Probably, every woman who is pregnant or just dreams of conceiving a child is interested in the question of which month the stomach appears. There may be several reasons for this interest. Firstly, for many women who are “in position”, this helps to understand and finally realize that soon they will have a baby. Secondly, it is convenient in order to understand when it will be necessary to update the wardrobe.
Many of the women do not even think about the fact that the abdomen before the beginning of the second trimester appears mainly due to an increase in the size of the uterus and amniotic fluid, while the baby grows only a couple of centimeters during this period.
We can say that what month the stomach is visible is an indicator that is individual for each woman. However, it must be within the established norms, otherwise the presence of pathologies can be assumed. But still, on what month each woman’s stomach appears, an indicator that depends on many reasons. So, full ladies notice the appearance of roundness of the abdomen later, in girls of normal physique, it is visible by about 12 weeks. Factors such as heredity, as well as whether a woman was involved in sports and what kind of pregnancy she has, also affect the month in which the abdomen appears during pregnancy. Full ladies notice the appearance of roundness of the abdomen later, in girls of normal physique, it is visible by about 12 weeks. Those women who are actively involved in sports will notice its appearance later, because their muscles are in better shape. The appearance of the abdomen also depends on whether the pregnancy is the first. During the second and subsequent pregnancies, the growth of the abdomen becomes noticeable earlier, because the muscles were already stretched. And if a girl is going to become a mother for the first time, her stomach will become noticeable in the fifth (sometimes fourth) month.
The month in which the stomach appears may be related to the state of health. For example, the tendency to bloating in the first months of pregnancy contributes to its increase. If a woman is faced with such a problem, doctors recommend eating small portions and avoiding smoked, spicy, salty and fried foods. It is advisable to use dates, dried apricots and bananas.
Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also affect how long the stomach appears. You must understand that in no case can you ignore abdominal pain, because it can be caused by various reasons. In case of pain, cuts, you should consult a doctor immediately.
Changing the weight of a woman expecting a baby and the circumference of her abdomen helps doctors draw conclusions about the course of pregnancy. After registration, a woman should regularly visit a specialist to monitor the course of pregnancy. Frequent examinations on the chair are contraindicated, so the doctor focuses on measuring the circumference of the abdomen (this value, however, is quite variable). A slight deviation from the norm should not bother a woman, because this may be due to the individual characteristics of her body.