What pregnant women should not eat. Fruits and foods to avoid during pregnancy

The expectant mother should carefully consider her daily diet throughout all 9 months of pregnancy. From how useful and varied its food will be, the health of the child fundamentally depends. Because mom, you can say, with her own hands lays his future foundation. She should not forget for a second that she was no longer alone. Therefore, it is worth somewhat limiting your own needs, excluding products that can bring harm to the baby. We’ll talk today about what pregnant women shouldn’t eat.

What is the right food?

what pregnant women should not eat

High-grade food is, first of all, the correct processing of products, as well as their maximum freshness. The primary task of a pregnant woman is to enrich her body with useful vitamins, fats, trace elements, carbohydrates, acids. But the expectant mother needs to maintain a balance in everything and not give in to the minute desire to eat something, which then can negatively affect the condition of the fetus or the future mother in labor.

We are not talking about any diets. It should just be understood that not all food products benefit the body of a pregnant woman. And the existence of some of them for a while should be forgotten altogether. So, what foods can not be eaten by pregnant women?

Hidden danger

what foods can not be pregnant

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is unacceptable to eat foods that will definitely cause irreparable harm to the fetus. In particular, alcohol, coffee (more than one cup per day) and synthetic fast food, drenched in ketchup and mayonnaise, washed down with a glass of Coca-Cola. This is exactly what pregnant women should never eat, no matter how great the desire.

It is necessary to give preference to freshly prepared dishes in which all useful substances are stored, and the benefits for the body and mother, and the unborn baby will be obvious. You need to limit your past habits and addictions to certain foods. And ideally, completely forget about them during pregnancy. A woman is quite capable of enduring a kind of food stress, because it is only about the benefits for her child.

Danger directly awaits the expectant mother on the dining table. In the list of what pregnant women should not eat, honey, oranges and nuts occupy a leading position. These, of course, useful products for a person in the usual state, can provoke diathesis in the baby in the first months after birth.

Categorical "no" to canned food!

which pregnant women should not eat

Sea or ocean fish is safer because it is not infected with helminths, like many of its river relatives, and its use will be useful. But what pregnant women can’t eat for sure is canned food. Deep-frozen foods may well be used in the diet of the expectant mother, since at a low temperature all polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish are perfectly preserved.

Since we are discussing the topic “What pregnant women should not eat,” we note that even the products necessary during this period due to some of their nutritional qualities should be selected more carefully.

We exclude too fatty dairy products

It is necessary to more carefully choose fermented milk products: cottage cheese and milk. These are absolutely necessary ingredients in the daily diet of a pregnant woman. If these fermented milk products are purchased “on hand”, then you should give preference to your friends. So you can be sure of their safety and eliminate the likelihood of intestinal infection in the body.

If dairy products get to the table directly from the store, then you should not worry about anything. As a rule, in their production all proper sanitary and hygienic standards are observed. It should also be remembered that a decent difference in the fat content of these products can affect the condition of the pregnant woman. What she can not eat for sure is too fat cottage cheese and sour cream, as they may well provoke digestive upset.

Sweets - stop!

Sweet tooth during pregnancy will literally have a hard time. Excessive consumption of carbohydrates in the form of sweets, cakes, cakes can significantly increase the risk of diabetes. Not everyone can immediately refuse sweets, especially when the body is under the influence of a changeable mood. In addition, the occurrence of excess weight will complicate the already difficult situation of the pregnant woman. Replacing sweets with fruits is a great way to get glucose.

What foods can not be pregnant

In an “interesting position” a woman has to limit herself in many ways. Below is a detailed list of "What you can’t eat pregnant."

Black coffee

that you should not eat pregnant

During pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend that you stop drinking coffee at least temporarily. If it does not work out, then reduce the usual rate to 1 cup. This drink has a significant effect on blood pressure, raising indicators much higher than permissible norms, which negatively affects the state of both mother and baby. Coffee can be replaced with a cup of cocoa or a chicory drink.

Pickles and pickles

Salted foods, in particular summer preparations, as well as everyday dishes with an excess of this ingredient can provoke a fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman. This threatens with swelling of the legs or more formidable internal edema. Too much salt will cause unsatisfactory functioning of the kidneys, which already experience a lot of stress during this period.

Spicy and fried foods

what pregnant women should not eat

Fried, smoked and spicy - these dishes should be completely excluded from the diet of a woman in position. Without harm to the health of the pregnant woman and her unborn child, but rather, with maximum benefit for both, you can eat boiled food or steamed. All useful substances in the products will be preserved, and the liver and gall bladder will not experience excessive loads.

Chocolate and Strawberry

Expectant mothers should remember that excessive passion for such beloved chocolates, strawberries, tangerines can be more likely to do harm than good. A born child may have a tendency to an allergy to these products acquired in the womb.

Fatty meats and fish

The amount of meat consumed, especially fatty pork, should also be controlled, because protein, of course, is useful, but in moderate doses.

No need to get involved in cooking fatty fish. These include tuna, catfish, mackerel, eel, halibut, saury, nelma. These varieties contain too much fat.

Black tea and fizzy drinks

list that you can not eat pregnant

The restriction applies to black varieties of tea. Their use should be reduced during pregnancy, since they contain a lot of caffeine that excites the nervous system, which can aggravate the already unpleasant state of toxicosis or provoke a violation of the heart rhythm. Therefore, you should either switch to healthy green tea, or brew ordinary black long leaf teas not too strong.

For all 9 months of pregnancy, it is necessary to abandon carbonated water, as well as beer and energy drinks. They do not bring any benefits to the body, but harm can cause quite substantial.

Snacks and sweets

As for the various chips and crackers, jelly candies, all this is included in the list of “What Pregnant Women Should Not Eat”. Remember that the presence of stabilizers, dyes, emulsifiers, acidity regulators in them just rolls over. And these are not at all the substances that a woman needs in a given period of her life.

Fruit during pregnancy

Not all fruits are useful to the expectant mother. What fruits should not be eaten by pregnant women and why?

A pineapple

what kind of fruits can not be pregnant

Its eating in a not quite mature form is extremely undesirable for a future mother. A large amount of ascorbic acid present in its composition can cause a miscarriage. It is also not recommended to drink pineapple juice. After all, you can not be completely sure that only fully ripened fruits were used for cooking.


This tropical fruit, if it is not ripe enough, hides a terrible threat to a pregnant woman under its attractive appearance. Immature papaya can cause severe contractions of the uterus, as well as internal bleeding and, as a result, miscarriage or the onset of premature birth.


The use of a large number of grape fruits is also extremely undesirable for a future woman in labor. Regardless of the variety of berries, they cause strong gas formation in the intestines of the pregnant woman. The high presence of sucrose and fructose in grapes contributes to a woman's weight gain.

In order not to risk the life of the unborn child and protect yourself from undesirable consequences during pregnancy, it is better to exclude these dangerous fruits from your diet . Well, all the other representatives of the fruit world can and should be eaten only by thoroughly washing them before eating.

We hope that you have received an exhaustive answer to the question: “What shouldn’t be pregnant for?”

Be healthy!

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