Playpen: dimensions, height, types, pros and cons of use

As they grow older, the baby becomes more active and it is already dangerous to leave him unattended. You can equip a safe place for the child with the help of the playpen, which can be of various shapes, heights and is made of various materials. In order to choose a suitable model of the playpen, we will consider the features of each type, its advantages and disadvantages, and also learn how to make a play area for the child with his own hands.

To begin with, it is worth determining what purpose the playpen will be used for. It can be a classic game, in the form of a bed, a screen or an inflatable option. There are many foreign and domestic companies on the market. Among them, Polish companies (Bertoni, Baby Design, Milly Mally), Italian manufacturers (Cam, Chicco, Neonato), Chinese (Geoby, Omfal, Intex) and German (Hauck, Geuther) noticeably stand out on the Russian market.

Form and types of playpen

Types of playpen designs

Despite the fact that the playpen is not a matter of prime necessity, for many parents it serves as a kind of “lifesaver”. This is the place where you can leave the baby who has already begun to actively move and explore the space for a while and not worry about his safety.

In the form of playpens can be square, angular, oval (round) or rectangular. It all depends on the availability of free space in the room. So, the corner arena is suitable for small apartments, it can be put even in the corridor. A large playpen is best purchased for a large room, most often it is not portable, but a stationary option.

Separately, as an arena, options consisting of one fence can be distinguished. Sections can be plastic or metal, of very different shapes and sizes.

In size, the playpen for the child should not be small. There are miniature sizes of playpens-beds 80 x 100 cm, but they fetter the movement of the child and greatly limit the space. It is better to choose models that are volumetric, with a width of more than 1.5 m. The height most optimal and safe for the child is 80 cm.

Playpens for children can be wooden. This option is considered the most environmentally friendly, but overall and heavy. It is important that the natural wood is treated with varnish or paint. Thus, it will be safe for the child. If this is a mesh structure, then the width between the rods should not exceed 6 cm. The legs and handles in such spans will not be stuck, and the head will not crawl.

The most budgetary option is the playpen with nets. It is lightweight, it can be the most diverse in color and design. Also, most models of this type are folding. The advantages include convenience and ease of care and maximum safety for children.

Children's playpen

Standard playpen sizes

This is a playpen in which the baby can play. In shape, they can be very diverse. Most often, a mesh wall is pulled over a metal frame, and the sides are made of soft upholstery (oilcloth, raincoat fabric or natural fabric).

The advantages of this option include:

  • compactness (almost all models are folding);
  • mobility, since the weight of such structures is light and can be transported if necessary;
  • safety (the walls are soft, so even if you fall in it, the child will not break anything).

Despite the clear advantages of such playpens, there are also disadvantages. The disadvantages include the fact that the baby sees the world around him through the grid. Therefore, it should not be too bright, as it will irritate the eyes of the child. There are also some inconveniences in the care, neither the net nor the soft sides can be removed, so this design is cleaned when unfolded. If the side is made of low-quality options, there is a chance that the baby, who is pulling everything in his mouth, will bite off part of the fabric.

There are plastic playpens for kids. They are easy to care for, they have a small weight, but such designs have a short life and there is a chance that under the weight of the baby he will simply roll over.

Choose a wooden model, which is often stationary, it is worth preparing a place for it in advance. Due to its high weight, this option can be used to reach a child of three years. But such arenas are expensive, especially if they are made of natural wood, it is traumatic (if a baby falls, it can hit) and difficult to care for.

Manege bed

Playpen on casters

Most often, this option is chosen by the owners of a small room, where there is a choice to put a crib or playpen. The size of the playpen, which is used as a place for play and sleep, can be 80 x 100 cm. It can be used from the very birth of the baby. The shelf life of such structures is up to 4 years.

Advantages of playpens:

  • light weight and compact design;
  • fixed angles and a hard bottom (the baby will not fall through, assuming a standing position);
  • safety (soft walls);
  • it is possible to use additional accessories in such a crib or play area in the form of a musical mobile with toys;
  • ease in leaving.

