Should I buy a Philips monitor? Review of the best models and reviews

What are the benefits of Philips brand monitors ? Many experts believe that many devices with high-quality matrices that cope well with color reproduction are presented on the market. In this case, the video looks saturated.

To adjust the monitors there are many tools. First of all, it is important to note the presence of various modes. Directly the formats have the ability to manually configure. However, each model has its own characteristics, and this should be considered when choosing a monitor.

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Features of Philips 234E5QHAW / 00

Philips . , . . - "". Philips 234E5QHAW/00 . . 12 . .

Philips 234E5QHAW/10

. , , . . . . 30. 40%.

"" . 5 . 30 . "" . 4 . . , . . Philips ( ) 13 400 .

Philips 234E5QHAW/25

Philips . . . . "" . 40 . 55%.

. . 14,2 . . . Philips 234E5QHAW/25 . 20. 13 . .

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Philips 234E5QHAW/30

Philips LED . . 30. , . 55 . . .

. "" . . 34 . "" . , . 15 . .

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Philips 243V5LSB/00/01

Philips : - 60 , - 33 . . , . 45. , "". . , . . , .

43 . "" . , . 14,2 . 5 . . . 22 . .

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Philips 243V5LSB/00/03

Philips . , . , , "". . .

- . , 4 . "" . . . 18 . .

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Philips 243V5LSB/00/05

. , . . , . "" . . 55 .

, . . 4 . , . . . , 20 . 0,4 . 22-24 . .

Philips 227E6EDSD/00

Philips . , , . , 30. 33%.

50 . . , . - . 34 . 20-21 . .

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Philips 227E6EDSD/22

Philips 20. , . , . , 45 .

"" . 2 . 20 . 5 . . .

. . "" . - 13,5 . 48 . Philips 18 . .

philips monitor

, :

  1. Philips 234E5QHAW/25.
  2. Philips 227E6EDSD/22.
  3. Philips 234E5QHAW/00.

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