How to Update iTunes: Secrets and Recommendations

iTunes is an application that makes life easier for today's owners of Apple devices. From time to time it needs to be updated to the latest current version, otherwise you may lose some important functions and features. We will try to understand how to update iTunes. What should each user know about this operation? Why even upgrade this software?

how to update itunes

The meaning of updates

When thinking about how to update iTunes, the user should consider that this is an extremely important operation. As we have said, any software is being finalized and improved. The newer the software, the more opportunities it has.

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iTunes ? . - .


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iTunes ? , . MacOS.

how to update itunes on computer


  1. iTunes . AppleID.
  2. .
  3. " ...".
  4. Update. "", Update All.

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MacOS . .

iTunes? :

  1. MacOS "".
  2. .
  3. "".
  4. . , "".

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  2. .
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how to update itunes version


iTunes Windows ? :

  1. .
  2. Go to the "Help" - "Updates" section.
  3. Wait a while.
  4. Agree to install a new version of the software.

Everything is extremely simple and clear. Updating with the complete removal of iTunes is not recommended. After all, this technique can be called reinstallation, and not "update".

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