Sad events became the occasion for the proclamation of a new memorable date. Probably its main essence is that everyone understands: unbridled cruelty leads to terrible tragedies. There is no and cannot be a creative idea in the use of weapons against defenseless citizens.
When is Terrorism Day celebrated
September 3 is the day on which victims of cruelty are remembered. According to official documents, its name is Day of Solidarity in the fight against terrorism. They installed it after the terrible tragedy that occurred in Beslan, when the most defenseless citizens of our country, women and children, suffered. The terrorist act, conceived and implemented by armed monsters, has become a terrible disaster for many families. The tragedy erupted in a school where militants took children, their teachers and parents hostage. For several days these people were between life and death,
not knowing which of them will die the next minute. Until now, memories of those terrifying events are given in pain in the souls of surviving participants and witnesses of the attack. The Day of Solidarity (Counter-Terrorism) was established in order to prevent the recurrence of suffering. There is nothing worse than despair in children's eyes, awareness of one's own powerlessness under the pressure of armed bandits.
How To Spend Terrorism Day At Home
Do not assume that bandits exist far away. Unfortunately, now no one can be completely sure that he will not be affected by the war unleashed by extremists. New methods of political confrontation spare no one. It is advisable to talk with children on the day of the fight against terrorism about the need to observe safety measures. Explain to them why terrible events can occur in the country. Every citizen must understand how to behave in an emergency. Let this information never be needed! But if misfortune happens, you need to know how to act. In addition, on the Day of the fight against terrorism, it is customary to bring flowers to commemorative signs or a place of tragedy. This is done not only in order to honor the memory of the dead. Remembering the terrorist attacks and their brutal organizers, the state strives to introduce the need for unity in the thoughts of its people. Only collectively people can defeat this danger, hiding for the time being in a gangster underground and appearing unexpectedly!
Public events
The fight against terrorism is considered a state task. Naturally, there are special structures that deal with this professionally. But this is not enough. They need the help of the entire population. Careful observation, careful analysis and timely transmitted information sometimes prevent more evil than the entire platoon of special forces. Therefore, a memorable date is celebrated at the state level.
Events such as laying flowers, holding peaceful rallies, Peace lessons at school are held in order to establish a dialogue between the state and the population. This exchange of views is necessary to create one “army”, friendly and strong in its omnipresence! There will be nothing to fight against such terrorists. If every citizen of the country considers it his duty to take an active part in the fight against bandits in the hidden war unleashed by them, then the victory will be on the side of civilians and their state.