At some point, parents are faced with a very difficult period for the baby, associated with the onset of teething. For some, it goes quite calmly, while others are faced with moods and a significant decrease in immunity in a child. This causes fever, diarrhea, and some other unpleasant symptoms. Further in the article, we will consider the procedure for teething in children and find out how they can be helped during this period.
First teeth
The formation of fetal tooth tissue begins in the mother’s stomach. And one newborn from 2000 appears already with one or several teeth, which can only conditionally be called a pathology. You need to understand that the exact dates according to which the first tooth should appear are simply not available. In the majority of babies, teething begins at 4-7 months. In this case, the teeth in children, the teething procedure, which is considered the most correct by specialists, is not always observed. But about everything in more detail.
Basically, a teething sequence looks like this:
- Initially, the incisors appear below, then the upper incisors. It is important that the central incisors come out first - this will make it possible to form the correct bite. They erupt in 4-7 months.
- Next are the lateral incisors of the lower and upper rows, providing a comfortable closure of the jaw, as well as biting / chewing food. They erupt in 8-12 months.
- The growth of the lower or upper fangs is about 1.5 years, while it is very difficult to predict which ones will appear first. They are the most painful, and the child is most discomforted.
- The last is the formation of molars. After their appearance, the child can fully chew and eat solid foods.
By three years, the baby should have a dentition, consisting of 20 teeth, although sometimes their teething lasts up to 4 years. The change to permanent in babies begins by the age of 6, therefore, it is very important to thoroughly clean them. After the first teeth have appeared in children (the teething procedure is indicated in this article), it is necessary to organize proper care for him. We will talk about this later in the article.
Specialists say that various factors and genetic, in particular, affect the growth and timing of teething in children. According to data, this process begins at a time when it was taking place with the baby's mother. Therefore, if a woman had an erupted teething order, the teeth in children will also appear in a different sequence.
Teething time violation
If the appearance of teeth did not occur in the first 7 months, do not particularly worry. This is a fairly common phenomenon associated with various factors. But you need to understand that when the natural growth of teeth is delayed for 8 months or more, you need to seek advice and help from doctors.
A pediatrician, dentist and endocrinologist conduct an examination. Sometimes the late development of dental tissue speaks of problems in metabolic processes, endocrine pathologies, and bone tissue diseases. It is worth visiting the offices of these doctors, and if teething in children began already in 1-3 months.
How many days it can take, it is also impossible to answer, because in this matter everything is very individual. In infants, this process can be quite easy. But in most cases, it is associated with dangerous complications and an unpleasant sensation.
It is believed that the beginning of this process depends on the time of birth of the baby. In crumbs that appeared in the winter and spring, this process begins somewhat earlier. In addition, it matters: height, pregnancy, the weight of the child, as well as the presence of serious pathologies in the parents.
Teething symptoms in children can also be completely different. We will consider the most common signs of a gradual growth of dents that begin to occur:
- In the baby, saliva first begins to flow actively.
- The baby is naughty if he eats, and can also bite the nipple or chest.
- Gums become very swollen. Basically, such symptoms occur 4-14 weeks before the incisor tip.
- In addition, the children are disturbed by sleep, they pull clothes and any objects into their mouths, they can bite their fingers all the time.
- By the time the apex appears on the gum, a small white spot appears. Tapping it with a small spoon, you can hear the ringing.
But it’s better not to knock on the gum with objects, including teaspoons. This place can swell, it hurts constantly, hematomas appear all the time. You need to understand that any additional effect can cause discomfort and acute pain to the baby, which will only increase unpleasant symptoms.
Colds and bowel problems
We must immediately make a reservation that doctors still cannot answer the question of whether such problems can be called signs of teething in children. On this issue, their opinions vary widely. Most children have problems with coughing, nasal discharge, teething and stool disorders at the same time, while about half of the doctors do not consider them signs.
They say that, basically, the appearance of teeth occurs up to 2-3 years. And this period is characterized by the occurrence of severe infections, which may coincide with the release of teeth. Hence, conditions such as high fever during teething in children, cough, diarrhea, and sore throat develop.
An upset bowel is associated with excessive salivation. The baby swallows a huge amount of sputum, which significantly enhances intestinal motility. In this case, diarrhea is watery and often 3 times a day can not be.
A runny nose occurs due to too active work of the mucosa, while the mucus is quite light in color, very liquid and transparent. Greening or yellowing is a sign of bacteria or a virus.
Help kids
Since teething in children under one year of age is almost always long and difficult, it is necessary to alleviate the condition of the crumbs until the tip “pecks”. To do this, you can use all kinds of gels that gently affect the gum, as well as eliminate discomfort and excessive inflammation. Consider the most popular of them.
Ibufen D
This syrup performs 2 functions - antipyretic and analgesic, which makes it possible not to drink a separate drug to relieve heat. It can appear for various reasons when it comes to the surface of the dental tissue. The drug must be taken in certain dosages, including when teething in children. You can take it without a doctor’s recommendation for no more than 3 days.
