Pregnancy is a kind of test for the expectant mother both physically and emotionally. Especially if a woman is in this state for the first time. You have to constantly listen to new changes taking place in her body. Changes are often frightening and alarming, especially when they are associated with pain and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, without which no pregnancy can do. The pains are periodic and constant and can begin at 3-4 weeks of gestation. It is important to understand why the lower abdomen pulls during pregnancy, what is normal, and what you need to pay close attention to. Indeed, sometimes a timely visit to the attending physician saved the life of the child, since in the early stages of pregnancy the lower abdomen pulls due to the threat of miscarriage, and in later pregnancy - the threat of premature birth.
Main reasons
The causes of pain during pregnancy can be divided into two groups. The first is physiological. Such pain does not affect the life and health of the baby and mother. The second is pain associated with a threat to the life of the child.
Physiological causes of pulling pain in the lower abdomen in the first trimester
From the very first days of pregnancy, a serious restructuring begins in the body, during which discomfort can be felt. This can frighten the expectant mother, especially if she pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy in the early stages. There are several main reasons that can cause pain and discomfort.
- In the first two weeks of pregnancy, the fetal egg attaches to the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. This can provoke menstrual pain. Sometimes minor bleeding appears.
- The uterus requires increased blood supply, which causes some discomfort in the lower abdomen.
- Under the influence of hormones, including progesterone, which is responsible for the preservation of pregnancy, there is a slight divergence of the pelvic bones and an increase in the volume of the pelvis for the correct and easy passage of the child through the birth canal.
- In the early stages of pregnancy, digestive problems can provoke pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Thanks to hormones, intestinal motility decreases, due to which a woman is faced with constipation, bloating, heartburn. Pain in the stomach and intestines can give to the lower abdomen, thereby scaring the expectant mother. But we must remember that with increasing intestinal motility, the uterus also begins to contract. It is recommended to drink an antispasmodic tablet as soon as possible, for example, “No-shpu”, and consult your doctor.
Physiological pulling pains in the second trimester
The second trimester is rightly called the easiest for the entire pregnancy. Many of the unpleasant symptoms inherent in the first trimester have passed, but the difficulties that await in the third trimester have not yet appeared. But at this time, certain difficulties and discomfort may also arise. For instance:
- In the second trimester, the baby grows intensively, the uterus grows and stretches. The pressure on the ligaments increases, which is very noticeable. A sharp pain appears with sudden movements or sneezing, but quickly passes.
- It draws the lower abdomen during pregnancy due to the growing uterus, squeezing the intestines, which provokes malfunctions in its work, constipation, flatulence and dysbiosis. This causes a drawing pain in the lower abdomen.
- Discomfort at this time occurs due to excessive tension of the abdominal muscles. It is recommended to lie down and rest.
Physiological pain in the third trimester
With any pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen in the third trimester, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible to exclude unforeseen and dangerous situations.
If pregnancy is proceeding well, then such pain can be due to the following reasons:
- The uterus continues to grow, stretching the ligaments. The pelvic bones expand. The baby's head gradually begins to sink into the pelvic cavity. This can cause pulling pains in the lower abdomen.
- The intestines continue to bother, causing gas and constipation, which can be manifested by short-term sharp pain.
- The child has grown, and his movements inside the abdomen may be discomfort.
- In this trimester, there are training fights that prepare the body for the upcoming birth. They pass after taking the No-Shpy pill or using the Papaverine suppository (after consultation with your doctor).
- If the lower abdomen pulls during pregnancy for 38 weeks or more, and antispasmodics do not help, the birth will most likely begin.
Differences of physiological pain from pathological
Despite the fact that it is difficult to independently determine which group of pulling pains is physiological or pathological, there are a number of indirect signs that indicate that the expectant mother should not worry:
- pain is monotonous, not constant, not cramping;
- no bloody or brown discharge;
- the pain subsides after taking antispasmodic drugs;
- rest helps to get rid of symptoms;
- there are no longer any extraneous signs of poor health (dizziness, excessive sweating, chills, changes in blood pressure).
But if a woman in the first pregnancy is pulled by the lower abdomen, it is recommended to contact a medical institution as soon as possible.
Pathological pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy
The first trimester is called the most dangerous for the entire pregnancy. In the first 12 weeks, the risk of spontaneous abortion is great. It depends on the state of the mother’s body whether the embryo will successfully attach to the uterus and develop it further. At this stage, the laying of all the organs of the baby takes place. Therefore, it is very important to listen to your body.
As a rule, a woman learns about pregnancy for a period of 4-5 weeks. Then the symptoms begin to be felt. At this time, the embryo begins to develop in the uterine cavity, and the body gets used to a new condition for it. If the lower abdomen is pulled at 5 weeks of gestation, immediate medical attention may be required. Consider the reasons in more detail.
Frozen pregnancy
Unfortunately, a pregnant woman may even be in a woman who has followed all the recommendations of the attending physician. This is a spontaneous death of the embryo in the uterus, independent of the mother’s age and gestational age, although it most often occurs in the first 13 weeks. Signs appear 2-3 weeks after fading, when the fetal egg begins to tear away from the uterine cavity. It may come out on its own if it happened at an early date, or medical intervention is required if it is later.
