How to remove the smell of cat urine? Good advice

Together with a kitten, not only joy comes to the house, but also the smell of cat urine. Indeed, sometimes our favorite starts walking not on a specially designated tray, but on a carpet, furniture, laminate flooring and so on. How to remove the smell of cat urine? This is the topic of our article today.

Before we start the discussion on the merits, I would like to note that it is extremely undesirable to punish cats in such cases! The offended pet will despair your shoes from despair ... You yourself will be to blame! Now let's talk about the reasons for this behavior of the animal and find out how to remove the smell of cat urine.

how to remove the smell of cat urine

Reasons Cats Shit Anywhere

  1. First you need to identify the "root of evil." This problem may be the result of a poorly washed cat tray (or its rare change).
  2. In some cases, the capacity used just becomes small for the cat, as your pet has the ability to grow. In this case, it becomes inconvenient for him to go to it. Do not forget about it!
  3. More serious reasons cats urinate in inappropriate places can be health problems or stressful situations. That is why it is not recommended to scold the animal, because it will be scared even more and will do the trick again!
  4. Bladder problems and incontinence can also contribute to this behavior of the animal. Now, finally, let's find out how to remove the smell of cat urine.
    how to wash the smell of cat urine

Home Remedies for Cat Smell

  1. A wonderful oxidizing agent that relieves us of the unpleasant smell of urine is, of course, concentrated lemon juice. You need to squeeze it onto a sponge and wet a place damaged by your cat (for example, on a sofa).
  2. You can use vinegar solution. It is also an excellent oxidizing agent. It very quickly erodes from the surfaces it has rubbed, taking with it the cat smell.
  3. How to wash the smell of cat urine? Of course, a solution of potassium permanganate! This is the most famous and time-tested home remedy. Potassium permanganate is a rather powerful oxidizing agent and disinfectant. Apply the solution to the place damaged by your pet and let it dry. The procedure is repeated until the smell has completely disappeared.

Special remedies for cat odor

In addition to home methods, there are professional tools that effectively solve the problem of how to remove the smell of cat urine at home. Go to any veterinary clinic or pet store and get advice on the drug you are interested in. Beware of unverified products that mask cat odors, rather than removing them!

cat urine odor eliminator

The choice of special equipment against the smell of a cat

If you are not sure about your choice, we will help you make it. There is a wonderful professional cat urine odor eliminator called DesoSan. He has proven himself in the domestic market. No less effective have shown themselves and such means as "ZooSan", "Bio-G", "Zoovorsin" and others. By the way, all of the above drugs will perfectly cope with the treatment of the cat tray.

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