It is produced in the form of a light gel blocking pain in 20 minutes. When teething in children, the effect can persist for several hours, it all depends on the degree of pain and on the sensitivity of the baby.
A single dose of the drug can not be more than 7 mg - it must be rubbed into the affected area. Basically, it does not cause problems during treatment, although side effects are periodically recorded, including anaphylactic shock and urticaria. Some children have difficulty swallowing. "Kalgel" can be applied up to 6 times with an interval of 20 minutes, but only if it is required for a certain condition of the baby. The drug should not be used for more than 5 days.
"Dantinorm Baby"
This medication is a multicomponent remedy for the homeopathic class. It is made in disposable ampoules.
"Dantinorm Baby" is drunk no more than 3 times a day between feedings. The main feature of this drug is that so far no side effect has been described from its use in teething in children. But it must be borne in mind that the maximum duration of treatment with this drug is 3 days.
Baby Doctor
This medication used during teething in children is made in the form of a gel. It consists solely of plant components. Thanks to this, the desired therapeutic effect can be achieved without the use of aggressive components.
It should be noted that a single dose of the product cannot exceed the volume of the gel with a small pea. Also, it must be rubbed exclusively into the diseased area of the gums. It should be noted that the instruction allows you to use the medication as many times as needed to calm the baby. True, experts recommend dosing its amount, not exceeding 8 doses.
It is better to maintain an interval between receptions of 40 minutes, while you can do more and less, but not impossible. Treatment lasts a maximum of 5 days.
The preparation is a phytogel containing also exclusively plant components. Before use, you must make sure that it is fully tolerated, because it can cause an allergic reaction.
You can not apply at a time to the gum more than 2 cm of this gel. The procedure can be performed at most three times a day, preferably at regular intervals. The gel is used without control by doctors for no more than 3 days.
It should be borne in mind that any medications can be used only with the permission of the doctor, since they may have a huge list of contraindications. In addition, it is necessary to select a dose for each child individually, if they have concomitant symptoms, manifested in the form of cough, fever and diarrhea.
It is better to visit a pediatrician right away if the child becomes too restless, he has problems with his stomach, and the temperature rises. How many days teething in children can be, as mentioned above, it is impossible to predict, everything is very individual here. In any case, it is necessary to exclude various pathologies, including intoxication, rotavirus infection, dysbiosis and a number of other diseases. In addition, the doctor will be able to assess the overall condition of the crumbs and prescribe, if necessary, a more powerful drug.
It happens that teething in children whose photos you can see in our article ends with complications. This refers to the appearance of early caries. Among other possible problems is enamel hypoplasia. This disease manifests itself in the form of pits, stripes, spots and grooves on the tooth enamel. It is difficult to attribute hypoplasia to frequent events, but it still occurs.
The main number of various complications appears due to problems that arise during pregnancy, in addition, diseases that the expectant mother had.
Teething features
The appearance of gaps between the teeth is an obligatory phenomenon, since the indigenous ones are wider than the milk ones. But there are other points that you should pay attention to, for example, a change in the color of a tooth or its neck:
- A tan tone indicates the negative effect of antibiotic therapy. Most likely, during pregnancy, antibiotics were used or at the moment they are treating the baby.
- Bite problems.
- The yellow-green hue indicates that red blood cells are destroyed. Such a serious condition requires compulsory treatment.
- If the edging of the tooth has become black, this is probably due to inflammation in the body or the use of iron-containing preparations.
- If the enamel turns reddish, this indicates that the porphyrin metabolism is disturbed in the crumbs.
- A long absence of teeth in a child is considered abnormal.
The baby should be shown to the doctor in the presence of the above deviations. Moreover, with a normal course and sequence of teething in children, the first trip to the dentist is carried out in a year.
Unusual situations
It must be said that when teething in children, various situations can speak of pathologies. In order to eliminate them in a timely manner, you should own all the information. Such signs may indicate their presence:
- sequence violations;
- occurrence of failures during the teething period;
- abnormal formation of one or several teeth (sizes, color characteristics, too thin enamel coating);
- teething outside the arc of a number of teeth;
- the appearance of teeth in the baby in the womb of the mother.
Caries prevention
From the very first months of life, it is necessary to take care of the health of the crumbs and of its teeth, in particular. So, you can not lick the baby's nipple, because your bacteria can get on the mucous membranes of the crumbs. The second step is to reduce the amount of sugar in your child’s food. You need to understand that it destroys tooth enamel, and also provokes tooth decay.
Have a one-year-old baby develop the habit of drinking a little water after feeding. Already at 2 years old, he can rinse his mouth freely after eating. Teach him to visit the dentist once every six months.
Brushing teeth
For some parents, brushing their teeth with crumbs is a real test, because sometimes the baby clenches its jaw and categorically refuses any manipulations. Therefore, try to turn all this into a game. Buy a bright toothbrush for this child, ask him to brush your teeth, and then do the same for him.
We hope that this article helped you find answers to questions regarding teething in your crumbs.