One of the best killers that can be found on the expanses of Valaron is the hoaxer and joker Shako. This hero can become invisible at any time, as well as distract the enemy with his clone. Needless to say, this damager creates the best ambushes, and its mobility and elusiveness make this character practically inaccessible to the enemy. This guide to Shako will tell about his abilities and skills, as well as pumping skills and builds.
general information
For a better understanding, we decided to compose all the data and present them in a table. She will demonstrate the characteristics of the hero:
| health | Attack Power | attack speed | travel speed | health regeneration | armor | magic resistance | mana |
1st level | 582.12 | 57.58 | 0.694 | 350 | 8.37 | 24.88 | 32.1 | 210 |
growth | 84 | +3.5 | 3% | - | 0.55 | 3,5 | 1.25 | 40 |
Positive and negative qualities of the hero
League of Legends, , , . :
- .
- . .
- , .
- , Deceive.
- - -.
- Jack In The Box .
- Hallucinate, .
, (6 ) . Backstab – , 20 % , . , , . , .
, , . 40-60-80-100-120 %. , . , . - . : 90-80-70-60-50 . – 400. – 11 .
(Jack In The Box)
, – . 2 60 . , , . , , 5 35-60-80-100-120 . , , . – 425. – 16 . : 50-55-60-65-70.
(Two-Shiv Poison)
, , . Two-Shiv Poison , 50 % , 20 30 %, 3 . : 50-55-60-65-70 . : 600. 8 .
– -, , . 75 % 135 % . (300-400-600 + 1*), . – 100 . – 500. : 105-90-75 .
, , , , , . :
- (Udyr). . , .
- (Skarner) – . , .
- (Elise). . .
- (Lee Sin) – , . , , . , .
, . , Smite. ( 445 870 ). Smite , .
Exhaust – , 70 %, 35 %, 40 %.
, , , :
(Offense): (Sunder), (Executioner), (Arcane Knowledge), (Lethality), (Deadliness), (Alacrity), (Sorcery), (Summoner's Wrath), (Brute Force), (Weapon Expertise). (Defense).
(Utility): (Swiftness), (Good Hands), (Expanded Mind) Runic Affinity.
- 1,66 (Mark of Desolation).
- 0,65 % (Glyph of Focus).
- 1,41 (Seal of Resilience).
- Quintessence of Fortitude 26 .
() , :
- Cloth Armor – , 15 .
- Health Potion – . 150 , .
- 25 . Madred's Razors. 300 , , .
- Boots of Speed – , 25 .
- Madred's Bloodrazor – , 25 , – 40, 40 %.
- Berserker's Greaves. , 20 % , 45. Dagger Boots of Speed.
- Giant's Belt – 430.
- Vampiric Scepter – 10 % . 10 . Long Sword.
- Zeal – 10 %, 18 %.
- Frozen Mallet. 30 . 700 , , , 40 %.
- Phantom Dancer – , 50 % 30 %.
- The Bloodthrister. 70 . 12 % .
- Infinity Edge – 70 , – 25 %.
– .
, :
- Teleport. , , 4 . , , , , , .
- Exhaust. .
(Offense): (Executioner), (Lethality), (Sunder), (Deadliness), Weapon Expertise, (Havoc), (Alacrity), (Summoner's Wrath), (Brute Force).
(Defense): (Durability), (Veteran's Scars), (Resistance), (Hardiness). .
- 2,23 % - Greater Mark of Furor.
- 0,78 % - Greater Seal of Furor.
- 0,56 % - Greater Glyph of Furor.
- 4,46 % - Greater Quintessence of Furor.
, Health Potion, Berserker's Greaves, The Bloodthrister, Phantom Dancer, Infinity Edge. . , - :
- Sheen. 25 , 200. – 100 %.
- Last Whisper – , 40 . 35 %.
- Trinity Force. 30 %, 30 . 250 , 200 . , 10 %, 8. .
, , . , . 20, . . , , .
, . , Jack in The Box. , . , 4 . , , . , , . Deceive, . , « ».
, , . , . . . , . – . . , Flash, - .
. , . , . , , « ». . , , .
Summarizing all of the above, we can say that Shako is a rather difficult champion, which is very difficult to manage. In addition, they can only play in a close-knit and experienced team. But if you like original damageers with such a unique set of skills, you will definitely not regret it if you get this champion. We hope our review on the hero of Shaco (Shaco Guide) was useful to you, and you gathered a lot of useful information from it.