Causes of Fetal Fading
There are several:
- The main cause of fetal fading is genetic abnormalities and malformations that are not compatible with life.
- Viral and infectious diseases, STDs, chronic diseases suffered by a woman before pregnancy.
- Hormonal disruptions.
- Weight lifting.
- Stress of the future mother.
- Rhesus conflict.
- The use of drugs contraindicated during pregnancy.
- Alcohol consumption.
- Physical injuries.
But fetal freezing can occur in an absolutely healthy woman without any obvious reason. Therefore, it is important to listen to your body, and at the first sign to see a doctor.
Signs of a Frozen Pregnancy
We list these:
- During pregnancy, pulls the lower abdomen.
- The discharge is spotty or abundant, similar to menstruation.
- Temperature rise.
- Signs of pregnancy, such as toxicosis and chest pain, disappear.
- Nausea, vomiting.
- Cramping pains in the lower abdomen.
- Ultrasound does not detect embryo heart rate and uterine growth.
- At a later date, the movements disappear.
There are such types of diagnostics:
- Ultrasound (sometimes the diagnosis is made erroneously. The reason may be an incorrect calculation of the gestational age, a poor-quality ultrasound machine, an insufficiently competent ultrasound specialist. It is recommended that you contact external specialists after a while to confirm it).
- A blood test for hCG looks dynamic.
- Gynecological examination.
Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, the woman is hospitalized. Depending on the duration and condition of the pregnant woman, they expect a natural miscarriage, medical intervention or curettage. In the later stages, artificial birth is called.
Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is a pathology in which the attachment of the embryo does not occur in the uterine cavity. Depending on the location of the ovum, such a pregnancy can be:
- tube - implantation occurred in the fallopian tube;
- abdominal - when attached in the abdominal cavity;
- ovarian - when fixed in the ovary.
All organs, except the uterus, are not intended for the development of pregnancy, therefore, with this pathology, a rupture of the organ where the implantation occurred can occur. It is very important to diagnose this condition as early as possible, as this can lead to severe pain shock, bleeding, and sometimes even death of the pregnant woman.
At an early stage, it is difficult to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, because there is an increase in hCG, there are signs inherent in a normal pregnancy. But in connection with the growth of the fetal egg, a woman begins to feel pulling, and then sharp pains in the lower abdomen, in the place where the fetus is located. Sometimes dizziness and fainting. Blood discharges of various volumes appear. It happens that the ovum independently detaches itself, a miscarriage occurs, accompanied by copious discharge of blood. A lot of blood loss during organ rupture is very dangerous. You need to immediately call an ambulance and stop the bleeding. In this case, emergency surgical assistance is required to save the woman's life.
It is carried out as follows:
- Diagnose an ectopic pregnancy will help the analysis to determine the level of hCG in the blood. It is made in dynamics. If growth occurs slowly or stops, this is an occasion to consult a doctor.
- Ultrasound In this study, the fetal egg is not found in the uterine cavity, but in the organ in which it is attached. Also, the doctor will be able to see blood in the abdominal cavity if an organ rupture has occurred.
- Laparoscopy.
- Blood analysis.
Ectopic pregnancy is a very dangerous pathology, which is a threat to infertility and the life of a woman.
Threat of interruption
During pregnancy, there is a high possibility of spontaneous abortion or the threat of premature birth. But with proper treatment and fulfillment of the doctor’s premises, this can be avoided.
Allocate such:
- The tone of the uterus. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, turning into cramping. The stomach is stiff. You need to lie down and call a doctor.
- Detachment of the placenta, accompanied by dull pain. Internal bleeding begins. May lead to hypoxia and fetal death.
- Most miscarriages occur at a very early stage and are associated with genetic abnormalities of the fetus.
- Hormonal disorders. With a shortage of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen in the pregnant body, a threat of interruption can occur. In this case, the doctor prescribes drugs that can normalize the hormonal background.
- Infectious diseases of mom.
- Taking medications prohibited during pregnancy.
- Physiological problems in a pregnant woman, for example, an irregular shape of the uterus and its defects.
- Endometriosis
- Thin endometrium. In this case, the embryo is difficult to attach and stay in the uterine mucosa.
- Stress.
- Wrong way of life.
There are such main reasons that indicate a miscarriage that has occurred or is starting:
- Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and lower back. With timely treatment, you can stop the interruption process.
- If the lower abdomen is pulled by the lower abdomen, as with menstruation, and the pain becomes stronger, this may indicate a threat of premature birth.
- Spotting and bleeding. With this symptom, an ambulance is immediately called and the horizontal position of the pregnant woman is ensured. Minor blood discharge may indicate a threat of interruption, but if the discharge is plentiful, accompanied by acute pain, this may indicate a spontaneous abortion that has begun, which, unfortunately, is very difficult to stop.
If the lower abdomen is pulled at 32-35 weeks of pregnancy, and the pain is cramping regular in nature, this indicates early labor. An ambulance is urgently called. Do not be scared, as children born at this time, with proper care and treatment, are completely viable.
Pregnancy is a wonderful time when the expectant mother needs to relax and enjoy it. But do not forget that for any, even insignificant at first glance discomfort, you should consult a doctor.