Scenario for a 25-year-old girl: interesting ideas, contests

An anniversary for a girl of 25 years old is an important event that I want to have fun and unforgettable. The birthday girl will be pleased not only with the presence of welcome guests, a delicious feast, a pile of gifts, but also with an organized script with jokes, games, songs and background music.

Homemade toastmaster

For an unforgettable holiday, it is not necessary to turn to the services of animators and toasts. Using the scenario of the anniversary, a girl of 25 years old can arrange an event at home everyone. The main thing is to stock up with a desire to please the hero of the occasion with creative ideas and a worthy program.

It is advisable to discuss in advance with the young woman how she wants to see her birthday, what company and atmosphere she is counting on. Perhaps she wants to spend the holiday without noise and fuss in a quiet family circle. However, if a female young soul wishes a bright unforgettable evening, it is worth helping her with this.

The home organizer needs to consider the tastes and preferences of the birthday girl to please her. You can discuss the finished scenario of the anniversary for a girl of 25 years in advance, but leave some details a secret. A pleasant surprise is best left for the finale of the evening.

You can arrange a festive celebration in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary in different ways: with improvisation, a clear script or a thematic bias.

Ideas for the evening

Cool scenarios for the anniversary of a girl of 25 years are obtained when the party has a certain theme. Style decisions of the evening involve several points:

  • evening program;
  • Musical direction;
  • dress code;
  • original photo shoot.

In addition, themed parties excite the great interest of the guests, initially fill with a cheerful mood and in most cases fulfill one of the wishes of the birthday girl. For example, an anniversary script for a 25-year-old girl in a particular style will help her:

  1. "Visit" in France - ("La France Party").
  2. Recall childhood - (pajama party).
  3. Feel like a princess, a witch, Lara Croft, etc.

Theme party

Before preparing the program, the home organizer should find out about the secret dreams of a young girl. No need to be afraid to choose unexpected themes of the evening. Perhaps for a 25-year-old girl, an anniversary script created in the style of a doll party is her long-standing wish. Birthday is a great way to have fun and remember your childhood.

The range of thematic ideas for cool scenarios of the anniversary of 25 years is huge. For example, a party:

  • pirate
  • pajama
  • pioneer;
  • Indian
  • rocker;
  • romantic
  • criminal;
  • palace;
  • mexican.

Any birthday girl's dream can serve as a good idea for creating a festive evening. "Travel" to any country, transformation into unusual characters are able to weave the scenario of the anniversary of a girl 25 years old at home.

jubilee girl

Important points

When compiling a program for the holiday, the organizer should consider several important nuances:

  • the size of the room in which the event will take place;
  • age category of those present;
  • the presence of audio and video equipment;
  • the amount of time allotted for the anniversary.

Given all these aspects, the presenter comes to coming up with an original scenario for the anniversary of a 25-year-old girl.

25 years old

Planning a scenario

The program should be clearly planned. It is important not to miss the key points and not spoil the smooth and harmonious flow of the holiday.

The stages of the holiday include the following:

