In the LoL universe, Urgot is the character whose story and game mechanics have been subjected to constant change and development. In the end, he was assigned a role in a rather sparsely populated niche - the role of a long-range fighter's long-range blood pressure. It is important to remember that he does not have a βcarryβ task, so his strength cannot gradually increase.
What then are its advantages? Unlike other Carrie champions, it shows good survivability and can last several times longer on the map. In addition, until the 7th season, Urgot established himself as an excellent duelist.
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So, for starters, we need to save a jump or jerk before Urgot fires with his Harmful Eroding Charge. Also, in order to maintain control, you need to get rid of the shield that occurs after using the "Horror Capacitor" as soon as possible. By doing this, we can free our hero from constant slowdown when working with basic attacks.
Maintaining control will help you in another important matter - interrupting the ultimate cast "Hyperkinetic Change of Position". If Urgot managed to hit your character with a "Harmful Eroding Charge", then it is very important to get out of the attack radius as soon as possible and, if desired, hide. Otherwise, the remaining blows from the Acid Hunter will fly at you.