Mini aquarium: description, advantages and disadvantages

Pet shops offer a large selection of "houses" for small fish. The fashion for a mini-aquarium has forced the industry to master the production of these products in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. As a rule, small-volume tanks come complete with all necessary equipment. They are convenient to contain one or two small fish.

Mini aquarium

There is a huge variety of aquariums. They are distinguished not only by shape and volume, but also by purpose. The tanks may be freshwater or marine. Decorative, made in the form of a wall picture. Giant and miniature, designed for breeding or rearing young animals.

mini desktop aquariums

In this variety, a mini-aquarium stands apart, which in volume does not happen more than 20 liters. Its shape is different. The minimum volume for the relatively normal existence of the fish can not be less than 3.5 liters.

There are, of course, smaller products, but they usually contain shrimp or snails, or they perform a purely decorative function (they do not have living organisms).

In the pet shop you can buy almost any aquarium. The price depends on the volume and layout of the product. It ranges from $ 20 to 150. Five- or twenty-liter aquariums amaze with a variety of shapes and can be stylized to a specific interior.

Who to settle

Mini aquariums (desktop or wall) can decorate even the most dull or official interior. The presence of the original tank with a constantly scurrying back and forth fish will help you concentrate or, conversely, relax a bit during the working day.

mini desktop aquariums

For settlement in such a limited space, such residents of the water world are suitable:

  • Pseudo-Mogil Gertrude. They live on the islands of Papua New Guinea, in Australia. They grow up to 3-4 cm. They have a silver-blue or golden yellow color. Great for keeping in small containers.
  • Copper tetra (Hassemania Nana). Her homeland is Brazil. It grows to 5 cm, a rather aggressive creature. The color is silver at night, and during the day - a pleasant copper shade, it is brighter among males. Better to keep them in a small flock.
  • Neons are blue or ordinary. In addition to amazing beauty, these fish are famous for their peaceful nature. Perfectly adapt to the conditions of detention. For a flock of 6-8 individuals, a mini aquarium is quite suitable.
  • Guppy. In vivo they live in South America (Venezuela, Brazil, Guiana), on the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. Ideal for keeping in an aquarium. Unpretentious and calm fish has such a diverse color that it is simply impossible to list all the options. Males are much brighter than females. They live great in a pack.
  • Cockerels. They have a simply luxurious appearance! But because of the pugnacious nature, it is better to keep them individually. The male cockerel is quite suitable for settlement in a mini aquarium.

mini aquarium with backlight


Despite its miniature size, such a tank requires daily care and water quality control. Always keep fluid at hand for at least 48 hours. Replacement is based on no more than 25% of the total capacity of the container. Change the water at least once in three to four days. Otherwise, the living products of the inhabitants will accumulate on the walls, and it will be more difficult to clean the aquarium.

Fish is fed so that the feed is eaten for 3-5 minutes. All residues are removed immediately. You can not put the container in direct sunlight - this will provoke a rapid growth of algae and an increase in water temperature.

It is not recommended to overpopulate limited space. Fish should be similar in behavior (if they are different breeds) and not differ in large sizes.

mini aquarium with backlight


The advantages of mini-models include the ability to place them almost anywhere: on a table, bookshelf, wall. Such an aquarium is easy to transport, it can be quickly and easily moved to a new place.

The tank is also great for jigging young animals or mating fish. You can also use it as an insulator, repelling sick or newly acquired individuals.

As a rule, such miniature aquariums are sold complete with all necessary equipment. Pump, filters, lights - everything is neatly and reliably mounted in the product itself, there are no extra wires.

aquarium Price


The complexity of caring for such a fragile ecosystem is due primarily to its size. The smaller the capacity, the more attention it requires. In a small volume of water, changes occur rapidly. Pollution, increase or decrease in temperature proceeds many times faster than in a large model.

A backlit mini aquarium looks impressive, but a lamp can significantly change the temperature of the water. A small amount of liquid heats up quickly and cools just as quickly after turning off the appliance. Fluctuations of one to two degrees can be fatal for aquatic life.

Frequent water changes, tight control over fish nutrition, environmental conditions (temperature, purity, acidity), careful selection of residents and plants - this is the list of problems that the future owner of a mini-aquarium will face.

Well, and perhaps the most basic drawback - it can not be left unattended even for one day. A business trip or vacation can ruin all living creatures.

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