Appendicitis in a child: signs and treatment

signs of appendicitis in a child

Appendicitis is called inflammation of the appendix, i.e., the process of the rectum. Most often it happens in people from ten to thirty years. Quite often, this disease occurs in children, so each parent should know how to determine the child’s appendicitis, signs and symptoms in order to respond in a timely manner and prevent harm.

Development reasons

Scientists do not know the exact reasons for its appearance. It is believed that it can occur as a result of inflammatory processes in the intestine, decreased human immunity, and frequent overeating. Inflammation of the appendix can also be caused by some infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, typhoid fever, parasitic infections, etc. Inflammation appears as a result of blockage of the lumen of the appendix with fecal stones, parasites, a tumor, or a foreign body. Mucus accumulates in the appendix. It is fertile ground for the development of harmful microorganisms that cause inflammation of the appendix mucosa.

Appendicitis in a child: signs and symptoms

This is a very insidious disease. Diagnosing it is quite difficult. This can be explained by the fact that the appendix is ​​located in different people in different ways. Typical is its location on the right in the lower abdomen. Here the pain is localized during its inflammation. When it is in a different place, the symptoms of appendicitis in the child will be different. Pain can occur in the rectum, in the back, in the stomach - "under the stomach". Urination sometimes increases, accompanied by increased pain in the abdomen.

appendicitis in a child signs

In addition, when an appendicitis is diagnosed in a different age category, the child's signs appear differently. So, in children under three years of age there is no pain in a certain place, but their behavior changes. The child does not eat anything, it becomes tearful. His temperature suddenly rises (above 39 degrees), diarrhea or vomiting appears, his tongue becomes dry. The child does not allow anyone to touch the tummy. But the signs of appendicitis in a child of 3-7 years old are completely different: at first there are constant mild pains in the umbilical region, then they move to the right. The temperature can be normal or slightly elevated - up to 37.5 degrees.

If the diagnosis is "purulent appendicitis", the child's signs of the disease will be as follows: he is tormented by thirst, his lips turn gray, dries in his mouth. And if the child is still sick with hepatitis, measles, dysentery or salmonellosis, then with appendicitis, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, fever up to 39 degrees, abdominal pain can appear. The stomach first hurts near the navel, and then on the right. Possible pain in the right leg.

Treatment of appendicitis in a child

If the parents noticed these signs in the baby, you should immediately contact the surgeon - and the sooner the better. You can not give the child any pills, no heat on the stomach - you can cause an appendix rupture and peritonitis. If the surgeon makes a diagnosis of appendicitis, then surgery will be the only correct treatment.

symptoms of appendicitis in a child

Postoperative period

If the surgery to remove the appendix was successful, then the child is in the hospital for no more than ten days and at home for another week, visiting the surgeon. The child must be exempted from physical education classes. He is forbidden to lift weights, ride a bicycle, jump. But you can do light homework. Limit the nutrition of the child is not worth it. It is advisable to give him vegetable soups to regulate the stool.

Complications after surgery

After suffering purulent appendicitis, a child may develop adhesive disease. In this case, he must be registered with a medical institution until complete recovery.

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