  1. Introductory part. It should be bright, attracting attention, purposefully indicate the event, on the occasion of which the guests gathered. The opening speech can be delivered by prose, poem, sung by a song, performed in some other original way. The main thing is to attract the attention of guests, highlight the birthday girl and emphasize its importance this evening.
  2. Dress code or decoration attributes of guests when creating a cool script for the anniversary of a girl of 25 years old at home. In the case of a theme party, guests come in special costumes, but if this does not happen - it does not matter. A fun game in which friends and relatives are dressed up with blindly selected accessories will charge the audience with laughter, fun, good mood.
  3. Quiz, riddles - an interesting entertaining part, during which facts related to the theme of the evening or birthday girl are guessed. Questions can be poetic, comic or serious. It is necessary to choose information about the heroine of the evening very carefully so that the questions and answers do not concern the sphere of life or those events that the birthday girl does not want to talk about.
  4. Contests - tasks with tokens (prize, lottery). The script for a 25-year-old girl's holiday should include such nuances. To participate in the competitions, numbered cards are distributed to those present. Each number contains a game task and a prize. It can be unusual, comic, related to the theme of the evening. Tasks should include a variety of creative moments that encourage players to reveal their artistic abilities and ingenuity: sing a song, tell a poem, show a pantomime, perform a ditty, spoof a famous person, and so on.
  5. Common games. It is better to hold noisy or quiet games for the general audience after the guests stir, relax and are ready for further participation in the entertainment program. They can have the character of a competition or be associated with a dance, song theme.
  6. Performances. A wonderful surprise will be the performance of concert numbers by guests. Perhaps someone plays the guitar or any other instrument perfectly, writes poetry or trowels, dances - if a similar plot is included in the scenario of the girl’s 25th birthday, she and the guests will like it, will cause a lot of delight and positive emotions.
  7. Dancing. The music itself is important here: a successful incendiary playlist will make most of the guests enjoy dancing at the festive evening.
  8. Gifts, congratulations. For congratulations you need to highlight a special moment. This is best done after the solemn introduction of the festive cake with candles and loud applause with the traditional song "Happy Birthday to you!". The birthday girl blows out the candles, there are loud words of congratulations, hooting - the time has come for gifts and wishes.
  9. Surprise. Finishing the evening with an unexpected surprise is a great idea. It is not necessary to let out a flock of pigeons from the balcony or order gypsies with a bear. This may be a pile of balls released into the sky on the street or a Chinese lantern with wishes, a ride in a car decorated like a carriage, the same gypsies, which will be played by close friends. Imagination and ingenuity will tell you what a surprise it will turn out to surprise and delight the birthday girl.
  10. Small prizes and gifts. A small souvenir received during the event will cheer guests up and serve as an incentive to participate in contests. It’s not worth much to get presents. They can be simple and original: pens, balls, sweets, seasonings, tea bags, soap, hairpins and other little things.
    decor a la france

Birthday "in Paris"

The scenario of holding the anniversary of a 25-year-old girl in the French style will be very pleased with the romantic nature, dreaming of love and travel.

To prepare such a party is quite difficult. This work is interesting and creative, requiring some important steps:

  1. The decor of the room. To fill the living room with the atmosphere of Paris and French streets, it is advisable to hang black and white photographs of the capital of the country on the walls. Inscriptions of French words are needed. For example, "bonjour", "merci". A figurine or a toy of a rooster, graceful umbrellas and flowers in vases will complement the atmosphere corresponding to Paris.
  2. Musical background. It is necessary to choose both fast and slow compositions for background and dancing. There is a sea of ​​famous interesting performers who fill the room with French notes and a cheerful mood. In the playlist you can add hits of such French pop stars as Patricia Kaas, Milen Farmer, Mireille Mathieu, Edith Piaf, Mika, Vanessa Paradis, Azelle and others.
  3. Costumes, paraphernalia. Vests, skirts, berets, frills, suits, hats and scarves will make up the perfect wardrobe for transforming into French citizens. If guests come in clothes that are not relevant to the theme of the evening, they must be “decorated” at the beginning of the party during a music game. The presenter puts various accessories into the box: hats, sunglasses, shawls, fluffy scarves, bright belts, lace shawl, berets, gloves. To the music, the box passes through the guests and during the musical pause, the guests "blindly" dress up.
  4. A treat is an optional condition for a milking themed evening. The menu may have national French or regular holiday dishes.
  5. Competitions, games, assignments - an important component of the festive scenario of the anniversary of the girl of 25 years. Their selection should be associated with the traditions of the selected country, age category of guests, the amount of time for the event.
    La France clothing

A la france holiday

Birthday in the style of France is a great occasion to congratulate on an important date and put in a "life" a beautiful script for the anniversary of the girl of 25 years.

The host meets the guests and the main character of the evening with a solemn speech:

"-Bonjour, Madame, Bonjour, Monsieur!

Gathered that day, we all

Congratulate our "cher" and "linen",

After all, Anette (Tatyana) has an anniversary!

There is no finer girl in the land

Such beauty only dreams!

We will congratulate her,

Sing songs, have fun, dance!

Let's say it loudly in French:

Anette, Ms. vu Aniverser! "

The names of the guests and the birthday girl are translated into the French manner and pronounced throughout the evening. If you change the name and the name of the guest in the badges, those present receive both a new "nickname" and a reason for the novelty of feelings and fun.

Each of those present calls himself, trying to comply with nasal accented moments of speech and a rolling "r".

