The best and most unusual private kindergartens in Moscow

Preschool education of children is an important component of the education and development of the child. Private kindergartens in Moscow offer the best programs that realize these goals. Choosing the right educational institution guarantees kids a happy childhood and a successful future.

Waldorf education system

According to the concept of the Waldorf program, it is believed that the child himself knows how to learn the world. Intellectual knowledge cannot be imposed on children. First you need to develop their creative abilities and fully reveal their personality.

private kindergartens in Moscow

There are a lot of creative activities in kindergartens of this type: drawing, music, modeling. Also, children are taught homework. The main thing is not to forbid anything. Everything that children want is acceptable. Specially, no one will impose preparation for school on the kid, but in the process of the game fine motor skills, counting skills, and memory develop.

If you look at the rating of private kindergartens in Moscow, then one of the leading places in it occupies the "Path of grain." Kids from three to seven years old are engaged in it. The institution remains only until lunch. Children are divided into several age groups that help determine their place in life. All activities are carried out according to the type of home relationships, and the kids are involved in cleaning, needlework, cooking. Children walk a lot in the fresh air.

Kindergarten is located in the green area. For the children, all conditions for a full harmonious development are created, which they can continue at the Waldorf school.

Gardens of Mary Montessori

By the method of Maria Montessori, more and more gardens are working. But the whole difficulty is that these are very specialized institutions. There are not so many teachers by this method, and the equipment of the premises must follow strict rules in order to help the kids open up as much as possible in the process of upbringing.

List of private kindergartens in Moscow

If you look at the list of private kindergartens in Moscow, there is only one that works according to the Montessori system. It is located at the Montessori Moscow School. The institution has two age groups - for children under three years old and from three to six. In the design of the rooms and in the manufacture of toys used natural materials. All methodological aids and devices are present in a single copy to teach the children to negotiate.

Much attention in education is given to creative development. But educators do not impose any activity. The child himself must want to do something. To do this, everything that may interest him is made specifically for children's sizes.

Language Kindergartens

It is believed that children should start learning foreign languages ​​in parallel with their native language. According to this principle, language preschool institutions are opened. Ptit Cref is one of them.

rating of private kindergartens in Moscow

The kindergarten has native English, French and Spanish speakers who conduct various classes with children. Children from a year to 7 years are accepted. The forms of organization of the working day are different, up to a full stay.

Language training takes place in a playful way, which helps kids learn new material more easily. Throughout the year, children prepare several large topics in a foreign language, and at the end of this block they make holidays where they present their results.

Such private kindergartens in Moscow are in several areas, and in the future, the opening of branches in other cities.

Gardens for Young Talents

Moscow has various private kindergartens in various directions. One of them is the education of intellectual abilities in children. The boarding house at Moscow State University is one of the best in the world. It accepts not only school children, but also preschoolers, starting from 2 years old. In the future, these kids can continue to study for secondary and higher education in the same educational institution.

Private kindergartens in Moscow

Education in the kindergarten at Moscow State University is not cheap. But the results are really amazing. Children are developing in an intellectual direction. From an early age they study foreign languages ​​and the foundations of various sciences. In fact, after this pre-school institution, a child can immediately be sent to the third or fourth grade of a regular school. Few private Moscow kindergartens can give a similar result.

Gardens with small groups

The smaller the children's team, the more attention is paid to an individual. For this reason, chamber kindergartens are massively opened in the capital, in which a very limited number of children are admitted, such as the Blue Bird Personal School for Preschool Children.

In this institution, groups are formed of six to eight people. Teachers work with babies full day. During this time, they conduct classes on the programs of general and creative development. The emphasis in the work is on the use of gaming techniques.

Good private kindergartens in Moscow offer innovative development programs, at the end of which children undergo complete socialization and are ready to perform complex educational tasks in primary and secondary schools.

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