How to choose a Chihuahua puppy: tips and tricks

Why do you need a dog? The question will make you confused. For the soul, of course. Do you know that your future pet can shine at exhibitions? Or have high zootechnical value in the breed?

Want to know how to choose a chihuahua puppy that you can only dream of?

Cute Chihuahua

A little bit about the breed

What is the nature of the chihuahua? Dog owners claim their pets are incredibly brave. For them, there is no formidable enemy, the owner will be protected not for life, but for death.

Because of the courage of the babies, problems arise. And the Chihuahuas themselves, and their owners. That is why it is important to walk with a favorite on a leash. If she decides that she or the owner is in danger in the face of a large dog, she will rush into battle. The consequences of such bold insanity will not be described.

Chihuahuas are very smart, well trained. You just need to consider that the crumbs get tired quickly. A few minutes a day for training will be enough.

Well-bred breed representatives will not bark for no reason. As well as aggressive behavior they are not characteristic. Apart from the situation when the pet decided that he or the owner is in danger.

Children are loyal. But having a chihuahua in a family with very young children is undesirable. Kids do not understand that the animal is hurt. A chihuahua is too fragile. Any jerk on the paw, tail or ear can seriously harm the dog.

These are active, funny and friendly pets. They will become excellent companions for all family members, except for kids.

How to choose a chihuahua puppy? We pass to this topic.

What to look for?

The puppy is selected, we agreed with the breeder when to come for him, and the dream is about to come true. A Chihuahua will appear at home, which almost the owners have dreamed about for so long.

When you come to the breeder, for joy, do not forget about the main thing. How to choose a chihuahua puppy and what is worth paying attention to?

  • Appearance. A healthy puppy has clean skin, good coat, shiny eyes and pink ears.

  • There should be no rash or irritation on the skin.

  • The baby's coat should be clean, without dandruff or a feeling of fat in the palm of the hand when touched.

  • The eyes are expressive and slightly moist.

  • The ears are very large, widely spaced. The auricle is clean, there are no “pimples” on the skin.

  • The puppy's nose is cold and wet. If the baby’s nose is dry, warm or hot - a sign that the puppy is sick.

  • A healthy doggie is curious. He approaches people in the hope of getting to know each other. He begins to wag his tail, willingly lets himself stroke. If a puppy with an indifferent appearance sits near his mother, not showing interest in the guests, he should be left at the place of residence.

Will they take me ?!

Chihuahua height and weight

Currently, there are three directions for breeding these dogs. Standard chihuahua, mini and supermini. The last two weigh about 500 grams. The weight of a regular Chihuahua is from 800 to 1200 grams.

As for growth, these dogs barely reach 30 centimeters at the withers. Growth ranges from 15 to 23 centimeters, as a rule.

Types of dogs

With the size of the Chihuahua, we decided. Now let's talk about their types. There are show-class dogs, pet and brid. Puppies of the show is a dog for the soul. She has no tribal value and cannot participate in exhibitions due to exterior defects. A chihuahua of the level of breeding is good for everyone: with the exterior, she is all right, and is allowed to breed. But there is no enthusiasm for an exhibition career, a “twinkle”, so necessary for this.

How much does a chihuahua puppy cost? From 15 to 200 thousand rubles. Depending on what type it belongs to and where it is bought.

Black and tan color

Male or female?

How to choose a chihuahua puppy? And who is better to take - a bitch or a dog? Bitches are more affectionate and more willing to make contact. In order to get along with the dog, you will have to make every effort. They are wayward, not always obedient, and if necessary, they will also use their teeth. But if you succeed in gaining the confidence of the boy, you will not find a better friend. Even bitches fade compared to how loyal the males are to their owners.

What are the sizes of chihuahua male and female? Males are larger, from 20 to 23 centimeters at the withers. Females are more elegant: their growth ranges from 15 to 19 centimeters at the withers.

Mom with puppy

Breed color

The standard acceptable Chihuahua colors are as follows:

  • The black.

  • Black and tan.

  • Brindle.

  • Chocolate.

  • Ginger.

Black and tan chihuahuas are characterized by the presence of bright spots, most often a dark red color. And all this beauty on a black background.

Self charm

Chocolate color chihuahua implies a dark brown shade. Although there are two variations: chocolate tan and chocolate tricolor.

Tiger representatives of the breed flaunt in an unusual "fur coat". Red, white and black colors alternate with each other. It looks pretty original.

At what age to take a pet?

Breeders start selling babies when the Chihuahua puppies are a month old. But do not get a pet at such a tender age. He is not socialized enough among dogs. In the future this will lead to serious consequences, the dog runs the risk of growing completely unbalanced.

Buy a puppy when he is 2.5-3 months old. Not earlier than this age.

Breed features

Let's talk about the exterior signs and nuances of character.

The main external characteristic of a Chihuahua puppy is ears. Huge, widely spaced, they resemble locators.

Another distinguishing feature is wool. These dogs are long-haired and short-haired. Long hair bends beautifully below. The pet needs to be combed out three to four times a week.

Black and red

How to choose a chihuahua puppy? Paying attention to character traits, first of all:

  • Chihuahuas are very jealous. They get along with other pets, of course, but they will feel uncomfortable at the same time. It is better to take a representative of the breed as the only pet in the family.

  • Dogs do not tolerate loneliness. If the owner is constantly not at home, the baby will begin to get bored and languish. May get sick from loneliness.

  • Curious, they need everything and everything is interesting.

  • It was already mentioned above that chihuahua is alien to cowardice. Getting into a fight with a big dog is no problem.

  • Do not tolerate when they raise their voice.

  • With proper education, they are restrained and silent, will not bark for nothing.

A bit about the content

We figured out how to choose a chihuahua puppy. Now let's talk about how to keep this cute dog.

  • Buy a doggie house. The pet shop sells special houses for dogs of small breeds. This will be a personal Chihuahua place where she can hide from everyone and sleep.

Chih in the house

  • The dog should have two bowls: under water and under food. Choose stainless steel bowls.

  • Two to three times a month, the claws of the babies are cut. This procedure can be carried out in a veterinary clinic, or you can do it yourself at home.

  • Be sure to buy a collar and leash. It is a collar, not a harness. In the city, drive your pet for a walk only on a leash.

  • Chihuahuas are washed no more than four times a year.

  • Inspect your eyes and ears daily. Remove eye discharge with a clean cotton swab dipped in plain water.

  • Ears do not needlessly clean. if there is no dirt in the auricles, do not climb into them.

  • Chihuahuas are prone to colds. Buy your pet warm clothing for walking in the cold season.

  • If at the height of the dog there are sockets and wires, remove the latter. As already mentioned, representatives of the breed are curious. You never know, the favorite of the family decides to taste the wire.


In the article, we talked about small dogs like Chihuahua. We learned about her character, height and weight of the Chihuahua, highlighted the characteristics of the breed. They also touched the contents of the baby. The main aspects of the article:

  • It is recommended to buy a puppy in nurseries. Only purebred animals with documents are bred there. This is a guarantee that the baby is healthy.

  • Dogs are short-haired and long-haired.

  • There are three types of chihuahua: show class, delirium and pet.

  • How much does a chihuahua puppy cost? The show class reaches 200 thousand rubles. A pet-level dog can be purchased for 15 thousand.

  • These kids live 14-18 years old. Real centenarians.


Now anyone who wants to get a representative of the breed knows how to choose a Chihuahua puppy. A correctly chosen dog will please the owner for many years.

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