1. The general game "Pick a couple"

Host: “Today we will visit a beautiful country, which is known for romantic adventures, beautiful love stories. France is a country in which fashion is born, passions rage and loving hearts gather. I will call a famous person, and who knows, tell me what your name was her second half:

  • D'artagnan -... (Constance);
  • Napoleon - ... (Josephine);
  • Geoffrey de Peyrac - ... (Angelica);
  • Johnny Depp - ... (Vanessa Paradis);
  • Quasimodo - ... (Esmeralda);
  • Nicolas Sarkozy - ... (Carla Bruni);
  • Louis the Fourteenth - ... (Louise de Lavalier);
  • Alain Delon - ... (Romy Schneider);
  • Marcel Cerdan -... (Edith Piaf).

2. Competition "Winemakers"

Two members are selected. Each of them is given a glass and a bunch of grapes. Players compete who quickly squeezes “wine” into a glass container from grapes.

3. Game tasks "Umbrellas of Cherbourg"

The scenario of the anniversary of 25 years with contests in which those present will show acting data and other talents, amuse the audience very much and give a great mood.

On small paper umbrellas that are handed out to guests, there are inscribed numbers with a task. It is carried out individually by each of the "lucky" who came across.

The list of tasks is as follows:

  1. Depict a pantomime frog.
  2. To the song Happy birthday, sing the birthday girl "Zhovu anverser!"
  3. Departing from the hero of the occasion ten steps, with each step to say compliments to her.
  4. In a wide skirt and bonnet to the cheerful music dance "Cancan".
  5. Crow three times.
  6. Various objects are placed on a chair under a napkin: soap, spoon, apple. The participant blindfolded sits on a chair and senses trying to guess what it is.
  7. Draw a portrait of the birthday girl with his left hand.
  8. From disposable glasses to build the Eiffel Tower.
  9. Eat champagne from a saucer.
  10. To parody the facial expressions of Louis de Funes, looking in the mirror and shouting: "This is Fantomas!"

4. Dance competition "Croissants"

Croissants are a favorite French treat.

From among the guests, 2-4 participants are chosen and the same number of assistants are “cooks”. The “culinary specialists” wrap volunteers with toilet paper, like “puff pastry stuffing”. Croissants are ready! To the fervent music, "sweet buns" dance an incendiary dance. Selects "sweetest."

Beautiful finale

The French scenario of a home anniversary of 25 years must be completed with beautiful notes. It can be a slow dance to the romantic music of the birthday girl and her partner, a beautiful song pre-rehearsed in honor of the anniversary woman, a bouquet of 25 roses or another beautiful ending. The main thing is to delight the hero of the occasion.

flowers to woman

Add the zest

The scenario of the anniversary of a woman of 25 years will become even more interesting and rich, if you add some creative points:

  • decorate the room with photographs of a birthday girl of different ages;
  • arrange an original photo zone, against which she will take unforgettable pictures with relatives and relatives;
  • record in advance a video of congratulations from family and friends;
  • edit and edit a video about a twenty-five-year-old girl with her numerous photographs and suitable musical accompaniment.

These surprises will please the young lady and help her meet her holiday with a smile.

photo accessories

Congratulations from men

Cool scenarios for the anniversary of a girl of 25 years can be diversified with funny and artistic numbers, which will amuse both the main character of the evening, and the rest of those present.

1. Choir "Flowers for the lady."

Several men prepare and rehearse a song for the birthday girl in advance. An interesting point is contained in the execution. Large flowers are cut from a large drawing paper and cuts for the face are made in the middle. Peculiar "masks" put on performers. As a result, a choir of "buttercups" appears before the audience.

2. Congratulations from "famous men."

The birthday girl sits in a place of honor. Men with wishes, a flower in his hand and a sweet surprise enter the hall in turn. Men depict the most diverse heroes of women's hearts: the overseas prince, James Bond, Philip Kirkorov, Troubadour and so on.

disguised men

3. Interesting predictions.

The arrival of the gypsy will bring notes of surprise and cheerful excitement in the scenario of the anniversary of the girl of 25 years. It should be a fun clockwork, predicting all sorts of interesting facts to the guests, and a birthday promises love and a happy future.

gypsy divines

A bright holiday in the society of near and dear ones will be remembered by the hero of the day for a long time with bright and positive emotions.

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