Most often, such a playpen is square in shape, but it also has disadvantages. The disadvantages include the fact that the bottom of this design is low. It will be convenient for the baby to play, but not to sleep very well. Also, in this case, there is no clear separation of the game and sleeping areas, which can adversely affect the daily routine of the baby.

Manege screen

playpen sizes

This is a universal fence with which you can create a full-fledged play area, and close the dangerous area from the baby (stairs, walkways, fireplace). Barriers can be made of plastic, wood or metal. The kit also includes a mat on which the baby will be located. In size, playpens in the form of a screen can be very different, which depends on the free space in the room. The main thing is that the height is at least 80 cm.

Inflatable playpen

It is often used in the warm season, because a baby in such an inflatable "house" can even walk outside. Some models are even intended for use as a pool. The height of the playpen in this case should be large, since it can be used by the child as a trampoline and it is important to observe safety measures.

Advantages of the inflatable model:

  • affordable price;
  • ease and simplicity in leaving;
  • compactness (in a deflated form, it easily fits in your purse);
  • security.

The disadvantages include a short life and can be punctured inflatable option with a sharp object inadvertently.

Playpen Dimensions

Playpen Dimensions

Regardless of the type, shape and variety of the playpen for the child, it is worthwhile first of all to pay attention to the height of the structure. Now produced models in which the height varies from 70 cm to 110 cm. For some options, the position of the bottom, and accordingly the height of the walls can be adjusted. Thus, the playpen can be used not only when the baby is still sitting, but also when he is already standing on his legs.

There are options for combining the playpen with a crib or changing table. These are removable structures that consist of two tiers. At the top there is a place for sleeping or swaddling, and at the bottom there is a play area. This option is most often used when there is a small free space in the room.

The standard sizes of the playpen: 118 x 110, 96 x 96, 102 x 70 and others. They primarily depend on whether it is folding or stationary. It is better not to make a choice in favor of the easy option, since it can turn over under the weight of the child. The larger and more stable the design, the safer for the baby. But here it all depends on the availability of free space in the room.

Criterias of choice

Playpen Height

The choice of playpen for the baby is a difficult task for parents, especially when the mass market offers all kinds of options that differ in shape, size and material of manufacture. It is important to consider several points.

What to look for when choosing a playpen for a child?

1. Sustainability.

This is the most important criterion on which the design safety depends. It is important that the base is wide so that the baby cannot swing over the playpen while swinging.

2. Dimensions.

It all depends on the availability of space in the room. For example, the dimensions of the square of the Fairy arena are 90 x 90 x 79 cm, its weight is 13 kg, so although it is small, it does not belong to the easy version. It will not be easy for a child to turn over the design. He stands on his feet, does not take up much space, and the mesh is easy to clean. The cost of the model is 3250 rubles.

3. The lack of sharp corners.

When buying, carefully inspect all the corners, they should be rounded, rubberized sides or upholstered with a soft cloth.

4. Type of construction (folding or stationary).

A folding option is suitable for a small apartment, most often the playpen is folded in the form of a booklet. For a large room, you can choose a stationary version of wood or metal.

5. Color.

Kids love everything bright and colorful. But if the playpen is made of a net through which the child contemplates the world around him, this may affect his eyesight. When choosing such an arena, it is worth using its short time.

Safety tips

Playpen features of choice

When choosing, one must take into account not only the size of the playpen, but also its level of safety for the baby. The most optimal is the height of the walls at the level of 80 cm, but this depends on the height of the child. The bottom and sides should be upholstered with soft material.

If you prefer a playpen from a grid, then it is worth giving preference to small cells through which a button on a child’s clothes will not be able to get stuck. In wooden structures there are rods, the distance between them should be 5-6 cm. The child's head will not crawl into such an opening.

Buying a model with legs on wheels? Check how well the latches work, otherwise the playpen will be unstable. The materials from which the sides are made, as well as the mesh, must be made of hypoallergenic compounds. When purchasing goods, ask for a certificate of quality for the products.


Firms producing playpens for children offer the Russian consumer a huge selection of products for every taste, color, size and design. Despite the fact that you can get lost in such a variety, you should take into account many factors when choosing, starting from the materials of manufacture and ending with the safety and stability of the structure.

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