Black chihuahua: description

Chihuahua is one of the most popular decorative dogs, characterized by its miniature size and lively impulsive disposition. Due to their unusual appearance and excellent manners, they enjoy well-deserved love among all categories of the population, from ordinary housewives to well-known politicians. In today's article, we will look at the main features of these tiny animals.

A bit of history

Mexico is considered the birthplace of a Chihuahua - black, white and any other permitted color. According to one of the existing versions, they descended from the native Toltec dogs, who lived about eleven thousand years ago. These miniature individuals bore the exotic name “leaky” and bore a striking resemblance to modern sneezes. The ancient Mexicans had expressive round eyes and a tail curving on their backs.

black chihuahua

After the Aztecs came to Mexico, having conquered the bulk of the land of local Indians, the indigenous dogs were elevated to the rank of divine animals, which only leaders had the right to own. The first Chihuahuas had a fairly long coat. Short-fur individuals were bred as a result of crossbreeding with Mexican hairless dogs.

They came to the territory of Europe in the 16th century. For unknown reasons, the local population was indifferent to these lovely creatures. They became popular only a few centuries after the American cynologists became interested in them. In 1923, the Chihuahua breed standard was officially approved in the United States . Around the same time, the first club of lovers of these tiny animals was organized.


Tiger, fawn, sable, chocolate and black Chihuahuas are small decorative dogs with a proportional case of a square or slightly stretched format, moderately long curved tail and a small skull, the shape of which resembles an apple. On a beautiful head with underdeveloped cheekbones and a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle, there is a short, slightly upturned nose, erect, ears wide at the base and huge round eyes.

The animal’s neck smoothly flows into a barely visible withers, a strong back, a muscular lower back and a wide, straight croup, ending in a high-set tail. Under a compact, perfectly balanced body with a deep chest and curved ribs, there are two pairs of strong and even limbs. The ideal weight of these tiny creatures varies between 1.5-3 kilos. Dogs weighing from 0.5 to 1.5 kg are considered mini.

chihuahua black longhair

A black chihuahua, like any other representative of this breed, must move with long, elastic steps with a good push of the hind limbs and a reach of the forelimbs. When speed increases, a shift in the center of gravity appears.

Coat and color

Depending on the length of the fur, all Chihuahuas are divided into two groups. The first includes animals with short, tight-fitting hair with a soft structure. Dogs with long, thin, silky hair, forming tows in the neck, ears, fore and hind limbs, are considered to be the second.

black chihuahua

As for the color, it can be anything but a shade of merle. Completely tiger, chocolate, blue, white and black chihuahuas are extremely rare. Therefore, the price for them is much higher than for animals on whose body there are marks or tan. The more common colors include yellow, cream, sable and purple.

Character Features

Despite their miniature size, these animals are distinguished by a stable psyche and high intelligence. They are not characteristic of traits such as hysteria or cowardice. They are very proud, curious and arrogant.

In addition, the black and tan chihuahua, like other representatives of this breed, is very touchy. They can not stand when they communicate with them in raised tones. Nevertheless, they will always go towards the owner in order to resolve the conflict situation.

These are very active, temperamental creatures who are not shy about expressing their emotions. They are very loyal to their masters and can hardly tolerate stress. Because of their sociability, Chihuahuas get along well with children. But playing with them is fraught with injuries for a small dog. Therefore, representatives of this breed is necessary from communication with babies.

Maintenance and care

These tiny little dogs perfectly adapt to life in city apartments. They do not take up much space and do not need regular walking. They can be easily accustomed to a tray or diaper. It is only necessary to wash the animal several times a year. It is advisable to do this with a special shampoo, and after bathing it is important to carefully dry the dog with a hairdryer, so as not to overcool it. At least once every two weeks, the dog needs to cut its claws and clean its ears.

black chihuahua puppy

As for the care of a fur coat, for smooth individuals it comes down to regular combing with a brush with short teeth. Long-haired chihuahua (black, chocolate and any other color) requires a more thorough approach. They need not only to regularly comb out dead hairs, but also to systematically cut off the resulting tangles.

A haircut

Shaggy representatives of this breed do not need compulsory grooming. But some owners regularly trim their pets for hygiene reasons. In this case, the dog hairdresser simply shortens the hair on the belly, sides and back of the doggie a little, without touching the hair growing in the tail, legs, ears and neck. A hygienic haircut involves the complete removal of wool in such inaccessible places as the groin and armpits. This procedure makes the animal easier to tolerate the heat. It is carried out at least once a month.

Long-haired black Chihuahuas who take part in exhibitions shortly before entering the ring undergo a model haircut. As a rule, the groomer independently selects a hairstyle that visually emphasizes the advantages and hides the shortcomings of the dog's exterior.

Feeding recommendations

Representatives of this breed can be given both industrial and natural food. In the first case, preference should be given to products of a super-premium class, produced by trusted world manufacturers, who value their own reputation. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the composition of your brand does not contain wheat, corn, artificial colors or preservatives.

chihuahua black and tan

Those who prefer to feed their black Chihuahua with natural foods should remember that meat should be the basis of his diet. It can be beef, lamb or poultry. A couple of times a week, the meat component can be replaced with low-fat marine fish and offal. Also, it is desirable to include cereals, vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt and chicken eggs in the menu of a miniature pet. It is strictly forbidden to treat these crumbs with sweets, smoked meats, pickles and tubular bones.

Breed diseases

Chihuahuas (black, fawn, tiger and any others) are distinguished by excellent health. They have a very strong immune system, so they rarely get sick. But, like any other creature, these crumbs are prone to some pedigree ailments. They often have problems with vision and the cardiovascular system.

These miniature creatures are often diagnosed with dislocations, as well as dysplasia of the hip or elbow joints. In addition, chocolate, isabella, or black Chihuahua puppies have hypoglycemia.


Some inexperienced owners mistakenly believe that sneezes do not need to be driven outside. In fact, despite their smaller size, these active dogs need regular walks. This will give them the opportunity for full emotional and physical development.

black chihuahua

White, chocolate, blue and black with a tan chihuahua can walk at an air temperature of no lower than -10 and no higher than +30 degrees. Otherwise, the animal is in danger of frostbite or heat stroke. You need to train the animal to the street gradually. For the first walks, it is recommended to choose quiet places located away from cars and large crowds. It is important that your pet is not afraid of anything. After all, a sense of fear can create serious problems and interfere with further acquaintance with the outside world.

For several weeks, the duration of walks should not exceed twenty minutes. During the walk, it is important to prevent the pet from getting wet or freezing. Also, it must be protected from communication with larger relatives, who can inadvertently injure a tiny dog. In public places it is better to take the animal on a leash. Since passers-by may simply not notice it and accidentally crush it. If you encounter obstacles such as deep puddles, steep climbs or steps, you need to take a sneeze in your hands and move it from place to place.


Just like any other dog whose sneeze needs training. He must know several basic teams, including “To me”, “Fu” and “Place”. It is advisable to raise a puppy immediately after its appearance in your house. You can not allow the baby that will be prohibited to an adult pet. For example, if you do not want the dog subsequently lying on your couch, from the first days do not let her go there.

chihuahua mini black

Do not spoil your miniature pet too much. Otherwise, the tiny animal will very quickly turn into an arrogant, smug and poorly controlled creature. To set the right behavioral skills, you need to start socializing the puppy as early as possible. It is important that he be given the opportunity to communicate with his relatives and meet new people .. many sneezers are prone to causeless barking. Therefore, you need to immediately pay attention to this moment and wean the baby from this habit.

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