

With severe sphincter spasm, it is not always possible to insert a probe. In this case, veterinarians recommend taking a sterile needle from the syringe and insert it through the abdominal wall into the stomach cavity. This will allow the gases to freely exit through the needle pavilion.

It is important to remember that such manipulations can only be carried out with special skills. After first aid, the animal must be taken to a doctor as soon as possible. Decompression of the stomach at home can only bring temporary relief and does not cancel qualified veterinary treatment.


How to detect acute expansion of the stomach in a dog? Typically, the veterinarian determines this disease during examination and palpation of the abdominal wall of the animal. There is little time for diagnosis, because the pet needs an urgent operation. However, if the condition of the dog allows, then an X-ray of the stomach is done. This study helps determine the extent of organ damage.

Vet examination


Treatment of acute gastric expansion in dogs is only possible by surgery. Before the operation, measures are taken to stabilize the condition of the animal:

  1. They put droppers with saline and blood substitutes.
  2. Corticosteroids and analgesics are administered to relieve pain.
  3. The stomach is decompressed using a probe and a puncture needle.
Preparing the dog for surgery

The preparatory phase lasts from 40 minutes to 2 hours. After improving the condition, the dog is injected into anesthesia and surgery is performed. Surgical intervention is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, an incision is made on the wall of the abdomen.
  2. The contents are removed from the stomach and the cavity is rinsed.
  3. If necessary, the body is returned to the correct position.
  4. Stitches are placed on the wound.

In some cases, additional manipulations are performed during the operation. With ligament weakness, the stomach is sutured to the abdominal wall. If there are areas of necrosis on the organ, then they are resected.

Postoperative Recovery

To fully restore health, the dog is best left in the hospital for several days after surgery. If this is not possible, then the rehabilitation period takes place at home.

Postoperative Recovery

In the first 2 - 3 days after surgery, the dog can not be fed. The animal can only drink clean water. After the end of the hunger period, the pet is given light food in liquid form. It is necessary to give preference to liquid soups with mashed meat and vegetables. If the dog is used to eating ready-made food, then therapeutic dry food should be chosen. Granules must first be soaked in water.

You can switch to a normal diet only after 10 - 12 days. At the same time, you should adhere to a fractional diet and exclude bread, sweets, dairy products and fresh vegetables from the menu.

After surgery, dogs usually need a daily drip of infusion solutions. In these cases, the animal is left with a catheter in a vein. Through it, you can enter the necessary medicines at home. You only need to make sure that there are no air bubbles in the solution. It is also important to monitor the rate of drug administration. To carry out such procedures at home, you should pre-purchase a special system for infusion.

Dog under a dropper


How to prevent stomach expansion in dogs? Veterinarians advise you to follow these recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to ensure that the animal does not overeat.
  2. It is necessary to give the dog only fresh food.
  3. In the diet of the pet should not be an excess of carbohydrate food. It is important to remember that dogs need protein food in the first place.
  4. After eating, the animal needs to rest. You should not take walks and train your pet immediately after eating.
  5. Feeding the dog should take place in a calm environment.

Especially strictly necessary to adhere to these rules for owners of large breeds of dogs. After all, it is precisely such animals that are at risk for the occurrence of acute expansion and inversion of the stomach.

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